Definition of Galling
galling (adjective) - fitted to gall or chafe; vexing; harassing; irritating
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How can galling be used in a sentence?
But here's what's galling about the Cordoba House affair.
nullTangarone found this so galling, he took early retirement.
nullHow galling it must have been for the CIA: It was the French.
nullAnd most galling is that this entire legislative exercise was unnecessary.
nullWhat was a bit galling about the Mo. o missive, though, was the way it began:
nullHe called the remarks "galling" in a blog posted Thursday to the paper's website.
nullWhat's galling is that Obama would not have been President without the groundwork Dean laid.
nullZuckerman claims the benefits earned by public employees are "galling" to private sector workers.
nullWith his "galling" ambition, Nur Jazlan is trying to break the cycle and short circuit the process.
nullThis pay disparity is particularly galling when you consider the current crisis in our labor markets.
nullWhat makes the situation so galling is that we, now playing second banana, are in no way a threat to them.
null"It's kind of galling when you realize the nutbags with the cardboard signs had it right all along," declares
nullHow galling is it for you mind forged manacled liberals to slowly realize you're going to lose again? cherrystrawberry
nullLet me clarify that what I find so galling is the fact that progressive readers will completely misinterpret this story.
nullTo a man who knows how to enforce his own authority, it is worse than galling to be obeyed because he wears a woman's favor.
nullAnd that's especially galling, considering we've been made steady progress toward recouping the losses inflicted by the financial crisis.
nullIt is especially galling this year, because I am in the same time zone as the Olympics, and yet we are not allowed to watch anything live on NBC.
nullI'm not sure which side of that proposition I found more galling: that sex addiction isn't real, or that there's such a thing as "normal" male behavior.
nullBut for a non-Zoho user, there's one thing that's kind of galling: You can access your Zoho Mail through integration with browser extension Google Gears.
nullIt's particularly galling that they are using the platform of baseball, that historic symbol of community and cohesion, as a staging ground for their hate.
nullWhat make this automatic 50% of surnames excision particularly galling is that for almost all of us, the only parentage we can claim with certainty is maternal.
nullWhat's galling is his attempts in recent days to draw paralels between their war and his, or between the leadership of those trying days and his own inept performance.
nullTony Bradley, member of the Contract Campaign Committee, said he found it "galling" that the administration wanted to double retirees 'contribution to health care costs.
nullA 36-year-old Fabio Cannavaro was sent off that night and a galling World Cup followed, but getting the better of such renowned players still enhanced Zamora's confidence.
nullIt must be yet more "galling" for Queens, because they always have been more flattered, and are imaginative enough to fancy that in grasping the symbols they hold the power.
nullI take that back, the thing that's MOST galling is that he's going to continue to allow American troops to DIE NEEDLESSLY while he dithers about looking smart and thoughtful.
nullThat was "galling" to people in committed relationships, said Arnie Bigbee, chairman of the city's Human Rights and Relations Commission, which brought the measure to the council.
nullI don't have a prblm with cheating, per se, we are not gods, we are humans, despite what the Christian right preaches, what I find galling is the people who pretend to be what they are not.
null"It is always offensive when someone steals from others to finance his own luxurious lifestyle, but it is especially galling to exploit a community with whom one shares an inherent trust," said
nullSenator Joyce described as "galling" a decision by the Rudd Government to give the World Bank $150 million, a third of which he said would be used to reduce food inflation in developing nations.
nullThe SEC opposes the distribution plan and initially characterized it as "galling" for allowing Harder and several former executives the opportunity to retain equity before all creditors are repaid.
nullWhat she finds particularly galling is the tea partiers 'oft-repeated revolutionary cry of taxation without representation, despite the election of a president on the highest voter turnout since 1968.
nullChristine Radogno, a Republican Illinois state senator, called the governor's move "galling" and said the state should hold a special election to fill the two years remaining in Mr. Obama's former Senate seat.
nullGiven that BP has spent large sums cultivating an environmentally sensitive reputation, describing itself as a forward-looking energy giant moving "beyond petroleum" will prove particularly galling to shareholders.
nullEyman said in an e-mail to supporters that the Democrats 'action was "galling" and he claimed SB 6843 reduces "sunshine" on tax decisions by eliminating some of the public notice requirements every time a tax bill is introduced.
nullThis is funny, because it makes the Republicans in the House who voted for this look more liberal than Barry. kind of galling to ZERO that the dimmest bulb in the history of the senate would be the brains of the outfit, I'll bet ...
nullAmericans are still getting killed in countries full of ingrate tribal nutbars and religious fanatics, unemployment is over ten percent, and the same rich scumbags who caused this disaster are giving each other millions in (how's this for a galling word) "bonuses."
nullRon Dodson, chairman of the Southern Regional board of directors, called Piedmont's opposition "galling" and accused the hospital in Atlanta's tony Buckhead neighborhood of putting "their bottom line and their business interests ahead of the health care needs of an underserved population that would clearly benefit from the establishment of a local open heart surgery program."
nullThis, in the words of Pirate Smee, was 'a kind of a compliment ', but it was also, to quote the same hero,' galling '; and I have wished for an opportunity of disowning the pretension which I found attributed to me of setting up as a pundit, or a pontiff, or a Petronius Arbiter; for I have neither the sure taste, nor the exhaustive reading, nor the ample leisure which would be necessary in any such role.
Tips for Using galling in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with galling if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before galling in sentences. For example: "the galling" or "a galling"
- the
- a
- more
- most
- particularly
- was
- and
- so
- especially
- very
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after galling in sentences. For example: "galling to" or "galling fire"
- to
- fire
- .
- and
- yoke
- for
- than
- of
- chains
- in
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- eliciting
- galls
- gall
- microscopic
- adhesion
- welding
- sliding
- admiration
- aluminium
- aided
Alternate Definitions