Definition of Abdicate
abdicate (verb) - give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations
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How can abdicate be used in a sentence?
I think us counselors can abdicate that responsibility.
nullThe word abdicate has to our ears a certain regal sound.
nullWill Mayawati agree to 'abdicate' in favour of anyone else?
nullIt's important not to abdicate responsibility for decision-making.
nullAnd African governments once again get to abdicate their responsibilities.
nullYes, I did mean "abdicate," as in abdicate their judgment TO that of their leaders.
nullThe answer for CNN is not to abdicate its authority but to use it more aggressively.
nullKamal Abu Sena urges the president to live with dignity and "abdicate," as he put it.
nullOr kids tugging at their parent's arms to ask what "abdicate" means, at the very least.
nullHe's got a full plate here at home, not that he's going to abdicate those foreign relationships.
nullThis is all the more reason why the U.S. can't afford to abdicate its international leadership role.
nullMr. Mubarak's decision to abdicate more of his power, under duress from protesters, could add urgency to those efforts.
nullIt is critical, however, that we don't abdicate our philanthropic responsibility and leave giving solely to the very rich.
nullDo not compel the Emperor to abdicate, but do not delay the departure of the troops; bring back all those who will not remain there.
nullA common mistake is for people to assume that once they commit to a spiritual teacher they can abdicate responsibility for themselves.
nullAnd furthermore, institutional investors would rather abdicate their own due diligence responsibilities when they buy risky securities.
nullThere should be "clear consequences" for youngsters who commit crimes, and their parents should not be allowed to "abdicate" responsibility.
nullThey are the ones who have decided to abdicate their responsibility to solve the problem through a broadly popular comprehensive reform plan.
nullUnder a celebratory facade, Egypt has remained on edge since Mubarak was forced to abdicate Friday, as uncertainty grew over the revolution's next stages.
nullTheir prevalence and influence offer an important lesson in what happens when courts abdicate their responsibility by improperly deferring to the legislative branch.
nullI am flatly against lowering the standards at Cannes but a festival this prominent funded by European taxpayers, can't abdicate responsibility on the subject of diversity.
nullAnd now comes Gen. Petraeus, buttressed by his credulous chorus in Washington, so willing to abdicate the responsibility of making the hard choices we elected them to make.
nullMubarak failed to deliver on all three counts and having breached the unwritten social contract, was required to pay the ultimate political price and abdicate humiliatingly.
nullUntil such a will is expressed, and as long as no willingness to negotiate is shown by the other side, I do not see that we can abdicate our burdensome position in South Vietnam.
nullPerhaps operating under the fear of that "if you try to actually fix something, you own it politically," our government continues to abdicate its responsibilities in the ongoing disaster.
nullPerhaps operating under the fear of that "if you try to actually fix something, you own it politically," our government continues to abdicate its responsibilities in the ongoing disaster in the Gulf.
nullThumbing his nose at federal assistance seems to abdicate his responsibilities to the Judd Hesses of his community and others who are down and out, living in tent colonies, arguably not because they want to.
nullAnd, opinion polls have suggested, done by various television networks that over 55 percent still want her to stay on the throne and not to retire or even to abdicate, which is not in our constitution anyway.
nullThe president of Ivory Coast has refused to "abdicate" in the wake of post election violence and said that any attempt to remove him will be met by force, his American representative has told The Daily Telegraph.
nullAs the Egyptian crisis grew and it became apparent protesters weren't going home Senator McCain bizarrely announced his call for President Mubarak to abdicate, via twitter: @SenJohnMcCain: Regrettably the time has come 4 Pres.
nullOne cross-cutting theme of the study, featuring broad participation from unions, carriers, manufactures and regulators, is that "pilots sometimes abdicate too much responsibility to the automated systems," according to Ms. Abbott.
nullOf course, Schumer would respond by saying that to put it off would be to abdicate legislative responsibility, and that the proliferating patchwork of laws at the state and local levels points to the imperative need to enact legislation now.
nullThere can be no doubt that nothing was further from the mind of James than to abdicate his throne-and, indeed, the Convention left open for everybody to interpret "abdicate" as a 'voluntary or an involuntary retirement from the throne as he wished.
nullAnd right when everyone was feeling its loss most keenly, Alobar, who, alone, still wore a beet costume-it was the most fulfilling garment he had worn since he was forced to abdicate his kingly ermine-lifted everyone's spirits by spilling the beans.
nullAlthough Reza Shah came to power with British support, he took some measures to limit British influence, and when he tried to keep Iran neutral in World War II, Britain forced him to abdicate in favor of his son, Mohammad Reza Shah, in September 1941.
nullI have never held such a high office --- nor do I aspire for it, nor have the talents to achieve it --- but I think that if I somehow was 'drafted' I would like to believe I'd follow the Mises line and "abdicate" or the Leonard Read line and "push the button".
nullBloggers were joined by online advocacy groups including MoveOn, CredoAction, ColorofChange. org, SavetheInternet. com and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which are urging the FCC chair not to abdicate his responsibility to stop corporations from picking and choosing how users access information over the Internet.
nullBut Schoenfeld clearly wants a well-known news organization like the New York Times and its journalists, to which he is obviously antipathetic, to be prosecuted to create what lawyers call a chilling effect on the rest of the American news media, persuading them to abdicate their right and responsibility to decide what they publish and broadcast.
Tips for Using abdicate in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with abdicate if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before abdicate in sentences. For example: "to abdicate" or "not abdicate"
- to
- not
- would
- should
- and
- must
- or
- will
- we
- can
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after abdicate in sentences. For example: "abdicate ." or "abdicate in"
- .
- in
- the
- their
- his
- and
- its
- responsibility
- from
- our
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- abdication
- throne
- pahlavi
- elba
- favour
- abdicated
- cao
- bonaparte
- relinquish
- favor
Alternate Definitions
- abdicate (transitive verb) - to surrender or relinquish, as sovereign power; to withdraw definitely from filling or exercising, as a high office, station, dignity
- abdicate (transitive verb) - to renounce; to relinquish; -- said of authority, a trust, duty, right, etc
- abdicate (transitive verb) - to reject; to cast off
- abdicate (transitive verb) - to disclaim and expel from the family, as a father his child; to disown; to disinherit
- abdicate (intransitive verb) - to relinquish or renounce a throne, or other high office or dignity