Definition of Banter
banter (noun) - light teasing repartee
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How can banter be used in a sentence?
Only a minority of the postings were "banter" or idle chat.
nullThe banter is fine and chuckle worthy and the jokes are the same.
nullInterspersed with the banter was the odd muttering of "See you soon" and
nullHer banter was the most extensive, and again, such ease with the audience.
nullThe word banter caught my ear and I thought I'd better look up the etymology.
nullI keep hearing all the "down with corporations" banter from the left wing idiots.
nullSir Robert Peel was an excellent hand at what our fathers called banter and we call chaff.
nullThey consented and Lupin resumed, in that tone of imperceptible banter which is all his own:
nullI fully expect the POTUS to engage in banter with Palin every so often to elevate her standing.
nullKen was callow, young, and backward; but he had a temper, and this kind of banter roused it easily.
nullWhen their banter is charged and substantive, the show shivers with organic, real emotional tension.
nullMartin escapes the bulk of this so called banter, purely down to the face he doesn't sit opposite me.
nullI thought I saw the word banter mentioned somewhere, I must be getting dyslexic in my old age. fuggyred:
nullI love being on a PSU, the banter is the best bit and getting petrol bombed once a year is sooo much fun.
nullSince Helen is in first grade now, I am wondering what kind of banter is being thrown around her classroom.
nullThen of course theres Morgan and Garcias banter, which is nothing short of hilarious and at times really sweet.
nullAs a rule, such banter is kept between those who understand it and, in fact, benefit from the release it offers.
nullThis was the time of Jonathan Swift, the author of Gulliver's Travels and Jonathan Swift had opinions about the word banter
nullIndeed, the film specialist took the scenic route on the flick-freeway, and his banter was a parrot ` s cacophonous chatter.
nullJust a disclaimer: my postings on SP of this nature (engaging in banter with ReaganWingers and their ilk) is for pure enjoyment.
nullBut, frankly, I'd rather point out that having Spitzer and Parker sit so close together and trade sly banter is just plain creepy.
nullHe did not keep up the kind of banter with her that he did with Charmian; he did not pay her compliments, and she hated compliments from men.
null(As in, she hasn't yelled at anything / one yet.) - Cute Intern is proficient in witty banter, which is probably my favorite form of flirting.
nullAccording to the OED Swift categorized the word banter as slang "as a word 'invented by some pretty Fellows' and 'now struggling for the Vogue'."
nullYou bring good diversity to the BombCast because your opinions are varied and present a good contrast to what can sometimes be predictable banter from the guys.
nullFleda took her note to the window, half angry with herself that a kind of banter in which certainly there was very little wit should have power enough to disturb her.
nullSo this is the kind of banter that goes on that helps the public and us figure out what the stories are, what's being hidden, what games are being played and so forth.
nullFleda took her note to the window, half angry with herself that a kind of banter, in which certainly there was very little wit, should have power enough to disturb her.
nullI still choose not to be offended as insults are made by idiots who do not matter and banter is made by friends who do. on January 15, 2009 at 9: 40 pm | Reply D. Silberstein
nullThe combo of Adam Scott (previously), Ken Marino, Ryan Hansen, Lizzy Caplan, and Martin Starr positively slays me, and the banter is as weird and amazing as anything on 30 Rock.
nullRawlings recalled the banter he used to share with premiership defender Mick Martyn - who had the locker beside his - and the many games of indoor cricket played in the main room.
nullThe scene was typical of any New York or Los Angeles opening: wine, cheese, and a crowd of fashionable art enthusiasts engaged in banter about the recent fairs and exhibitions they've seen.
nullBut it's about time the bullies had their comeuppance, and if, on occasion, the artificialities of the cocktail party banter is disrupted, it's just something we'll have to learn to live with.
nullHe spent time hanging out with them and listening to how they talk, like this kind of banter between Tina Kill (ph) and Lane Laudmill (ph), officers at the St. Paul's police department's crime lab.
nullBut that was hardly going to stop him sharing examples of graphic toilet humour which might not be fit for a quality newspaper or indulging in the kind of banter which is a fact of life in the Army.
nullThere's a lot of, you know, kind of banter that people have that's pretty vulgar and can be pretty obscene on a movie set, I think they can be really kind of crude to be funny and to break the tension.
nullThey turned and walked up the street, nodding to an occasional lounger, laughing and talking easily, yet each knew that their banter was a meandering current leading to something deeper which would be sounded before they separated.
nullThere is, indeed, a kind of banter, not unknown in academical circles, which takes the heart out of every one by displaying them in a ludicrous and depreciating light; a professor of this art will make out a sensitive person to be a coward, and a poetical man to be a sentimental fool; and then the conversation, "like a fountain's sickening pulse, retires."
Tips for Using banter in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with banter if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before banter in sentences. For example: "the banter" or "of banter"
- the
- of
- and
- to
- their
- light
- friendly
- his
- natured
- in
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after banter in sentences. For example: "banter ." or "banter and"
- .
- and
- with
- of
- between
- about
- in
- that
- was
- to
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- gaiety
- amusing
- jokes
- sidekick
- witty
- cher
- wit
- humour
- humor
- joke
Alternate Definitions
- banter (noun) - a joking or jesting; good-humored ridicule or raillery; wit or humor; pleasantry
- banter (noun) - a challenge to a match or contest; the match or contest itself
- banter (transitive verb) - to address playful good-natured ridicule to, -- the person addressed, or something pertaining to him, being the subject of the jesting; to rally
- banter (transitive verb) - to jest about; to ridicule in speaking of, as some trait, habit, characteristic, and the like
- banter (transitive verb) - to delude or trick, -- esp. by way of jest
- banter (transitive verb) - to challenge or defy to a match