Definition of Gape
gape (noun) - an expression of openmouthed astonishment
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How can gape be used in a sentence?
He wanted to gape in astonishment, but didn't dare.
nullThey freeze and all turn to gape me at the same time.
nullHe didn't seem able to move; he could only gape at her.
nullI sensed a few people turning heads to gape at each other.
nullBut the onlookers simply continued to gape at him, smiling.
nullAfterward, we could do the boardwalk and gape at the freaks.
null'Oh great,' I mutter to myself as I gape at the illustration.
nullThe locksman watched him come, standing gape-jawed and frozen.
nullHope continued to gape at him with a mix of confusion and alarm.
nullThis hollowed gape was once my hallowed cape, valley, and mountain.
nullHe continued to gape at her, the paw holding the fork slowly dropping.
nullWe gape at the opposition party's demands, rather than forming our own.
null- hanya mudah di kalangan user yang sudah 'gape' dengan aplikasi tersebut
nullHe disliked the greedy gape of the stairs and turned away as he passed it.
nullIf you want to gape at Tiger for longer than two seconds, go buy the magazine.
nullI, poor fool, can only gape at him as he steadily closes the distance between us.
nullMinerva smirked at Giles over her shoulder, but all he could do was gape at Maria.
nullDodd popped up from his seat on the other side of the table and leaned over to gape.
nullThe thylacine nodded and yawned, displaying an astonishing hundred-and-eighty-degree gape.
nullFor several seconds, she could only gape at the inferno half a block away where her townhouse had stood.
nullThat morning, even the geniuses who loved to sleep in rolled out of their beds to gape at the procession.
nullI gape at my father-in-law, who once told me that he'd forsworn all coarse language after his wife's death.
nullGadhafi shooed away cars filled with residents who stopped Tuesday to gape at the destruction caused by the bombs.
nullA: Zippers are popular fasteners because unlike buttons, hooks or snaps, they close up quickly and don't gape open.
nullAt the last show, Lindsey announced that they were joining Fleetwood Mac, and the audience could only gape, silently.
nullThe kyren's method of mass feeding was made clear by its mouth-a wide gape lined top and bottom with twin ridges of horn.
nullI could only gape; whether it was the drink or admiration or what, I don't know, but I seemed paralysed in every limb but one.
nullIf you felt rushed while trying to gape at a half-naked Tiger Woods on TV this week, blame photographer-to-the-stars Annie Leibovitz.
nullI inquired, but before I could finish, I was being hustled down the stairs between the two men, leaving my aged patient to gape after us in perplexity.
nullCeleste held on to the railing with both hands, trying not to gape at the fine art and one-of-a-kind, handcrafted seating that the stairs opened out into.
nullAnd I realized that if this fish could scream it would, but instead all it did was gape, and I released it into back into the river, hurting and silent and probably bound to die.
nullAnd now every man guarding the walls and the gates, every servant that heard the cries of surprise, and every stableboy came running out to gape at the skies like a parcel of fools.
nullEven the most seasoned pol has to gape in stunned disbelief that John McCain, the one-time presidential candidate, is willing to give credence to made-up claims about "death panels."
nullThere she will read to patrons; they will gape with astonishment and accept CDs of her boyfriend reading the first chapter so they can listen as they drive their rigs into the sunset.
nullI slowly scanned this sea of nonchalance, this tundra of gape-mouthed, slack-tongued boredom, and recognized it as the place where spontaneity, unabashed fun and unbridled glee went to die.
nullVirtually no one was on the Wing at that time of day -- most were at their work assignments -- so I sat alone and stared gape-mouthed at the footage of New Orleans under eight feet of murky brown water.
nullDown on hands and knees at the rear of the horse, I could see the lips of the vagina gape slightly with each contraction, but nothing further happened; no sight of tiny hoof or delicate wet nose appeared at the opening.
nullAfter running anti-Obama and anti-health care propaganda 24 hours a day and making the White House as homey as Hell House, you'd think they'd follow up by demonstrating to their gape-mouthed masses just what a crypto commie demon the prez is.
nullThere is a sports centre to make the Olympians gape, two "royal" villas for the obscenely rich, immense meeting halls and plazas, six restaurants, two golf courses and, literally, dozens of swimming pools because if you pay enough you get your own.
nullBarracoon iron hooks like the nails of God tear the ceiling just above your body turned inward to the wall wait the deep curve of your hip and a right arm which is the precision of lines with no color of lines near the edge of a black gape against the wall you finish in a dream
nullI could only gape at that wall of horsemen, galloping now, and then back at the two frail, scarlet lines that in a moment must be swept away into bloody rabble with the hooves smashing down on them and the sabres swinging; it was the finish, I knew, and nothing to do but wait trembling for it to happen.
nullWhen it got too bad I would loaf up to the Mall, and gape at the mem-sahibs with their big hats and parasols, driving by, and watch the officers cantering past, flicking their crops as I clumped my big boots and saluted, or squat near the church to listen to them singing "Greenland's Icy Mountains" of a Sunday evening.
Tips for Using gape in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with gape if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before gape in sentences. For example: "to gape" or "the gape"
- to
- the
- and
- only
- not
- they
- a
- wide
- would
- will
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after gape in sentences. For example: "gape at" or "gape ."
- at
- .
- and
- of
- in
- open
- for
- with
- is
- to
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- toes
- flanges
- partially
- walking
- flange
- adapted
- bristles
- mandible
- feet
- fleshy
Alternate Definitions
- gape (noun) - a stare of amazement (usually with the mouth open)
- gape (verb) - be wide open
- gape (noun) - the act of gaping
- gape (noun) - a fit of yawning: commonly in the plural
- gape (noun) - in <em>zoology</em>:
- gape (noun) - the width of the mouth when opened; the interval between the upper and under mandibles; the rictus, or commissural line. see first cut under <internalxref urlencoded="bill">bill</internalxref>
- gape (noun) - <em>plural</em> a disease of young poultry, caused by the presence of a nematoid worm or strongyle (<em>syngamus trachealis</em>) in the windpipe, attended by frequent gaping as a symptom
- gape (intransitive verb) - to open the mouth wide
- gape (intransitive verb) - expressing a desire for food
- gape (intransitive verb) - indicating sleepiness or indifference; to yawn
- gape (intransitive verb) - showing unselfconsciousness in surprise, astonishment, expectation, etc
- gape (intransitive verb) - manifesting a desire to injure, devour, or overcome
- gape (intransitive verb) - to open or part widely; to exhibit a gap, fissure, or hiatus
- gape (intransitive verb) - to long, wait eagerly, or cry aloud for something; -- with <ex>for</ex>, <ex>after</ex>, or <ex>at</ex>
- gape (noun) - the act of gaping; a yawn
- gape (noun) - the width of the mouth when opened, as of birds, fishes, etc
- gape (noun) - a disease of young poultry and other birds, attended with much gaping. it is caused by a parasitic nematode worm (<spn>syngamus trachealis</spn>), in the windpipe, which obstructs the breathing. see <er>gapeworm</er>