Definition of Hallowed
hallowed (adjective) - worthy of religious veneration
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How can hallowed be used in a sentence?
The word hallowed means, to render or pronounce holy.
nullGod never thinks his name hallowed unless his Son be honoured.
nullAnd how is His name hallowed in us except while it makes us holy?
nullIt is useless to ask for that to be hallowed which is always holy.
null_Great Harry_ or _Henri Grace de Dieu_, as she had been "hallowed" in
nullIt seems idle to pray that that may be hallowed which is already hallowed or holy.
nullAnd insomuch as He finds place in us to work, is His name hallowed, and magnified, and made known.
nullThat picture -- those evenings -- come back to me, with a kind of hallowed perfume of truth and hope.
nullNow, "hallowed" means "regarded as holy; sacred," which seems a little much even for a very pretty golf course.
nullAfter that experience Christophe shut himself up and set himself to read once more the works of the "hallowed" musicians.
nullI'm from - yes, I am from San Antonio, and we have our own little bit of what we call hallowed ground, that being the Alamo.
nullI was doing my best to keep up by the sound; my mind could not go beyond the word "hallowed," for which I had not found the meaning.
nullImagine the "hallowed" associations of a "home" consisting of one room where two families, one of them with a boarder, live, eat, and work!
nullThis being "hallowed" meant destruction; for this was the name applied to everything (as, for instance, a victim) that was consecrated for slaughter.
nullUS diplomats sat in a room as vile bigotry spewed from the "hallowed" halls of international diplomacy; to America's shame, they said and did nothing.
nullAnd because that two things be in the church that be hallowed, that is the altar and the temple, therefore it is first to be seen how the altar is hallowed.
nullIn explaining the word "hallowed," Weeramantry says, "When the Prayer says" hallowed "be thy name, it is saying that the reciter will treat God as hallowed."
nullThe Court of Appeals declared the law unconstitutional, and in their decision the judges reprobated the law as an assault upon the "hallowed" influences of "home."
nullFor they introduced laws to the effect that whoever should obstruct them by deed or word, be he private citizen or magistrate, should be "hallowed" and incur pollution.
nullCar parking may be more expensive than a trophy wife, but it saves that long walk from Southfields tube to what we are contractually obliged to refer to as the hallowed lawns of SW19.
nullBy a kind of hallowed psychomancy, that humble man would detect a discordant presence, and hush the voices of a congregation till the stubborn soul felt God in the stillness, and penitently surrendered.
nullTheir choice of the words "hallowed" and "home," as applicable to the revolting conditions attending the manufacture of cigars in tenement-houses, showed that they had no idea what it was that they were deciding.
nullThe next day, in hallowed Madison Square Garden against the New York Knicks, he missed six of nine shots but had nine points and made a move down the lane against Othello Harrington that ended in a thundering dunk.
nullThe disgust which The Vision of Judgment had produced, rendered it easy to persuade the world that there was impiety in the Heaven and Earth, although, in point of fact, it may be described as hallowed with the Scriptural theology of Milton.
nullMount Vernon is yet sacred, and may be regarded as not only the entombing place of our first and greatest national chief, but as an enshrinement in hallowed memories of all who under him fought and bled in vindication of freedom's holy cause.
nullTo be really crude about it, in the United States, if you do anything and say that it's because it's my religious belief, there is some kind of hallowed ground that you cannot touch, because everybody must be able to do what they want in religion.
nullThat the ground on which the planned center is to be built is or is not "hallowed" is open for debate - it probably seems more that way when you're a presidential hopeful dictating Tweets to an aide than it does when you're a New Yorker looking for a place to eat lunch.
nullBut the nicest thing of all is your prodigious unselfishness, the unselfishness that's leaving this talk of ours kind of -- well, kind of hallowed, and something we'll not be unhappy in remembering, when it could have so easily turned into something selfishly mean and ugly and sordid.
nullMighty Mills -- pride of the architect and the commercial magnate; charnel houses, devastators, destructors of homes and all that mankind calls hallowed; breeders of strife, of strike, of immorality, of sedition and riot -- buildings tremendous -- you give your immutable faces, myriads-windowed, to the dust-heaps, to the wind-swept plains of sand.
nullJust as the people of Japan today would not think of planting their flag at Pearl Harbor, despite the fact that no Japanese under the age of 85 has any possible responsibility for that infamy, representatives of contemporary Islam - the overwhelming majority of whose adherents are equally innocent of the infamy committed on 9/11 in their name - should exercise comparable respect for what even Obama calls hallowed ground.
nullJust as the people of Japan today would not think of planting their flag at Pearl Harbor, despite the fact that no Japanese under the age of 85 has any possible responsibility for that infamy, representatives of contemporary Islam -- the overwhelming majority of whose adherents are equally innocent of the infamy committed on 9/11 in their name -- should exercise comparable respect for what even Obama calls hallowed ground and take up the governor's offer.
nullShe was somewhat bewildered, but enjoyed what might be called a hallowed consciousness that she was doing exactly the right thing; and it was, perhaps, only a delicate consciousness of the fitness of things that made her answer all questions as to the time of her arrival in Boston with the date of her coming to Mrs. Staggchase, ignoring her previous visit to a woman of whose existence it was only proper to assume her new acquaintances to be entirely unaware.
Tips for Using hallowed in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with hallowed if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before hallowed in sentences. For example: "the hallowed" or "and hallowed"
- the
- and
- a
- this
- be
- is
- most
- of
- that
- its
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after hallowed in sentences. For example: "hallowed by" or "hallowed be"
- by
- be
- ground
- and
- spot
- in
- halls
- it
- .
- the
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- nonhuman
- thy
- mirth
- realms
- deities
- byway
- forgotten
- pantheon
- turf
- gettysburg
Alternate Definitions
- hallowed (adjective) - belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power; made holy. opposite of unholy