Definition of Gallant
gallant (adjective) - unflinching in battle or action
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How can gallant be used in a sentence?
It was a gallant gesture, but his muscles trembled with the effort.
nullI don't like the tag of gallant losers but it was a magnificent effort.
null"Now, that's what may be called a gallant exertion of free will," said Dwining.
null{314} Again, you have recalled the gallant men of old, and you do well to do so.
nullWhat good had it done, this fine brave stand, this gesture which everyone called gallant?
null"She didn't tell you to go that way," Max pointed out, in gallant defense of the demoiselle.
nullIn the rear of the earls Mar and Badenoch came all the chieftains of the country, in gallant array.
nullHis response veered decidedly toward the respectful, even gallant, that is, not calling out the woman for her behavior.
nullStevens, then of the Ninth Cavalry, now of the Second Cavalry, was with you, and I am sure he recalls your gallant conduct.
null"I cannot think of another leader, at least not in our time, whose campaign was described as gallant," the Prime Minister said.
nullHe also had "legendary success with women (all of it gallant and consensual, unlike that of some other masters of the platform)."
null"Contact" has a kind of gallant panache, as if it's trying to restore the primacy of the American musical through pure dance energy.
nullThen, before the smoke has had time to clear off, up comes the Bagstones in gallant form; whereupon the dahabeeyahs blaze away again as before.
nullAnd it is for this constancy, which no vulgar soul of them can understand, that Rupert and his class have dubbed the gallant gentleman a madman.
nullThe dictionary makers derive the word gallant from all sorts of roots in divers languages, meaning gay, brave, festive, proud, lascivious, and so on.
nullOf course, I could not refuse his lordship, especially as he was in the very act of complimenting me for what he was pleased to call my gallant conduct.
nullThe entertainment for which I was prepared was such as virtue would not disapprove, and my gallant was a man of fortune, fashion, and for ought I knew, of unblemished character.
nullMoreover, if the dog has any delicacy, he will naturally dislike to be known as the gallant of that gay city where he shone so successfully, and will disguise himself as well as he is able.
nullI need not explain what kind of gallant a boy of eleven must be to a girl of two and twenty; the artful hussies know how to set these puppets up in front, to conceal more serious engagements.
nullIt is a very different case from the similar instance in the city, where the gallant is a comparative stranger, who may or may not be reliable, and where a conventional world is coldly looking on.
nullThe dogged Woody comes to the rescue, but before all is resolved there are chases and cliff-hanging escapes, and Buzz is first reprogrammed as a militarist and then as a dashing, Spanish-speaking gallant.
nullSuch a tincture of corruption will always remain the mind of what you are pleased to term a gallant man, to whom I should give the less polite appellation of vicious, that I could not be happy in his society.
nullHe goes on from splendor to splendor, makes peculiarly his own the title "gallant," and on a March day in '63, shouting "Forward!" and smiling at troopers in a charge, he falls from his horse with a fatal wound.
null"But you have been chosen, Major, " Wigram's pale eyes looked at Sharpe, -not because of your lowly rank, as Colonel Elphinstone believes, but because you are known as a gallant officer unafraid of bold decisions.
nullTwice I was commended for what were called gallant actions, such as bringing a wounded comrade out of danger under a warm fire, mostly of assegais, and penetrating by night, almost alone, into the stronghold of a chieftain, and shooting him.
nullMademoiselle Sophie appeared to be highly interested, and kept looking at me while her brother was speaking, and, although she did not join in the praises her mother lavished upon me for what she called my gallant conduct, evidently regarded me as a hero.
nullThe Oxford English Dictionary has two primary definitions of "bully" above the one we normally consider as bullying in common parlance: "A blustering 'gallant'; a bravo, hector, or 'swash-buckler'; now, esp. a tyrannical coward who makes himself a terror to the weak."
nullThe fighting qualities of the despised 'niggers' (as South Carolina chivalry terms the gallant fellows who followed Colonel Shaw to the deadly breach of Wagner, reckless of all things save the stars and stripes they fought under) have been tested on many battle fields.
nullIt was not the bull, it was a young Prince such as our pretty Princess, who was not without her day-dreams, like other young girls, had sometimes pictured to herself as coming on a splendid horse, with his followers around him in gallant attire, to ask her of her parents.
nullThe spokesman said: "A former comrade [Martin McGuinness] has come full circle and with a knight of the British realm [Police Service of Northern Ireland Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde] at his shoulder he has labelled our gallant volunteers as traitors to justify his Redmondite
null"There's something so ephemeral about the concept of an event which is not recorded, which is shared and then left, which exists only in memory," says the gallant David Staller, Founder of the Gingold Theatrical Group and Project Shaw, which began in January 2006 out of a reaction to the George W. Bush administration.
nullIn the West, I heard almost no word of the war -- inter-collegiate sports were far more interesting and important, the only sympathy for Canada was pity for her loss in gallant sons and in treasure-the United States had no reason to enter the war, for no gun yet invented could carry a shell from the sea to the Mississippi.
nullBut now attendance in the big top is sparse and my wife and I had Shaboo, with its intimate 52 seats, all to ourselves, literally, except for a gallant staff of young women attendants, who helped us get the hang of pushing foie gras and other luxury oddments around in broth simmering over cool magnetic induction burners integrated into our table.
nullNow, knowing not that an innocent scholar was there, these jokers, who had drowned their sense of shame in the wine-cups, said things to make the figures on the mantel shake, the walls and the ceilings blush; and the duke surpassed them all, saying, that the lady who was in bed in the next room awaiting a gallant should be the empress of these warm imaginations, because she practised them every night.
Tips for Using gallant in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with gallant if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before gallant in sentences. For example: "the gallant" or "a gallant"
- the
- a
- and
- his
- this
- most
- that
- our
- of
- their
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after gallant in sentences. For example: "gallant and" or "gallant officer"
- and
- officer
- soldier
- men
- young
- conduct
- .
- defence
- little
- captain
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- meritorious
- bess
- brevet
- courageous
- handicap
- conduct
- bloom
- gettysburg
- daring
- distinguished
Alternate Definitions
- gallant (adjective) - having or displaying great dignity or nobility
- gallant (noun) - a gay, dashing person (rarely applied to a woman); a courtly or fashionable man
- gallant (noun) - an ardent, intrepid youth; a daring spirit; a man of mettle
- gallant (noun) - (also ga-lant′ .) a man who is particularly attentive to women; one who habitually escorts or attends upon women; a ladies' man
- gallant (noun) - a wooer; a suitor; in a bad sense, a rake; a libertine
- gallant (noun) - <em>nautical</em>, any flag carried at the mizzenmast
- gallant (adjective) - polite and attentive to ladies; courteous to women; chivalrous
- gallant (noun) - a man of mettle or spirit; a gay, fashionable man; a young blood
- gallant (noun) - one fond of paying attention to ladies
- gallant (noun) - one who wooes; a lover; a suitor; in a bad sense, a seducer
- gallant (transitive verb) - to attend or wait on, as a lady
- gallant (transitive verb) - to handle with grace or in a modish manner
- gallant (adjective) - showy; splendid; magnificent; gay; well-dressed
- gallant (adjective) - noble in bearing or spirit; brave; high-spirited; courageous; heroic; magnanimous