Definition of Idiosyncrasy
idiosyncrasy (noun) - a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual
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How can idiosyncrasy be used in a sentence?
Not offensive, just an idiosyncrasy of his speach.
nullThat's how I discovered an idiosyncrasy with my CFL.
nullWhat has been termed idiosyncrasy must also be borne in mind.
null"So it retained its idiosyncrasy, which is almost unheard of."
nullIt's quite possible to build a structured story and retain idiosyncrasy.
nullRegulars clearly love its idiosyncrasy, but newcomers will be less forgiving.
nullIf you had an idiosyncrasy, he'd home in on it and throw it back in your face.
nullThe first, and last, impression of this show is delight, with a dose of idiosyncrasy.
null(Scorn for garages is another Hollin Hills idiosyncrasy, although carports are tolerated.)
nullThis tongue-drooping, slobbering habit has been Pelfrey's most noticeable idiosyncrasy over the years.
nullFor Adam, showmanship is not a self-indulgent idiosyncrasy; it's a legal strategy, a courtroom philosophy.
nullThe very idiosyncrasy of this combination has meant that few subsequent philosophers have been convinced by it.
nullMy personal idiosyncrasy in love is that I like for both of us to have the same cute little pet name for each other.
nullTypically, we were treated to stream of consciousness spiels that spoke more to personal idiosyncrasy than the topic.
nullFlohr aspires to bring the idiosyncrasy and perfectionism of a fashion designer to the conservative world of aviation.
nullMeanwhile he has launched more commerce-minded initiatives that still try to maintain the brand's trademark idiosyncrasy.
nullI know that instead of using the obnoxious word "idiosyncrasy," I should have said that Mr So-and-so had "a list to port in his ideas."
nullWith the White Stripes, he and Meg created a band alive with the myth, ambiguity and idiosyncrasy that legends are hewn from and fans adore.
nullThe narrow buildings of Hanoi are a charming idiosyncrasy, dating from an era when property was taxed solely on the extent of its street frontage.
nullFor a nation that has as a proverb, "The nail that sticks up gets hammered down," political idiosyncrasy is perhaps rarer than in most other democracies.
nullThe GPS hiccups are the latest twist on a human idiosyncrasy dating to the Industrial Revolution: a surprising willingness to rely on machines over experience.
nullSelling out to virtually guarantee his compadres a loss would seem an idiosyncrasy too far, even within a party as traditionally Bizarro as the Liberal Democrats.
nullWhen San Francisco banned single-use plastic bags from big grocery stores in 2007, some dismissed the move as just another idiosyncrasy of the famously progressive city.
nullThere are similarities as well, specially the idiosyncrasy imposed by the Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors, the Christian--Catholic mostly--religion, and the language.
nullBut that is where a market idiosyncrasy known as "contango" has prevented some ETF investors from benefiting from the rise in oil and natural-gas prices from bear-market lows.
nullWhen the writing guild was in its infancy, thirty, forty, fifty years ago, one heard of arbitrary, cruel, even violent masters, legendary for their drinking, womanizing, and sheer idiosyncrasy.
nullThe smallest change in the substance administered or the smallest difference in the living substance of an individual (what is called "idiosyncrasy") makes all the difference between "poison" and "meati."
nullI even told you what was an absurdity, so absurd that I should far rather not have told you at all, only that I felt the need of telling you all: and no mystery is involved in that, except as an 'idiosyncrasy' is a mystery.
nullWhat the agreement really shows is how the intellectual idiosyncrasy which is congenial to 'nominalism' in philosophy was also congenial to Tooke's matter of fact radicalism and to the Utilitarian position of Bentham and his followers.
nullWorld famous in her time, Ferber was, for her readers at home, a beloved chronicler of American working people whose ethnic variety, linguistic idiosyncrasy, toughness, occasional sweetness, and resilience never ceased to fascinate her.
nullI remember well that the word "idiosyncrasy" got me two black eyes, and my opponent as "pretty a luxation" of the shoulder by being tumbled down the main hatchway at the close of the combat, as any man of moderate expectations might desire.
nullSometimes the reaction was wholly inappropriate and had to be blanked out; sometimes it was an amusing idiosyncrasy, like the apparently pointless little dance Socrates often performed when reactivated after a long shutdown; and occasionally it was useful.
nullA five-year hiatus had separated the venerated indie singer-songwriter/composer from what many considered to be his last "proper" studio album, but in late August of 2010 he released the All Delighted People EP, an album-length appetizer to the feast of idiosyncrasy that is The Age of Adz, released two months later.
nullAnd the other long word idiosyncrasy seemed long enough to cover it; and it might have been a matter of temperament, I fancied, that a man of genius, in the mystery of his nature, should find his feelings sometimes like dumb notes in a piano ... should care for people at half past eleven on Tuesday, and on Wednesday at noon prefer a black beetle.
nullMoving through periods of flirtation with Surrealism, Postminimialism, New Image painting, and other styles, Ferrer has continually refused to align himself with a single school or ideology, displaying an unwavering idiosyncrasy that may explain his marginalization in most accounts of contemporary art, which present a linear progression of styles.
nullThe difference in the power of the system to absorb different substances, appropriate whatever can be utilized, and throw off whatever can not be used, is sometimes called idiosyncrasy, but more properly it may be called vital resistance, and upon the integrity of this power rests the ability to combat disease in all its forms, whether it be the absorption of any animal virus or the poison resulting from undigested food.
nullBut Buffett has a reputation for transparency and integrity, as well as idiosyncrasy, and in Schroeder's hands the oddities of his fifty-two-year marriage to his wife Susan, which included twenty-six years in which she chose to live apart from him in San Francisco while he stayed at home with the "housekeeper" she hired and maybe, also, had an affair with Washington Post publisher Katherine Graham, are almost beside the point.
nullNixon, the recent Vice President, whose "pressure ... in 1960 must have been extreme for the CIA to have dealt directly with the mob bosses" (p388), had some seemingly personal idiosyncrasy egging at him, a persuasive enough explanation in the authors 'opinions to account for elements of the CIA conspiring with the Mafia - allegedly against their will, but with enough resolve to defy and deceive, in the new Administration, their Director, the
Tips for Using idiosyncrasy in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with idiosyncrasy if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before idiosyncrasy in sentences. For example: "an idiosyncrasy" or "the idiosyncrasy"
- an
- the
- of
- personal
- and
- this
- or
- individual
- his
- to
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after idiosyncrasy in sentences. For example: "idiosyncrasy of" or "idiosyncrasy ."
- of
- .
- and
- to
- in
- is
- or
- which
- that
- credit
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- expectations
- credit
- credits
- followers
- innovative
- leaders
- unique
- person
- individual
- leader
Alternate Definitions