Definition of Facet
facet (noun) - a smooth surface (as of a bone or cut gemstone)
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How can facet be used in a sentence?
A facet is a single SQL Server component that contains properties.
nullOne facet of the game Maryland needs to improve on is kickoff return.
nullThe big lie as a cultural facet is very much alive today in the Middle East.
nullWhen Jimmy got up to the plate, Guillermo pronounced the word "facet" FAH-KID.
nullThis is another facet of the Republicans becoming aware of their corner-painted status.
nullAnother facet is the continual proliferation of attempts at phishing and identity theft.
nullJust getting what's popular is one thing, while getting what's popular + a facet is another.
nullAnother "facet" of troopergate is that Monegan has his own history of violence against women.
nullThe physician will place needles into small joints between the vertebrae known as facet joints.
nullBut the central, the twenty-seventh facet, which is larger than the others, has an important peculiarity.
nullOf course, another facet is that we rarely get a balanced view of all the circumstances in a case like this.
nullThe brilliant opal on his right hand and multi-facet claret-colored ruby on his left were in matched settings.
nullIf you thought working for Gucci was the most impressive facet of web developer Mark Suppes 'resume, think again.
nullHe said an ongoing court dispute over the use of land by a neighbor in New Castle was a "facet" of the investigation.
nullEssentially, Mr. Granderson is trying to eliminate excess movement in every facet of his swing, from his hands to his hips.
nullBut most guys need to do some facet of it, whether it's your red zone on Friday, your nickel on Thursday, some of that stuff.
nullBeginning at the surface we have what is known as the facet, or cornea, which roughly corresponds to the surface of our own eyes.
nullRare types of headaches arise as referred pain from arthritis of small joints between the vertebrae of the neck called facet joints.
nullWhile reviewing my MRI (12 / 08), the doctor said my lower back 'facet' joints were rubbing together and I would need physical therapy.
nullAnother facet is that my real name is not as uncommon as my screen name, so I think I have better continuity sticking with my screen name.
nullOf course, trying to go inside her soul or mind and say, well, are we depriving her of any kind of facet of life that she would truly miss?
nullToday we will hone our intellectual palette on only one facet of this onyx jewel in the vast diaspora of sinister mastication: Cthulhu Cakes
nullWe decided on a market mechanism so that people, in every facet of their lives and their personal decisions, would be thinking about how to cut consumption.
nullGovernmental tentacles now invade virtually every facet of our lives, with agents of the government listening in on our telephone calls and reading our emails.
nullThe rose is obsolete but each petal ends in an edge, the double facet cementing the grooved columns of air -- The edge cuts without cutting meets -- nothing ...
nullArticle 305 of the constitution obligates the state to intervene in land tenancy if necessary to guarantee food security, which is defined as a facet of national security.
nullOutten said the procedure is only successful in treating herniated disks, a condition called facet joint syndrome that affects the lower back and neck, and spinal stenosis.
nullThe terrorist, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was a Nigerian, and, no doubt, every facet of his life inside and outside his home country will be pored over in the course of his prosecution.
nullThe report offers a foundation of research for the discipline of threat assessment, a growing facet of college administration that seeks to predict and prevent Virginia Tech-style attacks.
nullHe underwent a surgical procedure Nov. 19, called facet rhizotomy, in which an electrode is inserted next to the inflamed nerve and the tip is heated to deaden the nerve signal in that spot of the spine.
nullI find very little pleasure in politics at the moment, with compromised reform bills being the highlight these days there is nothing that really satisfies me deep down in my soul at least from this facet of life.
nullIn reality, volunteer work is just one facet of service; we believe service expands far beyond something you do on a Saturday afternoon; service is an attitude, a passion and an ambition that permeates daily life.
nullJust as there is now a broad acceptance of gays in every facet of American society, there is also broad acceptance of gays in the current generation of the military, both amongst the rank-in-file as well as the leadership.
nullAnother technique, known as facet joint denervation involves inactivating nerves in the joints that enable the spine to bend and twist, such as in the neck, by passing radio waves via needles inserted through the skin to heat the tissue at the tip of a joint.
nullIt's a goal for America to reach a point at which people of different races are integrated in every facet of life; we'll date each other, worship together, and judge movies based not on the color of their characters 'skin but on the content of their characters' characters.
nullThis facet is present, sure, but it's not the focus -- and for the most part the film makes it abundantly clear that the prejudices of these people are very much their own, merely bolstered and buttressed by a social culture that permits them the freedom to close their minds.
nullIn AlterNet, Byard Duncan points to a lesser-known but important facet of the president's plan, reviving the Indian Health Care Improvement Act -- which would modernize the Indian health care system, which serves 1.9 million Native Americans and indigenous Alaskans, and not a moment too soon.
nullRussian in its wit and in many of its rich details, but American in its insistence on the quest for personal happiness, however provisional and however high the cost, Broccoli and Other Tales of Food and Love masterfully illuminates a very particular facet of desire with entirely charming results.
nullYou know, if it's something like an arthritis or a facet, which is a joint in the spine that can be inflamed, if it's the posture the person's in, if it's chronic use of the mouse on the computer that's causing chronic pain, the treatments of acupuncture, or massage or chiropractic may not be helpful.
nullArmy, but I still truly believe that its soldiers are no more or less homophobic than anyone else in our society, and certainly not so socially underdeveloped that they are somehow less prepared for the kind of cohesion with people of differing sexual orientations that has become more or less commonplace in every other facet of working-class American society.
Tips for Using facet in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with facet if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before facet in sentences. For example: "every facet" or "one facet"
- every
- one
- the
- a
- another
- this
- important
- articular
- each
- of
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after facet in sentences. For example: "facet of" or "facet ."
- of
- .
- joints
- joint
- is
- for
- to
- on
- and
- in
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- agreeableness
- synovial
- extraversion
- facets
- vertebra
- tubercle
- articular
- fibula
- gemstone
- simplex
Alternate Definitions
- facet (noun) - a little face; a small surface; specifically, in <em>lapidary work</em>, a small polished surface, usually of some geometrical form; one of the many variously shaped segments or faces into which the surface of a gem is broken in order to increase its brilliancy
- facet (noun) - in <em>architecture</em> the fillet between the flutings of a column
- facet (noun) - in <em>anatomy</em>, a smooth, flat, circumscribed articular surface of bone. see second cut under <internalxref urlencoded="dorsal">dorsal</internalxref>
- facet (noun) - in <em>entomology</em>, the surface of an ocellus of the compound eye of an insect; also, an ocellus
- facet (noun) - a book; especially, a child's book of instruction; a primer
- facet (noun) - a little face; a small, plane surface
- facet (noun) - a smooth circumscribed surface
- facet (noun) - the narrow plane surface between flutings of a column
- facet (noun) - one of the numerous small eyes which make up the compound eyes of insects and crustaceans