How can cajole be used in a sentence?
"He was exactly, though, the sort you can cajole."
nullThey were going to attempt to summon-or rather, cajole-a Unicorn.
nullYou cannot persuade, cajole, flatter or bribe this unknown editor.
nullBully me, cajole me, love meThis year, the audience were the stars.
nullThey just cajole our sons and brothers to go to war and murder others
nullIt's not as if our teacher had to cajole us into cooperation every day.
null"We're supposed to cajole people to give more passing grades," Massel said.
nullAnd it will take strong inducements to cajole creditors into accepting an exchange.
nullShe spends hours trying to cajole the mentally ill to visit a nearby psychiatric clinic.
nullAnd then kind of cajole and push and say why certain things should work and certain things wouldn't work.
nullWhat Sinclair didn't know was that O'Connor had a hidden agenda: to flatter, cajole, or bully him out of the race.
nullProbably whoever was in refuge there, well aside from the path, had rushed to soothe and cajole his beast into silence.
null"cajole" companies, power ultimately lay with consumers, who should reject products which failed to meet the guidelines.
nullIt is much easier to bully and cajole other claimants to the sea's many atolls, waterways and natural resources individually.
nullThe best satire is always grounded in optimism: faith in the writer's power to gibe and cajole a dormant conscience to reform.
nullThe Fed has had to cajole investors to participate in the program, which it announced in November, and has made several changes.
null(Curators complain about how much work it is to cajole objects out of collectors 'hands instead of just buying the darned things.)
nullYou'll suck no marrow from that bone with the three of us, not even if you somehow managed to cajole ten more into accompanying you.
nullDemocrats beg, cajole, plead and, even with this huge electoral majority, cower in the corner chanting the mantra "please don't hurt me."
nullBrendan dutifully padded along behind to cajole her back outside to practice, so she could make a real try at saving herself the next day.
nullShe has come over to the NATO headquarters to try to cajole the other 27 members of the NATO alliance into providing more troops for Afghanistan.
nullThe twin moves reflects the Obama administration's difficulty in finding the right degree of pressure to cajole Beijing to change economic policies.
nullThe FDA should have the authority to order recalls of tainted food, and not have to wheedle and cajole to get a company to retrieve a contaminated product.
nullThey are constrained by the separation of powers and forced to ride the tiger of public opinion; they must persuade, cajole, and arm-twist to get their way.
nullUnless the president is able to cajole some of the more pissed off activists on the left, they'll entrench and will become equally as immovable as the wingnut right.
nullMr. Rattner's approach has been one of blunt force and big dollars, using the power of the Treasury and the president's bully pulpit to cajole bondholders and unions.
nullIronically, it has been Netanyahu who has consistently tried to cajole Livni into joining his government - enlisting some of her American friends at times to urge her to reconsider.
nullScotland on Sunday understands that Hazel Blears, who resigned from the Cabinet on Wednesday, attempted to "cajole" several other ministers to quit on Thursday in a bid to force Brown out.
null"Convince, cajole, aggressively push China to drive domestic consumption, and have India, Brazil and a few other countries, maybe including Japan, push infrastructure spending much higher."
nullTrade policies, including possible sanctions, would be necessary to cajole competing companies to exit a lucrative market to ensure the free trade of information -- and support of human rights.
nullThe sources, who represent creditors to Chrysler, say they were taken aback by the hardball tactics that the Obama administration employed to cajole them into acquiescing to plans to restructure Chrysler.
nullBut frack that, what really matters is that you've got Christopher Plummer as Tolstoy and Helen Mirren as the Countess, and the opportunity to watch them seduce, cajole, clash, and otherwise play off each other.
nullBut frack that, what really matters is that you've got Christopher Plummer as Tolstoy and Helen Mirren as the Countess, and the opportunity to watch them seduce, cajole, clash, and otherwise play off each other.
nullAustin's comment reflects the fact that software companies like IBM and Microsoft usually "cajole" their customers into buying more licences than they need - hence the difference between software sold versus software used.
nullEgypt's Hosni Mubarak is pragmatic in using his cache to cajole the parties to the negotiating table, yet is unwilling to align himself too closely with the United States or to expend too much political capital on the peace process.
nullThey openly encouraged their supporters, particularly big money donors, to pester and cajole superdelegates on Clinton's behalf, unconcerned that heavy-handed lobbying might turn off the very superdelegates they were trying to influence.
nullThat was fine during the school year, when he could cajole his mom into bringing him toast and tea and could lie in his pajamas and watch cartoons and TV shows from morning to afternoon, but when it was summer and he had plans for the day ...
nullWould be good to cajole or shame the government into releasing details of all the contracts, onerous get out clauses, and other committments so that George and the other opposition parties could put real figures together on what projects they could cut, as well as the quangoes etc
nullShe would cajole, hector, reason, beg and bargain until Dan would will himself upright and slouch off to his high school, a public school for the overachieving sons and daughters of privilege in an upscale suburban neighborhood, a fine school that was strangling the life out of him.
nullIn the latter parts of On Liberty Mill also suggests that distasteful persons can be held in contempt, that we can avoid such persons (as long as we do not parade it), that we can warn others against the persons, and that we can persuade, cajole and remonstrate with those we deem offensive.
nullHe thought pragmatically that since he had arranged the dinner meeting with the unsatisfactory conglomerate to take place at a restaurant lower down the river from Oxford, and since he had no job to hurry back to, he would extend his water journey in time and distance, and rest-cure his bruised expectations while mentally rehearsing how to cajole juice from conglomerate flint.
nullThey knew they were going to have to dispossess the redskins, but being good Christian humbugs they kept trying to bully and cajole them into accepting the theft gracefully-which ain't quite the best position from which to make treaties with unreliable savages who are accustomed to rob rather than be robbed, and who don't understand what government and responsibility and authority mean, anyway.
Tips for Using cajole in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with cajole if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before cajole in sentences. For example: "to cajole" or "and cajole"
- to
- and
- or
- could
- not
- would
- can
- they
- must
- will
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after cajole in sentences. For example: "cajole the" or "cajole and"
- the
- and
- him
- or
- them
- her
- .
- a
- his
- me
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- turned
- subject
- taking
Alternate Definitions