Definition of Factor
factor (noun) - anything that contributes causally to a result
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How can factor be used in a sentence?
To point out race as a factor is a form of racism.
nullAnother factor is the role integrators have played.
nullAnother factor is the recent trend of brand outlets.
nullHow much of a factor is the length of my unemployment?
nullHow big a factor is the iPhone in fueling podcast interest?
nullAnother factor is the condition of the clothes that we wear.
nullThat's a new economic factor, which is fascinating to most people.
nullThe other factor is Chinese presence that its rival countries don't like.
nullA key factor is Americans 'appreciation of their Judeo-Christian heritage.
nullYou've got personality, which is also a long-term factor in American politics.
nullYahoo some how comes up with the X-factor comic over the word factor on wikipeida.
nullAnother factor has been the strength of the US Dollar and the Euro on currency markets.
nullBut black leaders speaking out today said another factor is a general mistrust of the government.
nullAnother factor is a gradual shift of much of the world's semiconductor production to Asian countries.
nullAnother factor is the flood of returning Afghan refugees from Iran, many of whom became heroin addicts there.
nullAnother factor is the norm that universities require no more than three or four undergraduate courses per year.
nullThat prestige is typically based on the publication's impact factor, which is in turn calculated by citation data.
nullIt's developing regulations aimed at preventing human error, which it identified as a factor in many of those cases.
nullIt's a short-term factor, though, so we enjoy this while it happens and it certainly was welcome respite from what ...
nullYou have a thing called the wind chill factor, which is the wind chill kind of feels what do feel like to the exposed skin.
nullAnd there is a quarantine factor, which is where you can't really be around a lot of people for two weeks after the surgery.
nullFour new blood thinners target an enzyme called factor Xa, one of several enzymes that play an important role in the cascade.
nullAnother factor is the industry's odd magnetism, which has reliably enticed people with a lot of cash to bankroll moribund carriers.
nullClimate change was identified as a factor behind rising pollen counts by the UN's Intergovernmental Report on Climate Change in 2001.
nullThat's because voting behavior shows that the key short-term factor affecting vote -- the economy -- can change substantially in nine months.
nullAnother factor is a loss of $370 million in revenue after a deal fell apart to install video-lottery terminals at Aqueduct Racetrack in Queens.
nullThe sea ice itself has not too date been identified as a factor in ice shelf breakup, in general the ice sheves see little open water at their front.
nullAnd let ` s not ignore a third factor, which is Brown ` s attorney, who is known as something of a Harry Houdini in the criminal law ranks here in California.
nullGrowing economic ties with China are a dominant long-term factor, e.g., exports to China of parts and equipment for the assembly of goods for export to developed countries.
nullIn your divvy up $1000 game theory scenario, the extra factor is the (ahem) principle of the thing: you describe B as motivated by irrational factors, which is essentially the same thing.
nullLeveraged hedge funds are selling billions of dollars worth of commodities investments to meet their redemption demands, and this is another severe short - term factor driving down prices.
nullOf course, there's always the speed factor, which is crucial for any game with "Sonic" in the title, and the game doesn't usually stutter despite the mind-bending loop-the-loops or bouncy launch platforms.
nullAnother factor is the relative amount of trade protection that our various trading partners give to their industries through tariffs, quotas, and regulations vs. the lesser amount given to American industry.
nullThe load factor, which is the ratio of electricity generation to the peak demand applied for 8760 hours / year, has increased by nearly 10% from 57% in 1980 to more than 66% in 2000, as shown in the graph below.
nullAnother factor is the effect global warming will have on Amoc - the giant circulation of the Atlantic whereby warm sea water flows northwards in the upper ocean and cold sea water goes southwards in the deeper ocean.
nullThe U.S. Minerals and Management S.rvice is developing regulations aimed at preventing human error, which it identified as a factor in many of the more than 1,400 offshore oil drilling accidents between 2001 and 2007.
nullThe xTag's form factor, which is approximately the size of a tube of lipstick, is discreet enough that you can clip it anywhere on your shirt or blouse and be confident it will remain unobtrusive no matter what you're doing.
nullThe free cash flow dynamics, inventory versus our accounts payable, are usually a shorter term factor of either rising or falling sales and then it re-stabilizes so that the underlying EBITDA and cash flow generation are very consistent.
nullThe "factor" -- which might be a traditional lender or an independent factoring company -- will then use the 20% or so portion kept on reserve to cover its fees and then return the balance to the business after all receivables are paid in full.
nullIt is also important to note that the outdoor advertising business has a number of constraints in addition to the current economic conditions, primarily the challenges of achieving adequate returns on investments on digital displays, which limit locations suitable for digital displays, and regulatory constraints, which we expect to be a long-term factor that limits deployment of digital displays.
Tips for Using factor in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with factor if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before factor in sentences. For example: "a factor" or "important factor"
- a
- important
- the
- growth
- this
- another
- major
- risk
- one
- of
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after factor in sentences. For example: "factor in" or "factor of"
- in
- of
- .
- is
- for
- that
- which
- to
- analysis
- and
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- socioeconomic
- receptor
- transcription
- statewide
- journals
- organize
- protein
- differentiation
- determining
- comparison
Alternate Definitions
- factor (noun) - any of the numbers (or symbols) that form a product when multiplied together
- factor (noun) - an independent variable in statistics
- factor (verb) - resolve into factors
- factor (verb) - be a contributing factor
- factor (verb) - consider as relevant when making a decision
- factor (noun) - one who transacts business for another or others; specifically, in <em>com.</em>, a commission-merchant; an agent intrusted with the possession of goods for sale
- factor (noun) - in scotland, a person appointed by a heritor, landholder, or house-proprietor to manage an estate, to let lands or tenements on lease, to collect rents, etc
- factor (noun) - an agent or a deputy generally
- factor (noun) - in <em>american law</em>, in some of the united states, a person charged as a garnishee
- factor (noun) - one of several circumstances, elements, or influences which tend to the production of a given result
- factor (noun) - see the adjectives
- factor (noun) - in <em>electricity</em>, in alternating current-waves, a constant which characterizes the shape of the wave: usually defined as the ratio of the effective value of the wave to the effective value of a sine wave of equal mean value
- factor (noun) - a steward or bailiff of an estate
- factor (noun) - one of the elements or quantities which, when multiplied together, form a product
- factor (noun) - one of the elements, circumstances, or influences which contribute to produce a result; a constituent; a contributory cause