Definition of Haphazard
haphazard (adjective) - dependent upon or characterized by chance
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How can haphazard be used in a sentence?
GCHQ took a 'haphazard' approach to the tracking of laptops
nullWhat Bob Semro called "haphazard" is really personal freedom.
nullIs the TC trying to be picky in what they define as 'haphazard'?
nullBut my experience was - my interview process was kind of haphazard in a way.
nullThis is a White House that doesn't do anything that's kind of haphazard or accidentally.
nullThere was a fluidity to his motions; a kind of haphazard beauty that was never out of time.
nullThis is the "haphazard" way we buy cars, food, electronics, car insurance, clothes, you name it.
nullWe should also improve on the quality of our work, not this kind of haphazard movies we do in Nollywood.
nullHe remained defiant after being criticised for "haphazard" investments in fields where he has no expertise.
nullThe committee said it appeared logging the allocation and subsequent location of laptops at GCHQ had been "haphazard".
nullBut it speaks, again, to a questionable decision-making process that rival executives have called haphazard and disjointed.
nullHis use of the secondary literature is haphazard, which is perhaps to be forgiven in light of the variety of work considered.
nullMcCartney deliberately works to fit his career around his time with Beatrice - and admits he likes having a "haphazard" schedule.
nullBy contrast, Frost scolded the state in July for creating what he called a "haphazard application" of its death penalty protocols.
nullThe arrangements and composition sometimes feel a bit haphazard, meaning that the songs rarely achieve the punch that they ought to.
nullThey seemed to work by a kind of haphazard or 'rule of thumb,' and indeed felt annoyed that anything more should be expected of them.
nullMakens described in the increase in reported incidents as being due to changes from prior "haphazard" data compilation and primarily due to
nullCuts in the health service are being introduced in a "haphazard" way which could harm patient care, the British Medical Association has said.
nullDelhi, Dec. 19: The NCP has slammed the Congress for its 'haphazard' decision on the creation of Telangana and accused the ally of robbing credit for
nullAgain, I don't want to say that this kind of haphazard pattern of interactions produces a factory that works with the precision and efficiency of clockwork.
nullPrior to Guardian taking over EMS, Venuti said Flagstaff and the county had private ambulance services that were "haphazard" and disconnected with one another.
nullIts February 2008 Final Report advised a collaborative "planned approach" - as opposed to "haphazard" - protecting Maine's "treasured ... scenic and natural resources."
nullThe program is still "haphazard," but could mean that Burma, also known as Myanmar, will eventually join the ranks of North Korea and Pakistan in holding a nuclear weapon.
nullDr. Robin Fox, editor of the British medical journal The Lancet visited the Home for Dying Destitutes in Calcutta and described the care the patients received as "haphazard".
nullWoloshin: "The drug label, which is the most direct way the FDA communicates what it knows about drugs to doctors, is kind of haphazard, so important information can be lost."
nullIntelligence security committee says 'haphazard' monitoring meant it was not known whether top secret information had been mislaid GCHQ's monitoring system has been criticised as
nullEvidence before the court showed that a "haphazard" procedure was followed by the Northern Province government for procurements, and proper tender procedures were not always followed.
nullHe urged NHS bosses to consult more with local people and staff about savings they had to make, saying in some places the decision-making seemed "haphazard" and "arbitrary" at the moment.
nullGoqwana last week suspended his superintendent-general of health, Lawrence Boya, citing maladministration, weak financial management, "haphazard" monitoring of finances and insubordination.
nullZeinab Awadallah, the president of the three-year-old National Association for Consumer Protection, dismisses the decision as a manifestation of the government's "haphazard" economic policy.
nullFEMA also deserves its share of blame for redirecting relief trucks around the area in haphazard fashion and in not ordering a streamlining of paperwork in the inital days following the levy break.
null"Half-hazard" is an apt, though unintentional, synonym for "haphazard," and though exorbitant prices cause little exuberance in shoppers, high prices and high moods are probably linked in the minds of the eggcorners.
nullAnd we thought that by putting this book together we would both -- we'd give it some focus and some perspective -- see things with some clarity -- which is very difficult to do on a kind of haphazard day-to-day basis.
nullThe latest enemy of the coconut industry in Sri Lanka has now been identified as the haphazard importation of palm oil and the way the government acts appears to be really aiding and abating the down fall of coconut industry.
nullPhotograph: PR Staff at GCHQ, the government's electronic eavesdropping centre, mislaid 35 laptops and it was not known whether the computers contained top secret information because of the agency's "haphazard" monitoring system, it emerged
nullI looked around me, at smashed remains: bricks tumbled in haphazard heaps, sections of roofs and walls, ripped apart as if by a giant and scattered like paper, no collection of building materials recognizable as a house for blocks in every direction.
nullI feel like Dahl attempted to do too much at once because the result is a kind of haphazard, disjointed narrative, which ironically is the kind of life that Kitty leads-thanks to her mother-but probably wasn't the motivation behind Dahl writing this book.
nullSurely enough, it's easy to see how all the subtle nuances flew over the heads of those watching it due to Kaiba being horrible by way of action, but a lot of what really matters, at least in my opinion, takes place in the form of exposition-as-conversations, the very ones that were callously called "haphazard" or "boring".
nullIt is true that persons may be found who will foolishly expose themselves to death in maintaining some absurd opinions and dreams conceived by their own brain, but such impetuosity is more to be regarded as frenzy than as Christian zeal; and, in fact, there is neither firmness nor sound sense in those who thus, at a kind of haphazard, cast themselves away.
nullIT1 is true that persons may be found who will foolishly expose themselves to death in maintaining some absurd opinions and reveries conceived by their own brain, but such impetuosity is more to be regarded as frenzy than as Christian zeal; and, in fact, there is neither firmness nor sound sense in those who thus, at a kind of haphazard, cast themselves away.
nullAlso, while the downtown has been vastly improved over the years, with such projects as Millennium Park and the museum campus, to name a few, a lot of the neighborhoods still suffer with lack of garbage pickup, filth on the streets, and a mass transit system that is substandard, with bus and train service which I would have to call haphazard, as there are times when you still have to wait up to twenty minutes for a bus or train, and you really have no idea when you are going to get your bus or train to come.
Tips for Using haphazard in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with haphazard if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before haphazard in sentences. For example: "a haphazard" or "the haphazard"
- a
- the
- and
- at
- of
- rather
- in
- somewhat
- not
- was
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after haphazard in sentences. For example: "haphazard and" or "haphazard ."
- and
- .
- way
- fashion
- manner
- or
- in
- methods
- collection
- growth
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- manner
- confusing
- grouping
- uneven
- scheduling
- layout
- irregular
- systematic
- fashion
- editing
Alternate Definitions
- haphazard (adjective) - marked by great carelessness
- haphazard (adverb) - without care; in a slapdash manner
- haphazard (noun) - chance; accident
- haphazard (noun) - extra hazard; chance; accident; random
- haphazard (adjective) - determined by chance, whimsy, or guesswork; unplanned; aimless; random; -- used mostly of human actions