Definition of Debauchery
debauchery (noun) - excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures of any kind; gluttony; intemperance; sexual immorality; unlawful indulgence of lust
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How can debauchery be used in a sentence?
"debauchery" to entrap and imprison hundreds of men.
nullThis has led to an alarming debauchery, which is on the increase.
nullWait a minute here, you don't think that debauchery is productive???
nullHe is the son of a friend, a vain pretty-boy given to '' debauchery '' - wine,
nullBut their debauchery is short-lived - the Vampire Queen awakens to slay her natural enemies.
nullCaledonia frequently assemble at night in a cabin to give themselves up to this kind of debauchery ....
nullA new play about controversial wit and artist Sebastian Horsley aims to bring debauchery back to the West End
nullHere too the result was strict guidelines on how mainstream comics depicted of crime, "debauchery," and heroism.
nullAn evening of debauchery is allowed when you've spent the earlier hours baking sweet cookies for your friends, isn't it?
nullUnfortunately, many anti-LGBT Christians have condemned Pride Month as a sinful celebration of debauchery and perversion.
nullI know not what those 48 hours will entail, though my brother has been employing the term 'debauchery' a great deal of late.
nullI like how the firefox spell check not only helped me correctly spell "debauchery", but informed be that douche bag is in fact two words.
nullDAVIS: As repugnant as this animal is, and his ilk, like Gacy and the others,, we could, I guess, expect that kind of debauchery from them.
null"debauchery" of the religions of ancient Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Phoenicia, etc. is Herodotus, whom most now regard as an unreliable narrator at best.
nullThat would clearly pose a problem, with war atrocities, rape, torture, genocide, and the full repertoire of human debauchery reflecting poorly on the almighty.
nullA nation unable to self-reflect honestly not only has unrealistic vision of itself, but is destined to engage in a cyclical process of justifying its debauchery.
nullAlthough he wasn't aware of the settlement, he said in statement Wednesday he hoped it would refund consumers 'money and "make sure this kind of debauchery never happens again."
nullThey ignore the outside world and indulge in every kind of debauchery available while breaking all the seven deadly sins of greed, gluttony, lust, sloth, envy, pride and even wrath.
nullTeller went on to associate those who resisted the repression of their spirituality with the "non-progressive" faction of Indians and labeled traditional spiritualism as "debauchery,"
nullFor this great end is the army to be seduced from its discipline and its fidelity, first by every kind of debauchery, and then by the terrible precedent of a donative in the increase of pay?
nullOn its second full-length release, the jittery British dance music trio celebrates high-definition debauchery and escape, fueled by a soundtrack that draws on the more euphoric end of '80s pop.
nullThe Casine villa was made the scene of Antony's revelry; he and his fellow-rioters plundered the rooms, emptied the cellar, burned the library, and carried on every kind of debauchery and excess.
nullBased on Horsley's cult autobiography of the same name, the play opens at the Soho Theatre in June and is billed as bringing debauchery back to the area of the city once most closely associated with illicit sex.
nullDrunken shootouts and debauchery, meaningless death and mayhem -- the "Wild West" atmosphere created by the Bush Administration's criminal initiation and execution of the Iraq War is the gift that keeps on giving.
nullMen have in the first age of the world been carried away into every kind of debauchery, and yet there were saints, as Enoch, Lamech, and others, who waited patiently for the Christ promised from the beginning of the world.
nullOn the one hand, there has been Andrew Young, former Edwards aide and admitted accomplice in concealing the affair, stepping forward with a tell-all memoir of campaign trail debauchery and details of an Edwards-Hunter sex tape.
nullProtestant of the Church of England, so born, so brought up, and so died; his conversation was so honest that I never heard him speak a word in my life that tended to God's dishonour, or encouragement of any kind of debauchery or sin.
nullIt seems he found certain houses in Chick Lane, where they met abundance of loose young men and women, accustomed themselves to every kind of debauchery which it was possible for wicked people to commit or the most fruitful genius to invent.
nullI also stated projects such as the My Lai documentary were necessary to assist us as a nation to self-reflect honestly, to avoid any unrealistic vision of itself, and to possibly avoid engaging in the cyclical process of justifying the debauchery.
nullWhile most of my trips to Las Vegas were for short term debauchery (of which I rarely participate in since I don't gamble, don't like strip clubs, and don't drink much), I thought I'd give CES a try this year since most of my partners and a bunch of my friends were going.
nullThe debauchery of Regency England (1790-1820s) was consciously replaced with Victorian values honoring work, self-reliance, living within one's income, cleanliness and social responsibility through good works and charity -- and thereby gave Britain an extra 100 years of world dominance.
nullOne may visualize that someone may have sneaked a camera in and taken some pictures of someone who was maybe doing something with one of the detainees, but I don't think anybody sitting here thought in their wildest dreams that there were posed pictures of this kind of debauchery in these numbers.
nullHe had given himself up to every kind of debauchery; and his death seemed the judgment of the Almighty on one whose body had long been perishing, and whose soul had been made over to the prince of demons as the price of assistance through the means of diabolical magic, which he constantly practised.
nullOne fantastic scene is a dreamy-nightmare sequence in St James' Park with fog and naked debauchery, which is very well done and not terribly blush-making due to the vagueness; other bits, pretty explicit though without actually seeing naked genitalia -- a very fine job is done via the medium of well-placed innuendo and indeed well-placed hands.
nullThere are no firm details on what kind of debauchery Johhny Knoxville and friends will be getting up to this time around, but if you're wondering whether or not the higher cost of filming in 3D is going to come with stricter studio mandates, I'd just take a glance over Variety's list of shooting locations: "Knob Lick, Kentucky, Mianus, Connecticut,
nullReader, I look upon the Indian as the most honest and honourable race of people that I ever lived amongst in my life; and in their native state, I pledge you my honour they are the last of all the human family to pilfer or to steal, if you trust to their honour; and for this never-ending and boundless system of theft and plunder, and debauchery, that is practiced off upon these rightfur owners of the soil, by acquisitive white men,
Tips for Using debauchery in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with debauchery if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before debauchery in sentences. For example: "and debauchery" or "of debauchery"
- and
- of
- the
- in
- to
- or
- his
- by
- for
- into
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after debauchery in sentences. For example: "debauchery ." or "debauchery and"
- .
- and
- of
- in
- that
- which
- is
- to
- was
- with
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- perversion
- immorality
- immoral
- drunkenness
- rana
- lust
- rampant
- exploitation
- drunken
- prostitution
Alternate Definitions
- debauchery (noun) - corruption of morality or fidelity; seduction from duty or allegiance
- debauchery (noun) - corruption of fidelity; seduction from virtue, duty, or allegiance
- debauchery (noun) - excessive indulgence of the appetites; especially, excessive indulgence of lust; intemperance; sensuality; habitual lewdness