Definition of Abaft
abaft (preposition) - behind; toward the stern from
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How can abaft be used in a sentence?
Both sheats abaft do hale straitway and boleins all let go.
nullThe bunk next on the port side to the cook's and abaft of it
nullThe swell was coming abaft now and she clutched at him for support.
nullThe next one abaft of his own he named "Killeny Boy's," and called on
nullHe made his way to the yam sacks lashed abaft the mizzenmast and got his bottle.
nullTalbot woke in his sea-cabin abaft the bridge to find Van Gelder bending over him.
nullAn ideal wind blew from abaft the beam, somewhere between the stern and the midships.
nullThe missile struck the Fucik's hull six feet above the waterline, slightly abaft the bridge.
nullThe mast is placed well abaft, and to tack or veer it is only necessary to reverse the sheet.
nullA tripod mast rose abaft the bridge, bearing a large radar dish and an array of exotic antennae.
nullLord Worth, in his luxurious stateroom immediately abaft the flight deck, was making up for time lost during
nullAttached to the mast, it is visible from ahead around to an angle of 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on both sides.
nullIt was nothing less than the form of a man stepping inboard over the starboard rail, a little abaft the main rigging.
nullThere had been three lanterns lit when he left the sick bay, strung on a pulley stretched abaft the long, narrow cabin.
nullIn quick succession three out of the four bullets the magazine contained penetrated its body just abaft the pectoral fins.
nullA vision in watered aqua silk hove, abaft our resting place, in loud raptures over the divinity of the play the night before.
nullAway aft, a dim, shadowy form stood in the wake of a swaying belt of moonlight, that swept the deck a bit abaft the main-mast.
nullAs the San Andreas was heading just a degree or two west of south and the wind was from the north it was almost directly abaft.
nullOn HMS Sikh, another of the larger 1,870 ton Tribals, the Gunnery Officer stood in his director tower above and abaft the bridge.
nullThe pressure eased a little later in the day, when the ice on the port side broke away from the ship to just abaft the main rigging.
nullThe flag of the PDRK was taken down, folded, and stowed, the Stars and Stripes tied to a makeshift mast abaft of the bridge in its place.
nullHe had already explained that to Mary, who had been up all night, too -- nursing * James Wait on the sun deck, abaft of the officers 'cabins.
nullThe sternlight is a white light placed as near the stern as possible and visible astern from an angle of 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on either side.
nullAnd after a few more rapid orders the handy little craft was dashing away, with the wind abaft the beam, and her head about two points north of east.
nullSidelights are red and green lights visible on the port and starboard sides respectively from directly ahead to an angle of 22.5 degrees abaft the beam.
nullCuriously, he watched as the plane backed slightly to spit out the wire, then taxied cautiously past a row of Hornets parked shoulder to shoulder abaft of the island.
nullFidel Castro started his life journey from a sugar cane farm in Cuba 80 years ago; stood in the abaft and victoriously led the Cubans in the rebellion against the Batistans at the age of 32.
nullCharles Davis came abaft the 'midship-house, and, while we talked, many faces peered over the for'ard edge of the house and many forms slouched into view on the deck on each side of the house.
nullThe carrier's number-one CIWS, mounted to starboard on the flight deck, outboard of the island and just below and abaft of the bridge, detected the chaff containers and reacted with superhuman speed
nullIn fact, not so much as a hen-coop had been left on her spar deck, which was clean swept by the violence of the gale, that also seemed to have nearly parted her in two a little abaft the main-chains.
nullHer interior was wholly rebuilt, so that the hold became main-cabin and staterooms, while abaft amidships were installed engines, a dynamo, an ice machine, storage batteries, and, far in the stern, gasoline tanks.
nullThe 6 day they wayed ancre, and bare further off into the sea, where they ancred in seuen fathom water, the ship being very leake, and so rotten abaft the maine mast, that a man with his nailes might scrape thorow her side.
nullA nao was a Portuguese term nef or nau in French for a full-rigged round ship, with large square-rigged sails on two or three masts, sometimes with a lateen-rigged mizzen and a smaller mast called a bonaventure abaft the mizzen.
nullShe is a huge paddle-steamer, of the old-fashioned American type, deck above deck, balconies, a pilot-house abaft the foremast, two monstrous walking beams, and two masts which, possibly in case of need, might serve as jury masts.
nullA glance up the hatchway showed the giant that the arms he had planned to seize were defended by ten firelocks, and that, behind the open doors of the partition which ran abaft the mizenmast, the remainder of the detachment stood to their arms.
nullWholly covered in ice and snow, it glittered and shone and sparkled in the bright moonlight except for a narrow central area/abaft of the superstructure where wisping smoke from the shattered funnel had laid a brown smear all the way to the stern post.
nullWhen he tried to think about it, he found nothing but a roaring of wind and of waves in his ears, a numbness of arms as he laboured with the oar tholed abaft to keep her heavy head up, a prickly chill in his legs as the brine in the wallowing boat ran up them, and then a great wallop and gollop of the element too abundant round him.
nullAnd then there's what Hyundai called the Ultimate package, a Maybach-like set of business-class power reclining seats in the back, with heating and massage; power headrests with tilt-in adjustable bolsters like some airline seats; a refrigerator in the center console, abaft of the rear seat/climate/entertainment control panel and 8-inch display; and three window shades for the full celebrity treatment.
Tips for Using abaft in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with abaft if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before abaft in sentences. For example: "just abaft" or "points abaft"
- just
- points
- and
- or
- wind
- little
- degrees
- feet
- deck
- is
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after abaft in sentences. For example: "abaft the" or "abaft ."
- the
- .
- of
- her
- it
- this
- and
- amidships
- with
- our
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- mainmast
- funnel
- conning
- forecastle
- starboard
- amidships
- aft
- broadside
- superstructure
- mast
Alternate Definitions
- abaft (preposition) - see under <er>beam</er>
- abaft (adverb) - toward the stern; aft