Definition of Dearth
dearth (noun) - an acute insufficiency
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How can dearth be used in a sentence?
And, um, folks do know what "dearth" means, right?
nullThe only possible complaint is the relative "dearth" of goals.
nullArizona's birth 'dearth' evidence of illegals fleeing the state?
nullAmy's right: there's a definite dearth of older female characters.
nullSilver has also noticed the dearth of Jewish Moroccan sites online.
nullNo doubt the stores on the sill will vanish in the dearth of late winter.
nullThe dearth of biographical information is remarkable in a full-length work.
nullChairman Gesell called the dearth of black officers a "shocking condition." [
nullAs he put it, he thought there was a real dearth of instruction and education.
nullDungy calls dearth of minority head coaches in major college football 'disgraceful'
nullDungy called the dearth of minority head coaches in major college football "disgraceful."
nullThe dearth of rain in June affected yields of early crops, although July brought some rain.
nullYeah, to the anonymous who mentioned the "dearth" leaving ..... please utilize Miriam Webster.
nullWhen he realized that there was a dearth of material, it became his passion to fill in that gap.
nullThe "dearth" of literature in indigenous African languages also posed a huge challenge, said Jordan.
nullAnd this last fact, the modern world's dearth of experience with madness, is at the root of what happened.
nullBut the more important question should be whether this "dearth" of start-up IPOs has hurt or helped investors?
nullFor Endalk Asfaw, an Ethiopian audit supervisor who lives in Alexandria, the dearth of U.S. jerseys was no problem.
nullFew business people would dare take issue with this statement, hence the dearth of voices being raised against the U.K.
nullShe also notes that the dearth of women along the frontier in the American West probably had a lot to do with its being wild.
nullAnd also, I also think it speaks to the lack of candidates, the sort of dearth of credible young people rising in the news ranks.
nullNEW YORK - Super Bowl-winning coach Tony Dungy called the dearth of minority head coaches in major college football "disgraceful."
nullBut the dearth of Confederate flags in Washington denotes a rejection of a potent symbol of Southern racism, not a lack of Southern sensibility.
nullHis suggestion was that even though there seemed to be a dearth of medical teams down there, the more important problem is a lack of medical supplies.
nullWhile American democracy is imperfect, few outside the majority of this Court would have thought its flaws included a dearth of corporate money in politics.
nullAnd with the dearth of scorched-earth water on this "Chinatown"-cribbing desert, a divining rod is perhaps the just-right tool, for this is a film about questing.
nullRemember the last storm that had this type scenario and produced its heaviest snow north of the city and had a dearth of snow to the south because of the dry slot.
nullSeed magazine looks at The Multiverse Problem: Faced with a dearth of empirical evidence, both scientific and spiritual imaginations are freer than usual to run wild.
nullThe American system is redundant, inefficient, and with a dearth of great (even good) leaders (but a surplus of great egos), suffering from bad management and egregious excess.
nullLast night the Wizards were without Rashard Lewis and Josh Howard, both starters at small forward this season, and swingman Cartier Martin, leaving a dearth at the No. 3 position.
nullAmid a certain dearth of materials of a private kind, I do congratulate myself on having been able to use the packet of letters docketed by Sir Harry, "John Bell's and Charlie Beckwith's Letters."
nullHe didn't mention the factors that led to the liquidity crunch, including highly leveraged bets made possible by the dearth of smart regulation that then blew up and nearly took down the financial system.
nullFarmer Jane earned a lukewarm review from Washington Post's Jane Black, who bemoaned the dearth of Midwestern Janes profiled and wrote as if the ones who did appear in the book were "usual suspects" like Pollan or Salatin:
nullThe MoD's internal report shows that the pass-rate is too low, with concerned commanders blaming a "dearth" of qualified fitness trainers, the high numbers of older or stood-down personnel, and those already on operations overseas.
nullIncome inequality - the relative dearth of disposable income and the credit that is pegged to it among the bottom, say, one-third of the US population - sets the ultimate limits on a media system that is built around advertiser patronage.
nullThe county's comprehensive plan, a constantly changing document that lays out a community's vision for itself, has for years acknowledged that Tysons's sprawling size and lack of pedestrian and transit options led to a dearth of "cohesiveness and identity."
null"There are a lot of factors going on when a transplant center as prestigious as the U of M has a track record of doing a number of transplants per year, heart transplants on kids, and then falls all of a sudden into a kind of dearth of transplants," Caplan said.
nullAs the health care bill winds its way through Congress, sparking passions, heated debate and countless news stories, I have been struck by the dearth of discussion about a looming health care crisis: In 2011, the first of 78 million baby boomers will start turning 65.
nullThat difficulty, coupled with an extensive nationalization campaign in the sector and a subsequent dearth of investment as the state oil company diverted resources into social programs, makes industry experts doubt Venezuela has the capacity to send such large volumes to China in the near term.
nullIn the world of blogs, there's going to be before the tsunami and after the tsunami, because one of the things that happened in the wake of the tsunami was that, although initially -- that is, in that first day -- there was actually a kind of dearth of live reporting, there was a dearth of live video -- and some people complained about this.
Tips for Using dearth in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with dearth if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before dearth in sentences. For example: "the dearth" or "a dearth"
- the
- a
- no
- of
- great
- this
- and
- relative
- general
- birth
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after dearth in sentences. For example: "dearth of" or "dearth ."
- of
- .
- and
- in
- or
- was
- is
- that
- to
- which
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- sod
- snapper
- foo
- scarcity
- salesman
- decent
- famine
- shortage
- realism
- inability
Alternate Definitions
- dearth (noun) - an insufficient quantity or number
- dearth (noun) - dearness; costliness; high price
- dearth (noun) - a condition of dearness or costliness from scarcity; hence, failure of production or supply; famine from failure or loss of crops
- dearth (noun) - scarcity which renders dear; want; lack; specifically, lack of food on account of failure of crops; famine