Definition of Abjure
abjure (verb) - formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure
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How can abjure be used in a sentence?
I will abjure all irony (wasted) and sarcasm (unworthy).
nullErard exclaimed that she must "abjure" or be burnt at once.
nullThese serve to cloud men's minds to abjure rational thought.
nullAll the more of a shame that you appear to abjure such teaching.
nullWe also abjure those, like Ms. Clinton, for whom merit is secondary to expediency.
nullAnd you'll impress your pals when you drop "abjure" or "loquacity" in conversation.
nullEvery speech is of course a collaboration, and the speechwriter's code is to abjure authorship.
null"Those who 'abjure' violence can only do so because others are committing violence on their behalf."
nullOn receiving this the victim might either openly abjure his former ways, or might fly from the country.
nullThat, presumably, is why he must 'abjure' this 'rough magic' by breaking his magical staff and drowning his book.
nullPolicy makers should abjure knee-jerk reforms and carefully consider the actual impact of proposed changes on pay.
nullAnd downright unhelpful is Ms. Finney's suggestion that one abjure such "stress hormone-inducing substances" as coffee.
nullMany people, if not most, abjure speculation, subscribing instead to a Muddling Through bias, the last row of Table 2 [13].
nullI guess there is a reason they abjure the label liberal besides the connotation that has been applied to it by liberals who ain't.
nullNot necessarily politically, but in temperament: They abjure fad and fashion in drink, hewing to the Platonic form of the cocktail.
nullSo, what we end up at is a determina that Hamlet should "throw to earth/This unprevailing woe," that he should abjure his own grief.
nullThough I'm sure there are many parents who abjure such bribery on principle, those of us made of less stern stuff use it where needed.
nullIndeed, as George Orwell observed, "Those who 'abjure' violence can only do so because others are committing violence on their behalf."
nullMost environmentalists abjure talk of transcendence and Spirit because they are moderns at heart -- they agree that all being is material being.
nullConservatives are less entranced by playful psychosexual archetypes than you or I, and tend to abjure ambiguity when there are blunt objects available.
nullThus we need never argue our claim that this faith of Troth and knowledgeses does not, has not, and cannot ever lead one to abjure evidence inconsistent with it.
nullAnd their job is nothing but to protect the person they are assigned to protect and I don't believe they abjure that duty for politics or as part of some conspiracy.
nullBut if Hillary's race-card politics make them feel sufficiently disenfranchised, these Obama supporters may abjure Hillary and sit out the general election altogether.
nullThese are the very people Orwell was describing, who 'abjure' violence and are not even aware that they are kept safe by 'rough men' ready to do violence on their behalf.
nullAm I living in Dreamland or was there not a time in American politics when a 'reverend' like Hucklebee would abjure from politics purely on the grounds of separation of church and state?
null'Pak has evidence about India's involvement in Balochistan' today said Government was willing to open talks with the Maoists provided they "abjure" violence which, he said, was the only hurdle to hold
nullApparently the Republican senators will demand that all future nominees abjure any serious use of foreign legal materials; the result might well be to make our constitutional practice more insular, to our cost.
nullAhmadinajad has refused to abjure terrorism or criticize Al Qaeda; Qadaffi has condemned al Qaeda, arrested its representatives, and assailed the Wahhabist fundamentalism that animates and pays for al Qaeda terrorism.
nullTime and again the people are advised to abjure these bit players who are anyway inexorably under the sway of the Infinite God and dedicate themselves to the more challenging task of connecting to the one true universal power.
nullI hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; ...
nullA good shortlist to start with would be to close down Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, abjure torture and rendition, prosecute Blackwater's killings of civilians, and vow that America will never conquer its enemies by behaving like them.
nullWe are also going to have to inquire as to which pharmacy chains these jokers work for, that we may boycott, abjure, and generally condemn and deride and make fun of them until they fire these idiots and replace them with actual pros.
nullHow is it that both candidates who claim to abjure the invasion of Iraq gave unceremonious blessings in support of Colombia's acts of pre-emption in the name of self-defense, as well as Bush's stigmatizing of Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez?
nullAs a convert to this One True Faith, I hereby abjure all evidence, strong or weak, that might challenge our claim that this faith of Troth and knowledgeses does not, has not, and cannot ever lead one to abjure evidence inconsistent with it.
nullThe one thing we can probably say for sure about the prospects for universal nuclear disarmament is that no state will agree either to abjure or to dismantle nuclear weapons unless it believes that such a course is the best course for its own national security.
nullMr. Coburn was all the more deadly for being fair-minded: he was tough on both parties as operating in a crisis from "scripts," with Democrats saying everything is Bush's fault and Republicans decrying high spending and taxing while failing to abjure earmarks and admit what must be cut.
nullNow, Elizabeth Edwards is a supremely class act, so her reply to Roberts was a sort of indulgent, gentle reminder to the anchorman of what she had already said, about wanting to elevate the political discourse by at least requesting that the vile Coulter discuss issues and abjure personal slurs.
nullThere was some murmuring among the crowd during this long ceremony; for while Jeanne was alive the English soldiery dared attempt nothing fresh; and they only saw in her refusals to "abjure" an immediate reason for handing her over from the ecclesiastical justice to the secular, whose ways were swifter.
nullWishing however, to remove from the minds of your Eminences and all faithful Christians this vehement suspicion reasonably conceived against me, I abjure with a sincere heart and unfeigned faith, I curse and detest the said errors and heresies, and generally all and every error, heresy, and sect contrary to the Holy Catholic Church.
Tips for Using abjure in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with abjure if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before abjure in sentences. For example: "to abjure" or "and abjure"
- to
- and
- not
- would
- must
- should
- they
- we
- will
- shall
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after abjure in sentences. For example: "abjure the" or "abjure his"
- the
- his
- their
- all
- .
- it
- and
- any
- them
- her
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- catholicism
- faith
- realm
- burnt
- condemned
- errors
- beliefs
- pope
- refused
- catholic
Alternate Definitions
- abjure (intransitive verb) - to renounce on oath
- abjure (transitive verb) - to renounce or reject with solemnity; to recant; to abandon forever; to reject; repudiate