Definition of Abduct
abduct (verb) - pull away from the body
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How can abduct be used in a sentence?
"abduct" Kiara Harmon, in the words of the gym worker.
nullAnd usually who abduct someone don ` t take them that far.
nullAnd might ETs, on occasion, "abduct" CTs as well as humans?
nullThe teacher asked little mary and little mary said "abduct,"
nullBut I don ` t see a motivation to abduct Haleigh through all of this.
nullLittle mary said "abduct" means to take away a person or a thing by force. "
nullMr. Kelly said the decision to abduct the boy appeared to be "totally random."
null"abduct" her when she was nine in a bid to preserve the superstar's "reputation".
nullA man tried to abduct a 5-year-old boy Monday in Prince William County, police said.
nullThey attack only to invoke fear, steal supplies, abduct children and maintain their survival.
null"Mr. Bondurant, how is it that you managed to abduct me just seconds after my house was blown up?"
nullAnd American dad behind bars tonight in Japan, charged with trying to abduct his young daughter and son.
nullVELEZ-MITCHELL: Authorities say just one hour before kidnapping Hall, Garrido tried to abduct another woman.
null"This Soergg the Hutt, " Luminara asked them, 'the one who sent you to abduct Barriss: did he ever tell youwhy he wanted her?
nullEvery terror organization, by definition, will attempt to abduct soldiers and civilians from the countries against which it operates.
nullThe teacher asked little mary and little mary said "abduct," Little mary said "abduct" means to take away a person or a thing by force. "
nullHe was sent by Hamas in the Gaza Strip to abduct IDF soldiers to use as bargaining chips for the release of imprisoned Palestinian terrorists.
nullHis immediate plan was to lure Israeli soldiers to the Israeli-Egyptian border by pretending to be a drug dealer, and then sedate and abduct them.
nullWanda Barzeee is due in federal court next hour to face charges that she helped abduct Smart with the intent to engage in criminal sexual activity.
nullThousands of people are going to symbolically 'abduct' themselves and stand in solidarity with all the abducted children forced to fight as soldiers.
nullRachel (Chastain) and her two male colleagues, Stephan and David (Martin Csokas and Worthington), are sent to Germany to abduct him and take him to Israel.
nullTwelve-year-old Cassidy stopped at an Amarillo, Texas, gas station with her grandmother, Sharrell Blackenburger, when 58-year-old Gary Carner tried to abduct her.
nullHuffington Post: "Thousands of people are going to symbolically 'abduct' themselves and stand in solidarity with all the abducted children forced to fight as soldiers.
nullThat court motion also detailed an alleged sexual affair with one of Kaine's high school classmates, and a reported attempt to "abduct" the couple's young daughter Kiara.
nullPetit Jackson also accuses the Thriller hitmaker's mother, Katherine Jackson, of scheming to "abduct" her when she was nine in a bid to preserve the superstar's "reputation".
nullMs Petit Jackson alleged that when she was nine years old, Jackson's mother Katherine devised a plan to "abduct" her and sent her to Belgium to protect her son's "reputation".
nullIn order to avenge Mughniyeh's death, Hezbollah attempted to blow up the Israeli Embassy in Azerbaijan, attack Israeli tourists in the Sinai, and abduct Israeli businessmen in Africa.
nullA man tried to abduct a 5-year-old boy Monday in Prince William County, said police, and officers were to spend Tuesday handing out flyers in the Bristow area where the incident took place.
nullMaybe the crazy boy she had been with had tried to abduct her and the car had somehow protected her, maybe even accidentally, when it got a whiff of his pheromones and knew that his intentions weren't good.
nullThis week in Lahore, Pakistan, the legal charity Reprieve launched a lawsuit against the Pakistani government for helping the US military to abduct and imprison seven Pakistani nationals without trial or charge.
nullThis week in Lahore, Pakistan, the legal charity Reprieve has launched a lawsuit against the Pakistani government for helping the US military to abduct and imprison seven Pakistani nationals without trial or charge.
nullAfter an offensive against LRA bases in the Congo, led by the Ugandan army with support from the United States, LRA groups have also moved to the Central African Republic, or CAR, where they continue to kill and abduct.
nullAn international security company with clients and employees in Libya on Wednesday voiced concern over reports they received that orders had gone out to Gadhafi followers to abduct journalists and diplomatic staff working in the country.
nullAnd, as you've indicated, once they're separated from their families, from a-- from a family structure, they're -- they're really vulnerable to, you know, the influence of adults that offer things or simply, you know, just abduct them and take them.
nullI'm here to give a few tips about things to include and things you should never say even if your life depended on it and if you didn't include it that scary guy from Rush Hour (you know the one with the dyed blonde Sisqo hair?) will come and abduct you.
nullWhat I asked in my argument is to imagine that I say that I am free to kill you, to take your property away, to abduct you, to torture you, to imprison you or to do whatever I want to you and that I am the only one entitled to decide whether I do it or not.
nullThe local part of a global rally, the event is orchestrated by a nonprofit called Invisible Children that's asking volunteers in 100 cities to "abduct" themselves, march to a public place and wait there until they are rescued by prominent state figures and media.
nullDays after the announcement, Mr. Gao's worried family still does not know where he is, or which prison he will be sent to, although friends and family conclude that being in a prison is better than "being disappeared," an increasingly common practice in which police simply abduct activists off the streets.
nullThe Ganymede myth was a cornerstone of Greek pederast culture, especially on the island of Crete, where inhabitants performed a ritual described by the Greek historian Ephorus: men would ceremonially "abduct" young boys, taking them into the countryside for two months of feasting, hunting, and sexual intercourse.
Tips for Using abduct in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with abduct if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before abduct in sentences. For example: "to abduct" or "and abduct"
- to
- and
- not
- or
- would
- can
- who
- they
- will
- could
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after abduct in sentences. For example: "abduct the" or "abduct her"
- the
- her
- and
- a
- him
- his
- me
- or
- .
- you
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- adduct
- imprison
- sita
- theseus
- abduction
- parvati
- ransom
- foiled
- thumb
- wrist
Alternate Definitions
- abduct (transitive verb) - to take away surreptitiously by force; to carry away (a human being) wrongfully and usually by violence; to kidnap
- abduct (transitive verb) - to draw away, as a limb or other part, from its ordinary position