Definition of Ecstasy
ecstasy (noun) - a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion; - Charles Dickens
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How can ecstasy be used in a sentence?
Two hearts floating in ecstasy on a night like this.
nullIna continued to gaze, but the ecstasy was a little dashed.
nullThe secondary cause as a result of the ecstasy was a heart attack.
nullI think I shall swoon in ecstasy at the thought of how loving they are.
nullIt is the state of trance or ecstasy, that is, of standing out of oneself
nullMary, with an expression of ecstasy, put the torch to the wicker man and set it aflame.
nullThe next moment he was lost in ecstasy at the abrupt and thunderous liberation of sound.
nullRoland had heard of this strange state called ecstasy, which is nothing else than catalepsy.
nullShe feels her body start to convulse and twitch in ecstasy as the flood inside of her builds.
nullThe air resounds with their song of ecstasy, which is different far from their chant of anger.
nullAn expression of ecstasy slid over her features, but as her eyelids closed, a tear slipped out.
nullThat is what they call ecstasy, but there is no word that can tell out very plain what it means.
null"You realised that if you used the word ecstasy, Dr Basson would ask you what you were talking about.
nullMDMA is commonly known as ecstasy and MDA is a psychedelic stimulant mainly used as a recreational drug.
nullThe world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.
nullMr. TEACHOUT: I love that you used the word ecstasy, because that was something that Armstrong himself clearly felt while playing.
nullFrom hence proceeds the only safe transport of ecstasy, which is operated by naked faith alone, and dying even to the gifts of God.
nullIt induces feelings of extended euphoria -- hence the name ecstasy -- as well as heightened awareness and a greater connection to emotions.
nullThe first is an ecstasy, which is the transport of the mind: thus Peter saw a vessel descending from heaven with all manner of beasts therein.
nullThe astonishing breadth of Herzog's filmmaking conveys the humanist's sense of wonder at the world - what he describes as the "ecstasy of observation."
nullHe could go into a state of ecstasy, which is nothing short of the existential spirit and he could do that in such a way that he brought that ecstasy to people.
nullLife does not thrill them: nothing quickens their blood: they have no moments of vivid ecstasy -- in other words, they do not live, they merely exist at a poor dying rate.
nullMedical writers of the era even discussed a fourth clinical condition, marked by immobility, which they termed ecstasy, but this was not a state that might lead to premature burial.
nullMulligan Jacobs smote it a heavy blow on the nose with the flat of a hatchet, and as the thing galvanized into life and flung its body about the deck the little venomous man screamed in ecstasy:
nullYou were always thrilled, always in ecstasy, it made not the slightest difference whether the cause of your ecstasy was the first spring violet or a thunder storm, a burnt roast, a sore throat, or a poem.
nullAnd when you held me, and your dear head lay upon my heart, I knew, for the first time, the meaning of the word ecstasy; and I could have asked no kinder gift of heaven, than to prolong those moments into hours. "
nullThe first study on methylenedioxymethamphetamine, or MDMA (better known as ecstasy), to show proof that MDMA dangerously depletes the brain of the mood-regulating hormone serotonin was published in Neurology in June.
nullAnyone who owns a dog knows that isn't quite true, but I can go them one better: today, when Chopin the dog saw us for the first time after his Rimadyl overdose, his ecstasy was the purest I've ever seen in any living creature.
nullThis Scene in Heaven opens with the songs of the three great Fathers, the Pater Ecstaticus, Pater Profundus, and Pater Seraphicus, symbolizing the three stages of human aspiration, namely ecstasy, contemplation and seraphic love.
nullThis phase in Faust's development -- this stage in his quest for beauty and truth -- this delirium of his 'divine madness,' as Plato calls our ecstasy of yearning after ideal beauty, is symbolized by the classical _Walpurgisnacht_.
nullHer ecstasy was a thing that had yet more of a face than of a back to turn, a pair of eyes still directed to Mrs. Wix even after the slight surprise of their not finding her, as the journey expanded, either at the London station or at the Folkestone hotel.
nullIn 2009, Professor David Nutt, the chairman of the British government's scientific advisory panel on drugs, pointed out a simple fact: taking ecstasy is about as dangerous as horse-riding, which kills 10 people a year there, and causes 100 traffic accidents.
nullMarijuana treats us to an awareness of a simultaneity of sensations, a sort of meta-pleasure, which is not surprising, given the roots of the term 'ecstasy,' as Rich Doyle writes: "Ecstasy" comes etymologically from the experience of "being beside ourselves."
null(whilst the outward senses are stopped, so that they receive not outward objects with their usual quickness) in the mind, not suggested by any external objects, or known occasion; nor under any choice or conduct of the understanding at all: and whether that which we call ecstasy be not dreaming with the eyes open, I leave to be examined.
nullThis artless inquiry might have led to turbulent results, but for the strong emotions of delight evinced by Bailey junior, whose relish in the turn the conversation had lately taken was so acute, that it impelled and forced him to the instantaneous performance of a dancing step, extremely difficult in its nature, and only to be achieved in a moment of ecstasy, which is commonly called The Frog's Hornpipe.
Tips for Using ecstasy in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with ecstasy if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before ecstasy in sentences. For example: "of ecstasy" or "the ecstasy"
- of
- the
- in
- an
- and
- with
- to
- religious
- into
- his
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after ecstasy in sentences. For example: "ecstasy ." or "ecstasy of"
- .
- of
- and
- in
- is
- that
- to
- as
- or
- which
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- mdma
- ketamine
- pills
- methamphetamine
- amphetamine
- tablets
- ecstatic
- lsd
- michelangelo
- cocaine
Alternate Definitions
- ecstasy (noun) - a state of elated bliss
- ecstasy (noun) - a state in which the mind is exalted or liberated as it were from the body; a state in which the functions of the senses are suspended by the contemplation of some extraordinary or supernatural object, or by absorption in some overpowering idea, most frequently of a religious nature; entrancing rapture or transport
- ecstasy (noun) - overpowering emotion or exaltation, in which the mind is absorbed and the actions are controlled by the exciting subject; a sudden access of intense feeling
- ecstasy (noun) - in <em>medicine</em>, a morbid state of the nervous system, allied to catalepsy and trance, in which the patient assumes the attitude and expression of rapture. also <internalxref urlencoded="ecstasis">ecstasis</internalxref>
- ecstasy (noun) - insanity; madness
- ecstasy (noun) - the state of being beside one's self or rapt out of one's self; a state in which the mind is elevated above the reach of ordinary impressions, as when under the influence of overpowering emotion; an extraordinary elevation of the spirit, as when the soul, unconscious of sensible objects, is supposed to contemplate heavenly mysteries
- ecstasy (noun) - excessive and overmastering joy or enthusiasm; rapture; enthusiastic delight
- ecstasy (noun) - violent distraction of mind; violent emotion; excessive grief of anxiety; insanity; madness
- ecstasy (noun) - a state which consists in total suspension of sensibility, of voluntary motion, and largely of mental power. the body is erect and inflexible; the pulsation and breathing are not affected