Definition of Facetious
facetious (adjective) - given to wit and good humor; merry; sportive; jocular
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How can facetious be used in a sentence?
Do you even know what "facetious" means, Jaden Smith?
nullNot sure whether you're facetious, ignorant or confused.
nullAnd maybe he isn't -- literally, I'm not being facetious.
null(I was being facetious, by the way, Mark.) Anon321 (Quote)
nullYou say that kind of facetious-like, but it really is true.
null"White," called a facetious member, but White did not notice.
nullI was being kind of facetious calling it fun, but you're right.
nullWay to take a facetious comment and blow it way out of proportion.
nullOnly people who have to look up the word "facetious" think it does.
nullThe first time I ever heard the word facetious was on a Simpsons episode.
nullInstead of thanking me for my wisdom (being facetious here), they were angry.
nullThis might seem facetious or rhetorical, but it's a very serious, core question.
nullI don't write this to be facetious or to undervalue the claims of the 99 percent.
nullI like the word facetious too, Zoom, because I associate it with a very funny story.
nullNothing 'facetious' about it: 48 advance to National Spelling Bee semis; winner crowned
nullInstead, the crowd began sarcastically to cheer him on and showered him with facetious advice.
nullPleasantry without pungent seasoning may be seen in those "facetious" verbal conceits which our
nullI'm sort of facetious here, but I do think that with men, you know, you're allowed to be sort of expansionary.
nullWith great outward show of rebellion, half genuine, half facetious, he made several tentative scrapes with the razor.
nullTurkish, and distinguished only by italics, three "facetious" tales which, as usual, are some of the best in the book.
nullIt was a mean, small name, with a kind of facetious twist, she thought about its end like the upward curve of a pugdog's tail.
nullIt was a mean, small name, with a kind of facetious twist, she thought, about its end like the upward curve of a pugdog's tail.
nullAs the days passed, the steward took facetious occasions, when he had drunk five quarts of his daily allowance, to shift his and
nullHowever, I can't see why Cusk should link it with "breezy complacency", unless she's somehow bringing "facetious" into the mix too.
nullShe smiled her way through "facetious" and didn't hesitate as she worked her way through "hemerocallis" - another word for a day lily.
nullColonel Van Gilbert was subtly facetious in his introduction of the social reformer and member of the working class, and the audience smiled.
nullOnly people who have to look up the word "facetious" think it does. untaken_name: Seriously - facetiousness doesn't necessarily equal trolling.
nullJosh demands, now towering over the accused, the intensity of his voice an ambiguous product of both facetious exaggeration and genuine concern.
nullMy comment about "the writing being the best part" of the film is entirely facetious because obviously the writing is the WORST part of the film.
nullWhen he suggested this, under a facetious show, Tom proclaimed that when he made his pile he would build a liquor cabinet in every living room of his house.
null"You must grow your hair for the marriage knot," Yunsan warned me one day, with the ghost of a twinkle in his austere eyes, more nearly facetious and human than I had ever beheld him.
nullDEVONPORT wouldn't; "this being the kind of facetious thing we are all saying just now, and something facetious being in this particular house always, for some reason or other, expected of me.
nullThis only somewhat facetious refrain was proffered on a day when Trump had said something particularly insane, by a friend of my parents who attended school with The Donald when they were just boys.
nullBut my point is that it has the virtue at least of being informed, and Swope was being facetious when he claimed to ignore facts: what made opinions interesting was precisely their grasp of the facts.
nullBut this is what I call the facetious riddle invented by you: the demigods or spirits are gods, and you say first that I do not believe in gods, and then again that I do believe in gods; that is, if I believe in demigods.
nullHe had meant to be a little facetious about the Greek words; but it was the slowly prepared and rather exasperating facetiousness of an ageing man, and he had dropped it listlessly, as though he himself had perceived this.
nullBooker's appearance on O'Brien's show culminated a facetious feud that began Sept. 23 with O'Brien joking that Booker's new health care program consisted of a bus ticket out of Newark, which is just west of New York City and is often scarred by violence.
nullHe complained of a buzzing in the ears and even temporary deafness, which terrified a "socialist" like him, the friendliest man on earth (it was Cora's companion, the blameless but dim Mrs. Ruedy, who had worked up this very special, facetious, meaning of socialist).
nullThis provided too good an opportunity for the wits of the town to miss, and they promptly renamed the house as the Goose and Gridiron, which recalls the facetious landlord who, on gaining possession of premises once used as a music-house, chose for his sign a goose stroking the bars of a gridiron and inscribed beneath, "The Swan and Harp."
Tips for Using facetious in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with facetious if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before facetious in sentences. For example: "a facetious" or "the facetious"
- a
- the
- and
- be
- being
- his
- of
- or
- very
- most
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after facetious in sentences. For example: "facetious ." or "facetious and"
- .
- and
- remarks
- remark
- in
- or
- to
- tone
- grace
- about
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- remark
- pleasant
- tales
- tone
- serious
- stories
Alternate Definitions
- facetious (adjective) - characterized by wit and pleasantry; exciting laughter