Definition of Immerse
immerse (verb) - thrust or throw into
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How can immerse be used in a sentence?
He needs to immerse himself into the prison society.
nullI can * see* the 3-D but it does not "immerse" me any more than 2-D.
nullHe asked drummer Jamire Williams to immerse himself in African rhythms.
nullThey immerse themselves in such topics as arts, politics, literature and religion.
nullThe sheer obviousness of every note is cynically planned, lest one immerse oneself.
nullPerhaps when they shoot the jews it'll jump out of the screen at us and "immerse" us.
nullIn these latest recordings, in three different locations, you can say he took time to immerse himself in tradition.
nullAnd you know I've been -- I came down after the show on Friday because I kind of wanted immerse myself in the atmosphere here.
nullShe ordered software so that she could immerse herself in the Portuguese language, which was the predominant language of Brazil.
nullTo be able to get a grasp of spherical astronomy, however, she had had to immerse herself in the deeper mysteries of mathematics.
nullYou need to be expressive and evocative with your imagery and you have to hook the reader right away and immerse them in the story.
nullA good festival allows us to indulge and immerse some alternative aspect of our character, and still clock on for work on Monday morning.
nullPerhaps he should immerse hismself in some disctaor deomocray so he could undersatnd and appreciate beinga citizen of a civilized country.
nullThus you work with the facts, immerse yourself in the details, and methodically question assumptions to see and understand reality clearly.
nullFew academics plan to immerse themselves in their subject matter quite as literally as Dr Karen Throsby, a sociologist from Warwick University.
nullI would imagine that in the not too distant future we'll be playing games that we "immerse" ourselves into using full body controls and actions.
nullThe idea is to immerse Jews in the age-old text by giving it a modern spin, connecting the trials of the past with the touchstones of the present.
nullWhen you're in Utah and Crete, do friends come and visit or do you just immerse yourself in your retreat and separate yourself from your other life?
nullDanny Pudi says he gave himself a cold, and the cast watched Dawn of the Dead during the week of filming to "immerse" themselves in the zombie genre.
nullVirtools software allows you to create interactive educational courses, which "immerse" students in the virtual world of studied objects and phenomena;
nullA: I'm a novelist, first and foremostthere is no freer, no more generous art form in which to immerse yourselfall others involve some kind of compromise.
nullTwilight the Video Game will be an interactive experience that will allow players to immerse themselves into the Twilight Saga through exploration and discoveries.
nullDescribing the creative process thus far, Cirque du Soleil President and CEO Daniel Lamarre in an interview said: "We want to immerse ourselves in the Michael Jackson world."
nullToo, only this morning, as luck would have it, I cleansed my sword from my most recent slaughters and I am accordingly loath to immerse it so soon once more in baths of blood.
nullWILSON: Just to kind of immerse myself in the training company and pick what I thought would be a representative number of interesting characters and also ones who would typify.
nullOthers say that certain demographic changes shifted the balance of power away from angst and viscera towards scratching the mythopoeic urge to immerse oneself in a fantasy landscape.
nullPB: The more you read about and immerse in a culture, the more it comes alive, and the more textured and nuanced and detailed and unstereotypable (if I can use such a word) it becomes.
nullThe FriendsWithYou pop-up shop will allow visitors to immerse themselves in a world of luck, friendship, and magic in a site-specific retail installation, on view for a limited time only.
nullHe might have spent many years longing to immerse himself in elBulli, but, given the opportunity to break away from the brigade and assume control of his own kitchen, he leapt at the chance.
nullWhere a sociologist might put together a questionnaire to understand what people think of an object, an anthropologist would immerse themselves in the subject and try to understand it from "within"!
nullNow, as a student, she was allowed to immerse herself in study and spend her free hours writing poetry - that bastion of bourgeois intellectualism - beside the Lake with No Name at the center of campus.
nullDeveloped with Eden Games, TDU2 is expected to "immerse" drivers in a persistent, online environment populated by multiplayer racing communities that compete, team up, and share achievements on a virtual track.
nullI used to love reading, but since I've started writing, it's harder for me to immerse, because I spend so much time looking at how the story is structured and trying to see what the author is doing behind the curtain.
nullOn our first day, we walk through the museum of Coptic Christianity, then immerse ourselves in Islam, the religion of pure monotheism and 5-pillar devotion embraced by 90% of Egyptians and 1/7 of the world's population.
nullCosmetically, the city changes drastically in those ten years, with the familiar streetplan reinforcing the differences - and highlighting the incredible attention to detail seen in the game as it attempts to immerse you in its iconic period setting.
nullIf I had the wherewithal, I would create a haven where ordinary Americans, especially those without the resources to travel to Europe, could visit for a week or so to immerse themselves in the kind of culture and lifestyle I experienced in my brief sojourn.
nullAnnounce that you are very sorry, but as a way of preparing your State Department for work in Latin America, you asked your diplomatic corps to take some time off to immerse themselves in magical realist literature, and they became so engrossed they simply lost track of time.
nullIf this testimony does not establish the right, title and, claim of the word immerse as the legitimate heir and successor of baptizo, then it is useless to try to prove anything; and if this testimony will not convince, neither would people be persuaded though one rose from the dead.
nullHe shot the documentary follow up to the Titanic, Titanic, Ghosts of the Abyss where 3D was a tool to enable you to immerse yourself in the underwater world and splendour, rather than an extra gimmick overlaid onto an otherwise fine (or in the case of all other 3D films I have seen, very much far from fine).
nullHe has now long outlived his original prognosis, and continues to immerse himself in this powerful healing practice, studying with Master Tang Wei Zhong at UCLA's Simms-Mann Center for Integrative Oncology, at The Wellness Community in Santa Monica, at weSPARK in Sherman Oaks, and at the Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute at Cedars-Sinai.
nullAlthough severely compromised and unable to write as prolifically as before, he still managed to immerse himself in the study of various philosophical and religious topics, which resulted in a new direction in his scholarship as the publication of miscellaneous methodological essays, and especially that of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, testifies.
Tips for Using immerse in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with immerse if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before immerse in sentences. For example: "to immerse" or "and immerse"
- to
- and
- then
- not
- we
- or
- can
- must
- they
- you
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after immerse in sentences. For example: "immerse the" or "immerse themselves"
- the
- themselves
- himself
- in
- yourself
- myself
- it
- ourselves
- them
- herself
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- mikvah
- yourself
- immersion
- ourselves
- oneself
- yom
- immersed
- themselves
- myself
- idols
Alternate Definitions
- immerse (verb) - enclose or envelop completely, as if by swallowing
- immerse (transitive verb) - to plunge into anything that surrounds or covers, especially into a fluid; to dip; to sink; to bury; to immerge
- immerse (transitive verb) - to baptize by immersion
- immerse (transitive verb) - to engage deeply; to engross the attention of; to involve; to overhelm
- immerse (adjective) - immersed; buried; hid; sunk
![A sentence using immerse](/img/sentence-using-immerse.png)