Definition of Harbinger
harbinger (noun) - something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone
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How can harbinger be used in a sentence?
I have to say I've never been called a harbinger before.
nullBut this metric might not be a great harbinger of success.
nullA harbinger was the first run of fish in the St. Lawrence River.
nullWas the bird some kind of harbinger, trained to speak over the dead?
nullThe smell of lawn chemicals is as dependable a harbinger of spring as robins and lilacs.
nullIn some ways, they said, the midterms were not as bleak a harbinger as some Democrats fear.
nullDo you think that ` s any kind of harbinger of success for him in America and bringing fans in?
nullIn general mysticism, it has been called the harbinger of Enlightnment, which is the second stage.
nullIn recent years, a new kind of harbinger of the season has blossomed on the sidewalks of Manhattan.
nullNow, let me just describe something that I think might be a harbinger of things to come, I might say.
nullWhile this stark reality seems intractable, a harbinger of total collapse of our democracy, it is not.
nullChina is in a fever of dam building, which makes the Mekong drought a possible harbinger of more such conflicts.
nullAn early "harbinger" uptick in inflation instability is also marked on the chart that peaks between 2001 and 2002.
nullIn the "tea bagger" secular version: the US government is the enemy and is the harbinger of doom, collapse and the end.
nullPickup truck sales rebounded in March, a harbinger for the economy since small-business owners make up nearly 75% of buyers.
nullIt is best picture this year by a mile, and its tragedy is a kind of harbinger of what may be a century of tragedies for the USA.
nullAgainst the odds given the UK's electoral system, this victory could be seen as a change in attitudes in UK society and a harbinger of change.
nullWhat Katz experienced and reveals to us, however, is a harbinger of an exciting journalism future-in-the-making -- the coming media convergence:
nullSome have claimed -- Glenn Beck is a notable case in point -- that the Egyptian revolution is the harbinger of a menacing "one-world government."
nullRentrak Chief Research Operator Bruce Goerlich agreed with Wurtzel that simultaneous viewing of the Olympics was a "harbinger" of increased multi-screen viewing.
nullRentrak Chief Research Operator Bruce Goerlich agreed with Wurtzel that simultaneous viewing of the Olympics was a "harbinger" of increased multi-screen viewing.??
nullAnd speaking of this seemingly rainy year for NY Republicans, is the lack of a GOP challenger to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand a harbinger of the national party's 2012 problems?
nullTherefore, the JOLT survey is seen as a near - to mid-term harbinger of future hiring - and two straight months of declines sends a clear signal that joblessness won't be declining.
nullThe harbinger was a 9-for-11 success rate in the first quarter, and though they cooled off from there, the Cougars made it known that they're one of the state's most dangerous teams.
nullUnderscoring the need for a peaceful relation between the two neighboring countries of India and Pakistan, Altaf said that peace was a harbinger for holistic development of any state.
nullThursday's elections in Britain could be a harbinger of what is likely to come to America in the not-too-distant future: new movements and even parties that shake up the political system.
nullAn occurrence calls for mention here, not only as a kind of harbinger of the "storm," but as one of the chief incidents which in the course of recent years have troubled Anglo-German relations.
nullThe deal, about a year in the making, is the largest retail transaction the Washington area has seen in the last two years and one that JBGR calls a harbinger of commercial real estate recovery.
nullAs the alphabetic symbol for a rite of initiation into education in English, SAT may not be classifiable as a part of speech, but it is likely a harbinger of new kinds of speech evolving in Global English.
null"This is a much stronger harbinger of economic recovery than just consumers going back into the marketplace, because these buyers are employers," said Jesse Toprak, vice president of industry trends at automotive data firm TrueCar.
nullIn what lobbyists are calling a harbinger of possible upheaval on Capitol Hill, many who make a living influencing government have gone from mostly shunning Democrats to aggressively recruiting them as lobbyists over the past six months or so.
nullTitled In The Days Of The Comet, the show orbits around the comet's trajectory as a metaphor for timely recurrence, parallel existences, or some kind of harbinger of change, which, of course, leaves the field potentially open to just about everybody.
nullMeanwhile, back on Planet Wishful Thinking, ex-North Las Vegas Mayor Mike Montandon hyped a Clark County Republican Central Committee straw poll result this week that showed him with a narrow lead as some kind of harbinger that the faithful adore him best.
nullWhile the Obamessiah may have been somewhat successful in selling the American electorate on the possibility of a neo-socialist government, the chances of a permanent left turn in American politics, if Chavez 'Venezuela is any kind of harbinger, are slim to none.
nullLast week, TransMedia arranged for Florida's largest homebuilder, GL Homes, to make the national media rounds with an upbeat story of how it sold 900 homes in the past nine months, which TransMedia calls a harbinger of a turnaround in a key sector of Florida's economy.
nullThe harbinger is the situation in Mexico, where the cartels are mounting armed attacks on officials, driving them to take repressive measures that are building resentment among ordinary citizens, many of whom are coming to see police and military as more of a threat than the cartelistas.
nullElizabeth Montague arranged the chairs of her salons in a semicircle where attendees were assigned places according to "talent and rank" (a challenge if one was considered to have one but not the other!), whereas Elizabeth Vesey, a more prescient harbinger of modern blogging, scattered cushions in the room so that there was "no zig-zag path of common impediment" to discourse.
Tips for Using harbinger in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with harbinger if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before harbinger in sentences. For example: "the harbinger" or "a harbinger"
- the
- a
- new
- millennial
- and
- as
- first
- early
- of
- that
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after harbinger in sentences. For example: "harbinger of" or "harbinger ."
- of
- .
- publications
- for
- and
- to
- was
- books
- in
- house
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- bloodshot
- toyo
- valiant
- adhd
- doom
- renegade
- apocalypse
- hedge
- modernism
- shepard
Alternate Definitions
- harbinger (noun) - one who provides or secures lodging for another; specifically, a royal officer who rode a day's journey in advance of the court when traveling, to provide lodgings and other accommodations
- harbinger (noun) - one who or that which precedes and gives notice of the coming of some other person or thing; a forerunner; a precursor
- harbinger (noun) - one who provides lodgings; especially, the officer of the english royal household who formerly preceded the court when traveling, to provide and prepare lodgings
- harbinger (noun) - a forerunner; a precursor; a messenger