Definition of Fanaticism
fanaticism (noun) - excessive intolerance of opposing views
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How can fanaticism be used in a sentence?
So, Dowd's fanaticism is perfectly understandable.
null"The essence of fanaticism is to have your own way."
nullShe distinguished this quality carefully from "fanaticism":
nullThe Prophet's fanaticism is a second potentially problematic area.
nullIts this kind of fanaticism that Israel has faced since its creation.
nullActually religious fanaticism is one of the common symptoms of schizophrenia.
nullThe fanaticism is unreal, the total disdain for the rest of the country equally so.
nullThat's what you call fanaticism when you're trying to be creepy rather than dogmatic. "
nullReligions fanaticism is the malady and you are trying to spread it further. bitblt says:
nullWhen they didn't, the city's name became a byword for fanaticism, antisemitism, and deadly nationalism.
nullAn Israeli study of Palestinian suicide bombers from 2003 says religious fanaticism is just one of many factors.
nullWithout using the words "Islam" or "Muslim," the president made clear what kind of fanaticism he was talking about.
nullWhat we need in this country is not this kind of fanaticism, what we need is honest, intelligent political discourse.
nullThese changes of mood are characteristic of fanaticism, which is always possessed by its ideas, and never rules over them.
nullSometimes described as fanaticism, it's really just a testament to popularity of the brand and it's repeat customer business.
nullThe principal cause of terrorism is fundamentalism (hardly peculiar to Islam!) bordering on fanaticism which is prone to violence.
nullAlas the real debate that's been raging in our household is whether "fanaticism" is the real source of this sort of terrorist menace or "Islamic fanaticism?"
nulla fall impossible, he ceased to reason against what he called my fanaticism (this was a word very much in vogue and applied indiscriminately to almost everything).
nullThe Persians are a curious combination of bigotry and tolerance, or perhaps indifferentism; but in the towns where Europeans reside, fanaticism is obviously fast decaying.
nullAnd will you not grant that motherhood as it appears in that lady -- pushed to a degree of fervor which I might almost call fanaticism -- would be to her an infallible preservative?
nullI can only wish for you that Israel will do the job we all know needs to be done, and finally RID YOU of this cancer, this virus, this monster called fanaticism, today, called Hamas.
nullIn his recent piece in the Miami Herald, Howard Zinn says, "The definition of fanaticism is that when you discover that you are going in the wrong direction, you redouble your speed."
nullUnless we intend to give over Egypt to barbarism and anarchy we must contrive to check this inroad of barbarian fanaticism, which is personified in the character and action of the Mahdi.
nullAnd for the record not all extremists are Christians and Muslims but religious fanaticism is alive and well and the non-extremists of those two religions seem to be afraid to stand up to them.
nullShe wrote: "I can only wish for you that Israel will do the job we all know needs to be done, and finally RID YOU of this cancer, this virus, this monster called fanaticism, today, called Hamas."
nullBut as the Bishops grew more cautious they shrank from calling the fanaticism of the monks to their aid; for whenever the latter took part in the strife there arose in due consequence revolution, war, and bloodshed.
nullBut the great danger of fanaticism is that it cannot see any other side, addiction allows for no moderation, and something that is meant to bring comfort and joy ends up as the most destructive force designed by mankind.
nullWe cannot be ignorant of the spirit of atheistical fanaticism, that is inspired by a multitude of writings dispersed with incredible assiduity and expense, and by sermons delivered in all the streets and places of public resort in Paris.
nullWe cannot be ignorant of the spirit of atheistical fanaticism, that is inspired by a multitude of writings, dispersed with incredible assiduity and expense, and by sermons delivered in all the streets and places of public resort in Paris.
nullYet for all his self-restraint the old leaven would at times begin to work in him, and bring on fits of what his enemies would call fanaticism and his friends piety, though it must be confessed that this piety was prone to take a fierce and fiery shape.
nullThe Mussulmans present looked, or tried to look, highly edified, though it was all probably pre-arranged; still, the Soudanese fanaticism is so great that the poor woman's intense belief may have worked on her mind sufficiently to produce considerable temporary effect.
nullThe trailer portrays in part how American Evangelical Christian fanaticism is mixing religion with militarism and right-wing politics, a brainwashing of American kids that anyone who isn't Christian (and, more likely, anyone who doesn't believe in their type of Christianity) must be defeated.
nullWhenever our ethnic or national prejudices are aroused, in times of scarcity, during challenges to national self-esteem or nerve, when we agonize about our diminished cosmic place and purpose, or when fanaticism is bubbling up around us-then, habits of thought familiar from ages past reach for the controls.
nullAnd they support the cause of righteousness in a cool, reasonable, indeed slightly patronising fashion, eminently in harmony with the mind of the eighteenth century; which admired virtue very much, if she would only avoid the rigour which the age called fanaticism, and the fervour which it called enthusiasm.
nullTheir so-called fanaticism consisted in a refusal to give up the worship of God after the manner dictated by conscience and practised by their forefathers; in declining to attend the ministry of the ignorant, and too often vicious, curates forced upon them; and in refusing to take the oath of allegiance just referred to by Will Wallace.
nullAnd it must go on until England shall be convinced that slavery, as we hold it here, is essential to the welfare of the world, until the North shall find that her fanaticism was a madness and delusion, until we ourselves shall learn to value the institution above any estimate we have ever placed upon it, and to treat it as a sacred trust from
nullThe ineptitude of the British in not recognising the 'fanaticism' of Islam, or at least of Islamic radicals, is simply astonishing but I believe it stems from a naive liberal sentiment that all faiths are equal, and that what we now call Islamism IS a faith and not a political ideology akin to Nazism and actually sharing a common history in the 20th century.
nullLook at the worldliness of all classes -- the greediness of the rich, the misery of the poor, and the appalling depravity which is spreading among the lower classes through town and country; a depravity which proceeds unchecked because of the total want of discipline, and for which there is no other corrective than what may be supplied by fanaticism, which is itself an evil.
nullFrankly, after a few e-mails like Michael Fox's -- "Please notify me when the Grand Wizard of the KKK is next invited to speak at the NAACP or the Jewish Anti-Defamation League" -- I began to suspect this flap isn't really about the Catholic church so much as it's about anti-abortion fanaticism, which is definitely not a Catholic monopoly, but cuts across the Christian sects.
Tips for Using fanaticism in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with fanaticism if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before fanaticism in sentences. For example: "of fanaticism" or "religious fanaticism"
- of
- religious
- the
- and
- to
- their
- a
- or
- by
- his
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after fanaticism in sentences. For example: "fanaticism ." or "fanaticism of"
- .
- of
- and
- in
- which
- is
- that
- was
- or
- to
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- mahomet
- uncritical
- bigotry
- fanatical
- voltaire
- fanatic
- obsessive
- zeal
- extremism
- prejudices
Alternate Definitions
- fanaticism (noun) - the character or conduct of a fanatic; inordinate zeal or bigotry; the entertainment of wild and extravagant notions, especially in regard to religion
- fanaticism (noun) - <strong>synonyms</strong> <em>credulity, bigotry</em>, etc. see <internalxref urlencoded="superstition">superstition</internalxref>
- fanaticism (noun) - excessive enthusiasm, unreasoning zeal, or wild and extravagant notions, on any subject, especially religion, politics or ideology; religious frenzy