Definition of Debase
debase (verb) - lower in value by increasing the base-metal content
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How can debase be used in a sentence?
It should be called a debase rather than a debate.
nullUltraloose monetary policy can debase the currency.
nullBut now I fain debase myself to all who rail at thee:
nullUse Snopes to debase false statements and find spammers/trolls.
nullLabour has managed to manipulate our whole structure and debase everything.
nullIt's fascinating how often characters are forced to debase themslves for love.
nullI, for one, hope that FOX NEWS continues to debase itself this way, every hour, every day.
nullThat does not mean that we should lower ourselves, debase ourselves, or abandon our values.
nullIn order to debase their currencies they need to match our currency printing with their own.
nullStates could not debase money for political reasons or to surreptitiously reduce their debts.
nullI think Mr. Bernanke and Mr. Summers and Mr. Obama, they have an active policy to debase the U.S. dollar.
nullAnd typically in the past they would have been able to devalue their currencies, debase middle class incomes.
nullIt's the continued movement to debase and stereotype African American males, to make them much less threatening.
nullDoes he hate his sexuality so much that he's willing to debase other people, or does he just prefer kinky stuff with Verlan?
nullBut the ultimate penalty is not to debase our society, and therefore ourselves, by killing our citizens, even the most depraved.
nullOr, as equity strategy Peter Boockvar of Miller Tabak & Co. put it in a note to clients Thursday: "The race to debase continues."
nullDespite all the worries that quantitative easing will "debase" the greenback, it's still the currency of choice when risk appears.
nullT.J. did not budge from his position, though it was clear by his need to debase his competitor, however left-handed, that he was lying.
nullAnd it means that when the U.S. falls for the temptation to debase its currency, it sends shocks through the entire global trading system.
nullHis mom would have been very proud except for the fact that part of Eminem's act is to debase his mom and even threaten to beat her to a pulp.
null_Delight_ is naturally formed by the participle _de_ and _light_, to make light, in the same way as "debase," to make base, "defile," to make foul.
nullNo such problem attends Bernard Madoff, who himself yesterday described a personality willing to defraud and debase all who came in contact with him.
nullFixing the currency to a finite standard guarantees that it will be necessary to "debase" to accommodate a growing population, growing demand for money itself.
nullThis is not an easy read, because today's mainstream Internet porn is filled with images of body-punishing sex acts that are designed to debase and dehumanize women.
nullThey were literally treated as pariahs and were completely ostracized from society to the point of having to enter the church through a separate, lower door to debase them.
nullSo, given his criminal and adolescent track record, it's no shock to discover James O'Keefe slimily trying to seduce a young woman on camera for no reason but to debase her.
nullAnd what better way to debase a white woman, in the eyes of (some) white men, than to deploy the racist cultural codes of black men as sexually predatory, savage and debauched?
nullBlaming the euro for the failures of Keynesianism sets a new standard for chutzpah, and this prescription would debase not only the currencies but the middle class for a generation.
nullIn the eyes of (some) white men, Dines says, "what better way to debase a white woman than to deploy the racist cultural codes of black men as sexually predatory, savage and debauched?"
nullWhile the Fed and the BoJ joined some emerging market countries in the rush to debase their currencies, the ECB is sticking to a more hawkish policy stance -- at least for the time being.
nullFears that a monetizing of U.S. debt would debase the dollar placed the euro on track for one of its largest one-week gains against the dollar since the single currency's inception in 1999.
nullThis is an open door for a kangaroo court that could hang Micheletti and debase the constitution so that no Honduran leader can ever again be challenged as Zelaya was for seeking more power.
nullBut a Pentagon-supported service group, the Military Order of the Purple Heart, has strongly opposed expanding the definition to include psychological symptoms, saying it would "debase" the honor.
nullThat doesn't mean that I'm trying to "debase" reading by aligning it with "the essentially passive experience of watching television," it just means that I want my time with a book to be well-spent.
nullSince the onset of the financial crisis, there's been serious concern that all the cheap money the government is doling out will debase the dollar, boost borrowing costs, and cause prices to skyrocket.
nullHe also strangely described gay marriage as a "purely socialist concept," perhaps referring to the fact that reality television had created emerging and important markets for heterosexuals to thoroughly debase themselves in public.
nullLouisiana is a special welfare case having a long-established dysfunctional dependence on the oil industry in its economy, its politics and in its winking willingness to debase the environment combining to create an oil based modern plantation mentality.
nullLouisiana is a special welfare case having a long-established dysfunctional dependence on the oil industry in its economy, its politics and in its winking willingness to debase the environment, combining to create an oil-based modern plantation mentality.
nullIf you don't like the way they vote, or the taxes they consume (or the way they drive wages and productivity down, or the way their kids debase the schools, or the way they put Blacks out of work), or whatever, just limit their access to those things piecemeal ...
nullCould we reasonably expect to restore Biblical law to a devoutly secular population that cherishes television, promiscuity, physical debasement and electronic devices with religious fervor, and that suffers the warped belief that advertisements for personal hygiene products and Viagra in our homes does not debase our children?
nullSince the onset of the financial crisis in 2008, there has been serious concern that the massive expansion of the Fed's balance sheet, the central bank's policy of zero interest rates, and the large stimulus (and ensuing deficits) would, by some iron law of economics, debase the currency, boost the government's long-term borrowing costs, and ignite inflation.
nullSecretary Duncan has used his $4.3 billion in "Race to the Top" cash as a cudgel with which to beat down teachers (and especially their unions), denigrate what they do in the classroom based on quantitative data of dubious value, and to promote "market" policies of coerced privatization that debase the teaching profession -- all in the name of "improving" public schools.
Tips for Using debase in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with debase if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before debase in sentences. For example: "to debase" or "and debase"
- to
- and
- not
- or
- would
- which
- they
- will
- that
- can
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after debase in sentences. For example: "debase the" or "debase and"
- the
- and
- it
- himself
- his
- their
- themselves
- our
- them
- .
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- coinage
- currency
- coins
- value
- man
Alternate Definitions
- debase (transitive verb) - to reduce from a higher to a lower state or grade of worth, dignity, purity, station, etc.; to degrade; to lower; to deteriorate; to abase