Definition of Daze
daze (noun) - the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally
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How can daze be used in a sentence?
Teachers work to keep students on-task after snow 'daze'
nullShe said she had been in a "daze" since hearing the news.
nullWhat she could still hold whole in her daze were the small hopes.
nullIs it a semiconscious daze that is halfway between sleeping and waking?
nullHis eyes went rubbering round the room, and he seemed in a kind of daze,
nullHe would go into a kind of daze, staring wide-eyed and blank across the room.
nullIsn't that what all these holiday celebrations are about any more, these 'daze'?
nullMy seeming "daze" does not go away until I understand the overall goal being pursued.
nullI was staring out of my window in a kind of daze when I saw a man pass in a motor-car.
nullDunno what kind of daze I am in at present but it's certainly nice not being alone 24-7.
nullI've stopped crying all the time about it and walking round in a depressed daze, which is a blessing.
nullI went acrost, walkin 'in a kind of daze, and there, in the doorway, with the lamp shinin' on 'em, was Cap'n
nullThe group of apparent Mayans were staring around at Washington, DC in a kind of daze, not sure where they were.
nullIn a kind of daze I found myself at the Moose Hotel, where they assured me that they catered to mercantile people.
nullHis brain hummed with a confusion of thoughts, so that he moved in a kind of daze without any real idea of where he was going.
nullIn a kind of daze, she stepped aside, and the mages untwisted the wire bonds from Antryg's booted ankles and pulled him to his feet.
nullWhen, in the solemn procession, he passed some old friend he would nod in a kind of daze and pass on with his fatuous smile unchanged.
nullThe day after I told that a baby my husband and I both wanted had died (at 11 weeks in utero) I wandered through my fair city in a daze.
nullDay in and day out, he sat in a kind of daze at the American headquarters, doing nothing -- indeed, evidently incapable of doing anything.
nullA citizen of Memphis took him away in a kind of daze and gave him a bed in his house, where he fell into a stupor of fatigue and surrender.
null"Binbin-daze" is an affectionate name meaning "Mr. Boing Boing" in reference to a young man's penis that is always on the verge of erection.
nullHe was wearing blue jeans, a black T-shirt with "daze" written on the front in gray lettering and a green zip-front sweatshirt, Pistulka said.
nullAnd for just a moment he stood there in a kind of daze, watching his companions and new friends tumbling pell mell over each other down the hill.
nullSrinivas wandered among them in a kind of daze, filled up with emotion, realizing that a great turning -- point in his life had unaccountably arrived.
nullAnd he could hardly believe it -- all through the adventures that followed he would find himself standing in the same kind of daze, whispering to himself --
nullBonnie and Clyde in the small towns of North Louisiana walked out of the theaters in a kind of daze - moved, shocked, silent, and perhaps secretly exhilarated. "
nullFifteen minutes in daze looking at tickets, five minutes to get taxi, fifteen minutes to pack and be ready for taxi, five minutes to check out, twenty minute drive, etc.
nullHe was so surprised to hear he had won that when he got up on the podium he was in a kind of daze, hardly smiling at all, a bit stunned mullet-esque, but pleased as punch.
nullShe took the shortest way home, in a kind of daze, hardly noticing where she went until she found herself on her own shabby street, approaching the front gate to her house.
nullHe was in that condition of semi-daze which is the not extraordinary portion of a declared lover revelling in the memory of his mistress's eyes, whose parting look has not been unkind.
nullI've been in a weird kind of daze ... the other day I wrote about 4,000 words (some of them transcribed from an earlier draft of RESURRECTION CODE, mind you,) which is still absolutely insane for me.
nullLater, when Captain Janders unleashed Abner, the mariner said, in a kind of daze, "I would not want to be the captain of whom it was said in Boston, 'He tried to round the Horn, but ran instead for Good Hope.'"
nullAnd I doubt this time I'll be breaking the trend; it's just that I've been in a daze for quite a while, lately (I was going to say "for I don't know how many days," but the rhyme of "daze" with "days" was a little more cute than I wanted to be, here).
nullLast year when I read Susan Beth Pfeffer's drop dead amazing novel Life As We Knew It, the book had such a pull on the reader that often I'd find myself looking up from it in a kind of daze, convinced that I needed to find food, shelter, and extra clothing NOW!
nullDenver Art Museum and The Anschutz Collection 'Long Jakes, "The Rocky Mountain Man"'(1844) Born in Philadelphia, and related through his mother to distinguished families in North Carolina and New York, Deas (pronounced "daze") was initially raised in privileged surroundings.
nullThey seemed, however, to move about in a kind of daze, receiving the contributions properly enough, but in a quiet, undemonstrative kind of way; so different from the usual _backsheesh_ transactions to which we were accustomed in this part of the world that the contrast of itself would have proclaimed them a foreign race.
nullHeads up, America, it's Tim the Talking Toilet here with the news that you probably missed because it came out the day after the Obama inauguration, upon which almost everyone in America was just sitting around in a kind of daze - like the kind that you get when you wake up from a nightmare and you can't believe how lucky you are.
Tips for Using daze in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with daze if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before daze in sentences. For example: "a daze" or "of daze"
- a
- of
- school
- the
- his
- her
- to
- my
- happy
- complete
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after daze in sentences. For example: "daze ." or "daze of"
- .
- of
- and
- as
- for
- i
- that
- he
- to
- the
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- vile
- pentagram
- dum
- stooges
- dorm
- relapse
- uno
- tbs
- graffiti
- trance
Alternate Definitions
- daze (noun) - confusion characterized by lack of clarity
- daze (noun) - the state of being stunned, stupefied, or confused
- daze (noun) - in <em>mining</em>, a glittering stone
- daze (noun) - a glittering stone
- daze (transitive verb) - to stupefy with excess of light; with a blow, with cold, or with fear; to confuse; to benumb