Definition of Effigy
effigy (noun) - a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture)
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How can effigy be used in a sentence?
An 'effigy' of Obama was found hanging in Georgia.
nullBurning someone in effigy is a symbolic violent act.
nullAn effigy of President Barack Obama found hanging from a building.
nullNovember 14th, 2009 12: 59 pm ET burning someone in effigy is unamerican.
nullI've been guilty of hanging PETA in effigy many times here on this site alone.
nullAn effigy of President Obama was found Saturday hanging from a noose on Main Street.
nullHis plans to burn people in effigy is appalling and promotes violence in our society.
nullPerhaps this would explain why Fabio Capello is being burned in effigy all over England.
nullThe piece decried the practice of hanging politicians in effigy and shouting them into silence.
nullSo why does Bush get a pass from the Cult of Curmudgeon while his successor gets hung in effigy?
nullPinko Punko: If the effigy is a skeleton, zombie, or pirate, this might make it allowable for Halloween.
nullWhen you have nuts hanging Obama in effigy do you think they are democrats, liberals, or a proggressives.
nullChurches should also be cautious about using fire in protests, even if it's only burning objects in effigy.
nullI was hung in effigy by all the Chapala women who were afraid that they too might have to ante up a few bucks more!
nullAt least, it is thought by some antiquaries that the effigy is the work of the monks; others pronounce it druidical.
nullThe effigy is a giant animated wooden and cloth marionette that waves its arms and growls ominously at the approach of its fate.
nullYou have been blacklisted, anything else you send will be hung from the rafters in effigy and recycled as lining for my parrot's cage.
nullActivists burn an effigy of the central government during a demonstration against rising prices in Amritsar, Punjab, India, November 30, 2009.
nullThe 40ft giant effigy -- which will cost several thousands to make -- is to be paraded through the streets of Barnsley as part of a healthy eating drive.
nullAnd inside, the guy, an effigy crouched in ash on his own hearthstone, ready to fall into black dust at the next blast of cold wind to sweep through the shell of his home.
nullNarinder Nanu/AFP/Getty Images Activists burn an effigy of the central government during a demonstration against rising prices in Amritsar, Punjab, India, November 30, 2009.
nullHe was hanged and burned in effigy on Aug. 14, 1765, then forced to abdicate his post by the other members of the Colonial government who turn activist to protect their own stocks.
nullIn the late 1980s, protesters burned Crabb's likeness in effigy after she allowed Indian tribes to spearfish off their reservations a practice some white fishermen believed ruined their sport.
nullIt's definitely gotten the attention of the Secret Service -- an effigy of President Obama hung in, of all places, along Main Street in the hometown of former President Jimmy Carter -- Plains, Georgia.
nullWhile some West Hollywood residents called the effigy a hate crime, a spokesman for the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department said the effigy is not considered a hate crime since it's part of a larger Halloween display.
nullThe reason this kind of speech was the first is, that the face was formed to effigy forth whatever a man thinks and wills; in consequence of which the face is also called the effigy and index of the mind (_animus_).
nullThroughout nearly the whole of the Ardennes it was and still is customary on Ash Wednesday to burn an effigy which is supposed to represent the Carnival, while appropriate verses are sung round about the blazing figure.
nullOver the effigy, which is a most interesting example of minute ecclesiastical costume, delicate shafts of Purbeck marble support a gabled canopy, each gable of which is surmounted by a finial in the form of a floriated cross.
nullAttis was also represented at these ceremonies by an effigy; for instances can be shown in which the divine being is first represented by a living person and afterwards by an effigy, which is then burned or otherwise destroyed.
nullI'd like to dance around like a possessed banshee in full Stevie Nicks regalia and chant Alanis Morissette songs as I watched the refuse burn in effigy to all the fucktards I so stupidly allowed into my heart, my head, and my hooch.
nullThe collegians professed great indignation at the manner in which the statue turned its back to the college gates, and the effigy was the object of many indignities, for which the students sometimes got into grave trouble with the authorities.
nullInstead, then, Freud erected an edifice (perhaps it would be better to say "effigy") of personality that drew on the evidence of contemporary "normative" personality development, on the one hand, and from classical stories from various mythologies.
nullIt is not inconsistent with this supposition that Attis was also represented at these ceremonies by an effigy; for instances can be shown in which the divine being is first represented by a living person and afterwards by an effigy, which is then burned or otherwise destroyed.
nullThis, again, is confirmed by observing, first, that sometimes the effigy which is to be burned is carried about simultaneously with a May-tree, the former being carried by the boys, the latter by the girls; and, second, that the effigy is sometimes tied to a living tree and burned with it.
nullIf the Democrats have any sense of political acumen, they are storing up clips of all the demonstrators holding up Nazi signs and hanging Congressmen in effigy and then, during the next election cycle, they will come out with a series of ads saying "Here's the Republican plan for healthcare reform ...."
Tips for Using effigy in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with effigy if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before effigy in sentences. For example: "the effigy" or "in effigy"
- the
- in
- an
- his
- recumbent
- and
- this
- of
- whose
- human
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after effigy in sentences. For example: "effigy of" or "effigy ."
- of
- .
- in
- is
- was
- and
- on
- mounds
- mound
- at
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- gratia
- effigies
- mounds
- recumbent
- diadem
- fawkes
- cypher
- circumscribed
- alabaster
- obverse
Alternate Definitions
- effigy (noun) - a representation or imitation of any object, in whole or in part; an image or a representation of a person, whether of the whole figure, the bust, or the head alone; a likeness in sculpture, painting, or drawing; a portrait: most frequently applied to the figures on sepulchral monuments, and popularly to figures made up of stuffed clothing, etc., to represent obnoxious persons
- effigy (noun) - the image, likeness, or representation of a person, whether a full figure, or a part; an imitative figure; -- commonly applied to sculptured likenesses, as those on monuments, or to those of the heads of princes on coins and medals, sometimes applied to portraits
- effigy (noun) - to burn or to hang an image or picture of a person, as a token of public odium