Definition of Illustrious
illustrious (adjective) - having or conferring glory
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How can illustrious be used in a sentence?
She is, indeed, in illustrious company and in the great tradition.
nullJudging from the "illustrious" lunatics who showed up, I'm glad to be far away!
nullIn what, then, consists that wonderful excellence, that master-power which has made his name illustrious?
nullCharles de Sombreuil, whose sister had rendered the name illustrious by her heroism in the Reign of Terror.
nullBut several have rendered the name illustrious by their contributions to literature, science, and the fine arts.
nullCarolina, and made her name illustrious from one end of the Union to the other, is fast becoming a mere shadowy tradition.
nullI also fear that "illustrious" might be a bit hyperbolic in describing my toiling in the trenches at my hometown newspaper.
nullI sometimes wonder if, late at night, some of China's "illustrious" leaders lie in bed and wonder, what the hell am I doing?
nullThe two rang in New Years at Mansion in Miami, where the poor partygoers had to listen to the "illustrious" DJ skills of Ronson.
nullTo the piety of his pupil Carlo Raimondi, the bearer of a name illustrious in the annals of engraving, we owe a striking portrait of
nullPiccolomini, as an author, an orator, a diplomatist, a traveller, and a courtier, bears a name illustrious in the annals of the Renaissance.
nullThis supposed "illustrious" commentator was the person responsible for spreading the lie about Trig being Bristol's son and not Sarah Palin's.
nullHe is one of the greatest pioneers in science that has ever lived, and his work will make his name illustrious so long as men shall continue on this earth.
nullShortly after their erection, in 1829, the well known Sam Patch, whose diving propensities made his name illustrious, performed his noted, bold feat in 1830.
nullSenator Chalmers died at the early age of forty-six years, and was cut off in a career which bade fair to make his name illustrious in the annals of Mississippi.
nullAfter being well educated he commenced that course of patient and observant travel which was to render his name illustrious as a philosophic tourist and historian.
nullMarlborough, whose fame now flies through the world, and whose glorious actions will render his name illustrious, and rank him among the renowned worthies of all ages.
nullOr for that matter, the crimes he committed -- but was never subject to the media spotlight for -- over the course of his long, "illustrious" career as a Chicago politician,
nullTo Mr. S.F.B. Morse, whose philosophic and useful labors have rendered his name illustrious in two worlds, the homage of the high and affectionate esteem of Alexander Humboldt.
nullEvery year around the months of May and June, hundreds of "straight A" SPM students receive the news of not being offered the "illustrious" Public Service Department (PSD) scholarship.
nullThey, by and large, seem to have their self-interest at heart, one that seems to go straight to the heart of campaign financing in order to keep their "illustrious" civil servant careers.
nullAlthough I risk being faced with a vehement chorus of disagreement for saying so, Chinese bosses have been relatively easy to please throughout my 'illustrious' ESL teaching career in China.
nullHe rendered a double service to Protestantism, which, apart from anything else, would have made his name illustrious: he systematized its doctrine, and he organized its ecclesiastical discipline.
nullWolmar, reading in the young law student the brilliant abilities that were one day to make his name illustrious, prevailed upon him to devote himself to the study of the New Testament in the original.
nullArenberg, unlike the great general on the Catholic side who had made the name illustrious in the opening scenes of the mighty contest, was disposed to quiet obscurity so far as was compatible with his rank.
nullCantacuzeni (illustrious from the xith century in the Byzantine annals) was drawn from the Paladins of France, the heroes of those romances which, in the xiiith century, were translated and read by the Greeks, (Ducange, Fam.
nullBaronets comprised some of the principal landed proprietors among the best-descended gentlemen of the kingdom, and the list was headed by a name illustrious more than any other for the intellectual pre-eminence with which it is associated -- the name of Bacon.
nullOf all the families now extant, the most ancient, doubtless, and the most illustrious, is the house of France, which has occupied the same throne above eight hundred years, and descends, in a clear and lineal series of males, from the middle of the ninth century.
nullRegular readers will recall the illustrious George Deustch, a twenty-four year-old college drop out and Bush campaign crony who was appointed by the administration, allegedly to prevent NASA climate scientists from saying anything the Republicans might find inconvenient.
nullBoth parties were exasperated, and as the spirit of the plebs was rising and they had three leaders bearing a name illustrious in the popular cause, the patricians saw that the results of all the elections would be the same as that for quaestors in which the plebs had a free choice.
null[Suarez] How could you explain that despite being such a small country -- and besides, to put it poetically, being lost in the Caribbean -- we have so many friends; that is, the illustrious mayor of Quito and other distinguished gentlemen from Spain are attending the 470th anniversary of
nullThroop, who is leaning heavily on his riding roots as the son of a farmer and his in-depth experience of the inner workings of government in Ottawa, says Conservatives in the riding are questioning whether Leitch is seriously ready to give up her "illustrious" medical career for politics.
nullThroop, who is leaning heavily on his roots in the riding as the son of a farmer and his in-depth experience of the inner workings of government in Ottawa, says Conservatives in the riding are questioning whether Leitch is seriously ready to give up her "illustrious" medical career for politics.
nullIn this manner they prophesied to the Pole that he should become the fortunate possessor of the philosopher's stone; that he should live for centuries, and be chosen King of Poland, in which capacity he should gain many great victories over the Saracens, and make his name illustrious over all the earth.
nullThe government, willing to show its gratitude for the large extent of empire derived from their ancestor, conferred on them ample estates, and important hereditary honours; and the Counts of Montezuma and Tula, intermarrying with the best blood of Castile, intimated by their names and titles their illustrious descent from the royal dynasty of Mexico.
nullMuch has been said both for and against the Indian character; but we doubt whether greater or nobler qualities have ever been exhibited in the conduct of civilized rulers or commanders than are shown in the incidents we are about to relate concerning Black Hawk, whose deeds upon the northwestern frontier will render his name illustrious while history exists.
nullFor instance; in the passage which Lord Monboddo admires, 'We were now treading that illustrious region [490],' the word illustrious, contributes nothing to the mere narration; for the fact might be told without it: but it is not, therefore, superfluous; for it wakes the mind to peculiar attention, where something of more than usual importance is to be presented.
nullIn layperson's terms, that means Mr. Alito began his "illustrious" career in the law -- which ultimately led him to be now nominated for the Supreme Court -- because he was adamantly against the rights of defendants, the separation of church and state, and the principle of "one person, one vote" -- the last point being most ominous to me and reportedly to Sen. Joseph Biden Jr.
Tips for Using illustrious in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with illustrious if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before illustrious in sentences. For example: "the illustrious" or "most illustrious"
- the
- most
- an
- his
- and
- of
- this
- that
- more
- their
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after illustrious in sentences. For example: "illustrious and" or "illustrious men"
- and
- men
- of
- family
- in
- names
- .
- man
- dead
- house
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- ponce
- discontinue
- highness
- margrave
- sac
- usaf
- lineage
- careers
- ancestor
- hms
Alternate Definitions
- illustrious (adjective) - possessing luster or brightness; brilliant; luminous; splendid
- illustrious (adjective) - characterized by greatness, nobleness, etc.; eminent; conspicuous; distinguished
- illustrious (adjective) - conferring luster or honor; renowned