Definition of Calamity
calamity (noun) - an event resulting in great loss and misfortune
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How can calamity be used in a sentence?
The calamity is that we have to dress up to teach.
nullHis only defense against the calamity is a wry laugh.
nullThe calamity was a blessing -- as most calamities are.
nullBritain's contribution to the calamity is far smaller than America's.
nullEvery day that passes without another calamity is a day for quiet rejoicing.
nullEven prosperity, much more calamity, is a punishment to the wicked (Pr 1: 32).
nullWhat mainly averted such a calamity was the prudent behaviour of the much-abused Scots.
nullThe prison calamity is more the inattention of the last ten eyars than buiolding more now.
nullWhen deviant behaviour exists with the cowardly behaviour of leaders, calamity is the next step.
nullMcCain carefully avoided the term, but Obama did not hesitate to call the calamity of 1915, genocide.
nullThe calamity is the complete thought-free urn into which Republicans have headlong and head first dived.
nullThe unhappy cause of his calamity was a passion he entertained for one Miss Dashwood, which proved unsuccessful.
nullIf the infringement is grave, he is tortured day and night by the fear of having called a calamity upon his tribe.
nullAs Emerson went on to say, a writer engages despair by writing about it; '' in calamity, he finds new materials. ''
nullIn this future, the big calamity is a plague that has made genetic mutations the order of the day, in animals and humans.
nullNow, when Shah Zaman saw this conduct of his sister in law he said in himself, By Allah, my calamity is lighter than this!
nullOther nations face similar financial calamity, which is why the World Economic Forum paid attention to last month's article in
nullWhat in Europe was remembered as a calamity from the clear sky was merely a patrol in force, scouting the edge of the grasslands.
nullPiscator translates, "When thy calamity is at hand (according to God's threats), thou gloriest" (against God, instead of humbling thyself).
nullIt's a manmade - manmade, not woman-made-manmade calamity, which is the result of building large dams, large barrages and also the embankments.
nullDisaster Management Minister Nitish Mishra said that rehabilitating hundreds of thousands of people affected by the calamity was a "Herculean task".
nullInstead of sheltering them from every possible calamity, which is a mom's instinct, teach them how to deal with the many things life can throw at them.
nullThen specifically came "Holocaust" -- a Greek word meaning "burnt offering" -- and "Shoah," the Hebrew word "calamity" applied to the crime of Judeocide.
nullThe thought of such a calamity was the rudest blow of all, and the possibility of her going away for a time, shocking as it was, seemed almost light beside it.
nullThe unfortunate man later acknowledged that his calamity was a direct visitation of Almighty God for his gross and intentional irreverence to the image of a saint.
nullIn the former, the state still exists, and the calamity is a plague of locusts; in the latter, no account is taken of the locusts -- it is a time of national disaster.
nullWhen I could not recall a calamity of similar dimensions striking Argentina in recent memory, the Australian answered with a smile: "All the disasters in this country are man-made."
nullOne remarkable incident of the calamity was the destruction of the stocks of the booksellers, which had been brought into the vaults of St. Paul's for safety, and perished with the cathedral.
nullThe primary cause of the calamity is the same everywhere -- the subprime mortgage mess has left thousands of homeowners in houses they can't afford and aren't worth as much as they owe on them.
nullThis calamity is exactly what happened to my Uncle Joseph, who was removed from my grandparents when he was a toddler and sent to the Texas State School because he had begun acting out in rage at his inability to communicate with others.
nullHappening now, Robert Gates officially taking charge of the Pentagon and the troubled war in Iraq with a swearing in ceremony -- he's warning that failure in Iraq would be what he called a calamity that would haunt the U.S. -- his words -- for decades.
nullHolliday told ABC 36 News Tuesday that he opposes granting school districts so called calamity days, even though he says the state must be "reasonable" when it comes to possible disaster days in systems that have dealt with other situations, such as swine flu.
nullOne cannot but note in Moses 'prediction of the last plague the solemn enlargement on the details of the widespread calamity, which is not unfeeling gloating over an oppressor's misery, but a yearning to save from hideous misery by timely and plain depicting of it.
nullThe spirit is true to itself, and finds its own support in any condition, learns to live in what is called calamity, as easily as in what is called felicity, as the frailest glass-bell will support a weight of a thousand pounds of water at the bottom of a river or sea, if filled with the same.
nullAs in Ho 5: 13, 14, the violence of the calamity is prefigured by the "wound" which "a lion" inflicts, so here its long protracted duration, and the certainty and completeness of the destruction from small unforeseen beginnings, by the images of a slowly but surely consuming moth and rottenness.
nullHow often doth that which was called a calamity prove the beginning and cause of a man's happiness? and, on the contrary, that which happened or came to another with great gratulation and applause, how it hath lifted him but a step higher to his ruin? as if he stood before where he might fall safely.
nullChurch know that the first and principal cause of human woe is this, that on account of sin man is made subject to death and other calamity, which is so much more vehement in the Church, because the devil, from the hatred toward God, makes fearful assaults on the Church and strives to destroy it utterly.
nullThis calamity is the more heavy, as it carries with it a great disappointment; for very near our habitation was a high wall, the sunny side of which was covered with the most delicious fruits; peaches, apricots, nectarines, &c. all just then ripening; and I thought of having such a feast with my children as I had never enjoyed in my life.
nullA few pale figures were to be distinguished at the accustomed resort at the Tuileries; they wondered wherefore the islanders should approach their ill-fated city -- for in the excess of wretchedness, the sufferers always imagine, that their part of the calamity is the bitterest, as, when enduring intense pain, we would exchange the particular torture we writhe under, for any other which should visit a different part of the frame.
Tips for Using calamity in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with calamity if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before calamity in sentences. For example: "a calamity" or "the calamity"
- a
- the
- of
- this
- great
- and
- national
- public
- that
- terrible
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after calamity in sentences. For example: "calamity ." or "calamity of"
- .
- of
- to
- that
- which
- and
- was
- in
- is
- jane
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- befall
- befell
- deadwood
- jane
- coyote
- katie
- doris
- heroine
- famine
- cody
Alternate Definitions
- calamity (noun) - any great misfortune or cause of misery; in general, any event or disaster which produces extensive evils, as loss of crops, earthquakes, etc., but also applied to any misfortune which brings great distress upon a single person; misfortune; distress; adversity
- calamity (noun) - <strong>synonyms</strong> <em>disaster, catastrophe</em>, etc. (see <internalxref urlencoded="misfortune">misfortune</internalxref>), hardship, adversity, affliction, blow, stroke
- calamity (noun) - any great misfortune or cause of misery; -- generally applied to events or disasters which produce extensive evil, either to communities or individuals
- calamity (noun) - a state or time of distress or misfortune; misery
![A sentence using calamity](/img/sentence-using-calamity.png)