Definition of Edify
edify (intransitive verb) - to build; to construct
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How can edify be used in a sentence?
In return, we will attempt to tutor you, to edify you.
nullAlways the goal was to educate and edify, not to entertain.
nullContains also remarks on terraces, which are expected to edify.
nullThe truth behind the maidservant and her letter would edify him.
nullAnd here's my problem with this story, and maybe you can edify me.
nullI am going to edify you with a quote that has fueled me since March.
null"Gee, hon, all things are legal to you, but not all things edify you?"
nullHis aim was clearly to encourage greater dialogue, empathy, and to edify.
nullBut your mirth-makers, can you say they benefit the body or edify the soul?
null_Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do_.
nullIt also skirts around aedificare and hence the English "edify" - to improve spiritually.
nullIf we edify praise, as well as unity and peace, our offspring will practice kindheartedness.
nullThe good doctor tells the patient, "All things are legal to me, but not all things edify me."
nullObama is not here to entertain or edify us; he's here to be consumed, like the wine and the wafer.
nullDOBBS: Marc, we can sit here and not really edify anyone including ourselves by trading statistics.
nullAs if someone sitting under a palapa all day can edify us on the merits of drug legalization. johanson
nullThey are written to edify, and not to please, and we should even combat our disinclination to read them.
nullBut words are my forte, I think, so allow me to edify its nature with a list of things it is and it isn't:
nullClinton has a right to pursue her tilt against windmills and an obligation to edify and perserve the Party.
nullIf a particular story can edify future doctors, or educate the public, there might be value in publishing it.
null"It was in fact musicians who first found a way to get back to work to edify people's souls," said Mayor Landrieu.
nullCommentary, which should at once instruct the uninformed, edify the devout, and facilitate the studies of the learned.
nullTo edify her regal deeds, she's many ropes of luscious beads, enhancing equally, silks or tweeds, no matter what she wears.
nullRichard Rorty characterises 20th century philosophy as a distinction between those that 'edify' and those that 'systematise'.
nullHugh, somewhat unceremoniously and irreverently, followed his young master out, and left her to edify the rest of the company.
nullHighlighting the variety of flavors and textures available, Wurstkuche is a great place to edify your knowledge of beer and fill up on some amazing eats.
nullThe aim which should ever burn clear before us, and preside over even our smallest actions, is that which lies in this misused old word, 'edify' yourselves.
nullThe King Memorial, and Alpha's effort to edify the legacy of one of its own, cast a spotlight on the fraternity's ideals and the manifestation of those ideals.
null( "edify"), by removing those things which are hindrances to edification, and testing what is unsound, and putting together all that is true in the building [Chrysostom].
nullThere is no need to give a prolonged detail of the animated conversation which ensued during the rest of the banquet; a conversation which would not much edify the reader.
nullGuests will be drawn from political, media, and literary circles both in the United States and abroad, who contribute to the show's themes and edify the listening audience.
nullNow, Chris, just to edify our viewers somewhat, you have two real serial shooters, one apparently is a random shooter who has gone around shooting at people he doesn't know.
null"edify," literally, "build up," namely, in faith, hope, and love, by discoursing together on such edifying topics as the Lord's coming, and the glory of the saints (Mal 3: 16).
nullInstead of cutely proposing that he edify himself, Giuliani's opponents should tell him he is not only ill-equipped to be president, but unqualified to participate in presidential debates.
nullHe's won our daughters with, "well might he reply, that in endeavoring to relieve the oppressed, to elevate the poor, and to instruct and edify those of a happier condition, he had only held" the mirror up to Nature.
nullHotel in Boston, reading it aloud with particular care, because it was to his five-year-old daughter; I looked it up in his biography the other day, hoping to edify my own grandlings, who need all the morality they can get.
nullThe aim of all Christian worship is to bring us nearer to God and to Christ -- not merely to touch our heart, or soothe our conscience, or improve our minds, but to "edify" us -- that is, to build us up in faith and holiness and comfort unto salvation.
nullSo, in that spirit and in an effort to temporarily edify and embitter you, my many readers like most primitive people -- and I am a primitive people -- I know only the numbers "1", "2" and "many", I'd like to share the resolutions I plan to make this coming New Year:
nullHe is very much embarrassed about the arms, as if they were inconvenient to him and he wanted to grovel, is very much in a perspiration about the head, and never speaks without first putting up his great hand, as delivering a token to his hearers that he is going to edify them.
nullI have thought that the predominance in the minds of moralists of a desire to edify has impeded the real progress of ethical science: and that this would be benefited by an application to it of the same disinterested curiosity to which we chiefly owe the great discoveries of physics.
nullIn fact, most people in the world hope and expect that someone with divine authority and/or great wisdom will deliver the judgment and truth that will edify, counsel and unite humanity, and correct those who have misled us, divided us, and caused such horrible conflict and tribulation in the world.
nullAs you have proven here, you trolls have no interest in the essence of the issue, you can only argue prejudiced opinions, not facts, and you aren't here to edify the group, or to seek anything akin to answers, you are just trolls under our bridges who jump out and say "boo" for no good reason and with no good results.
nullI even attended one of Elspeth's committee teas, and as a traveller of vast experience my views were ardently sought by the organising trots; I assured them that they must insist on the Turks bringing a troupe of their famous contortionist dancers, a sorority akin to the ancient Vestal Virgins; the religious and cultural significance of their muscular movements was of singular interest, I said, and could not fail to edify the masses. 59
Tips for Using edify in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with edify if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before edify in sentences. For example: "to edify" or "and edify"
- to
- and
- may
- not
- will
- or
- would
- can
- that
- might
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after edify in sentences. For example: "edify the" or "edify and"
- the
- and
- .
- one
- them
- his
- or
- us
- another
- others
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- comfort
- christ
- god
- camp
- region
- church
- people
Alternate Definitions
- edify (intransitive verb) - to instruct and improve, especially in moral and religious knowledge; to teach
- edify (intransitive verb) - to teach or persuade
- edify (intransitive verb) - to improve