Definition of Harangue

harangue (noun) - a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion

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How can harangue be used in a sentence?

  1. And if it does, I doubt my harangue will make a difference.

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  2. I did not tell you not to use "harangue" for whatever you like.

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  3. Four men in grey suits (the chorus), harangue us through loudspeakers.

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  4. Voters are allowed to harangue leaders, but never the other way around.

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  5. Has the harangue to a annoying significant other ever been better interpreted?

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  6. I cannot believe, after all the harangue, that he's now actually laughing at me.

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  7. "I don't know if 'harangue' is the word I'd use," added Mark Waid while glaring at Mosher,

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  8. This is not exactly the kind of harangue the current administion and the boys wanted to hear.

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  9. I had a couple of ramblers stop at my croft about an hour ago and harangue me for keeping pigs.

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  10. Ahmadenijad -- with 168 nations whose diplomats provided polite applause after his latest harangue.

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  11. Wittgenstein would harangue them to quit the academy and do something useful, like grinding lenses in Omsk.

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  12. If she asks, be honest about your feelings about her boyfriend but don't harangue her about her relationship.

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  13. I'm no big fan of Blondoleezza, but I don't see you snarking at any male politicians who "harangue" their wives.

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  14. Because I'm a scrupulous person, I would never harangue anyone for being involved in a political cause that I oppose.

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  15. After I emailed him the article about the Harvard reaction, he said he'd take the Harvard harangue with a grain of it.

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  16. Once again, what could be a very useful blog presents itself as an angry, spite-filled harangue of anything "outsider".

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  17. If we have to put up with the occasional oddball harangue at the UN in exchange, that's a very small price to pay indeed.

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  18. The Haggadah is xeroxed and passed around to the guests so we can all participate, pray, question, harangue, and celebrate together.

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  19. Brian Wright, 40, from Coventry, did see him but, as a football referee at local level himself, did not think it right to harangue him.

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  20. He missed his second serve for a double-fault, then continued to harangue the official, at one point jokingly making a reference to "1-800-Rent-a-Ref."

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  21. He took a massive battery of tests over the next few days, including a visit to the Smoking Doctor, who did not harangue him about smoking but expressed calm disapproval.

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  22. Vera, don't be surprised if your imprecise slippery! use of the verb "harangue" to refer to a short one-line gibe was naturally taken as referring to Nick's bombastic ranting.

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  23. In other words, the passion he's selling isn't coming from any still-volcanic emotion but is strictly manufactured -- like those appliances against which he's so keen to harangue.

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  24. (Later identified by wire services as Rives Miller Grogan of Los Angeles, the man was arrested and charged under a law that makes it a crime to "harangue" inside the Supreme Court.)

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  25. Some portentous cannon shots shook the city of Havana just as the first vice president approached the podium and began his harangue filled with platitudes and declarations of intransigence.

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  26. He listened, and Sonsee-array preened at the silent crowd, and then one young buck, naked except for boots and breech-clout, but with silver ornaments slung round his neck, swaggered forward and began a harangue in Apache.

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  27. There's no emotion or umbrage here or even shit-picking attached to telling you that when I read "harangue" I assume "bombastic ranting," which is not my connotation, but a standard and prevailing definition of the word "harangue."

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  28. This was glaringly apparent in the ferocity and bile spouted by the shock troops the GOP leaders (in consort with tea party activists) brought out to harangue, harass and bully Democrat legislators on the eve of the final health care vote.

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  29. This was glaringly apparent in the ferocity and bile spouted by the shock troops the GOP leaders in consort with the tea party activists brought out to harangue, harass and bully Democrat legislators on the eve of the final health care vote.

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  30. This was, perhaps, the first time an harangue from the baron had been thought too short; but the surprise of young Lynmere; at the view of his destined bride, made him wish he would speak on, merely to annul any necessity for speaking himself.

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  31. But the word "harangue" is insufficient to reproduce the hatred, the desires of vengeance expressed by the haughty gesture of the hand, the brevity of the speech, and the look of sullen and cool-blooded energy on the countenance of the speaker.

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  32. This ought to include her Dumpster-diving brother Sean (John Benjamin Hickey), a sanctimonious bigmouth who lives on the streets so he can harangue passersby about their ecologically irresponsible automobiles and other crimes against the society and the environment.

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  33. As is convenient for wingnut hit jobs, you can't hear anything Blumenthal says, while Mr. Breitbart's non-stop harangue is caught on tape perfectly, like what's done in media hit jobs so familiar from Bill O'Reilly, Breitbart's monologue stuck in a never ending loop.

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  34. Enthusiastic women never even suspect the difference that there is between the excitement of a popular harangue, which is nothing but a mere passionate outburst, and the unfolding of a didactic process, the aim of which is to prove something and to convince its hearers.

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  35. In a majority opinion that could be charitably described as a harangue, Justice Earl Warren cited multiple irrelevant cases in which criminal suspects were forcibly deprived of their rights, and then conceded that Miranda was not alleged to have received any such treatment.

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  36. If I chose to wait for Mr Liddle outside his home and on seeing him launched into a loud harangue in which I called him a baby-strangler and a paedophile, without of course offering any evidence whatsover for my allegations, would he be so keen on protecting my freedom of speech?

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  37. Wall Street Journal columnist Mary O'Grady seems to have joined this side, as well, shamelessly using her Wall Street Journal column to harangue Democratic congressional staffers for a visit to Tegucigalpa, during which they likely reinforced their commitment to the Truth Commission.

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  38. This kind of harangue from the king to his Parliament seems not to have been considered at the time, at all extraordinary; though, if such a message were to be sent, at the present day, to a body of legislators, whether by a king or a president, it would certainly produce a sensation.

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  39. I see a difference between using the punchline without attribution (the ancient rule for commencement speakers has been to "make them suffer") and using the whole opening, including its rather unusual word choices ( "harangue," "slavish in its obedience to ancient custom," "beg for mercy").

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  40. One day this Government will realise that if it wants a decent, well trained and well equipped CJS it has to invest resources and not harangue those involved to produce everything quicker and cheaper. on June 5, 2009 at 10: 30 am Not surprised anymore on June 5, 2009 at 9: 58 am: Metcountymounty

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  41. My experience immediately called to mind a recent, brilliant op-ed by Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal entitled, 'We Pay them to Abuse us,' which followed Steven Slater's meltdown on JetBlue where passengers were subjected to his profanity-laced harangue after paying JetBlue to fly on the plane.

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  42. Every word of Nicias went home, galling him in his sorest point -- his outrageous vanity; and hardly had the elder statesman concluded his speech, when he sprang to his feet, and burst without preface into a wild harangue, which is a remarkable piece of self-revelation, disclosing with perfect candour the inner motives of the man on whom, more than on any other, the future of Athens depended.

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  43. These new-discovered people of the Indies [Mexico and Yucatan D.W.], when the Spaniards first landed amongst them, had so great an opinion both of the men and horses, that they looked upon the first as gods and the other as animals ennobled above their nature; insomuch that after they were subdued, coming to the men to sue for peace and pardon, and to bring them gold and provisions, they failed not to offer of the same to the horses, with the same kind of harangue to them they had made to the others: interpreting their neighing for a language of truce and friendship.

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Tips for Using harangue in a Sentence

You may have an easier time writing sentences with harangue if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.

Frequent Predecessors

Words that often come before harangue in sentences. For example: "to harangue" or "his harangue"

  • to
  • his
  • the
  • a
  • long
  • this
  • an
  • and
  • her
  • eloquent

Frequent Successors

Words that often come after harangue in sentences. For example: "harangue ." or "harangue the"

  • .
  • the
  • of
  • to
  • in
  • on
  • was
  • against
  • and
  • by

Associated Words

Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.

  • ben
  • footage
  • crowd
  • congress
  • troops
  • terms
  • campaign
  • battle
  • language
  • good

Alternate Definitions

  • harangue (verb) - deliver a harangue to; address forcefully
  • harangue (noun) - a set oration; a public address; a formal, vehement, or passionate address; also, any formal or pompous speech; a declamation; a tirade
  • harangue (noun) - <strong>synonyms</strong> <em>address, oration</em>, etc. see <internalxref urlencoded="speech">speech</internalxref>
  • harangue (noun) - a speech addressed to a large public assembly; a popular oration; a loud address to a multitude; in a bad sense, a noisy or pompous speech; declamation; ranting
A sentence using harangue