Definition of Jargon
jargon (noun) - specialized technical terminology characteristic of a particular subject
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How can jargon be used in a sentence?
The lower orders in this city speak a jargon called
nullThey speak a jargon of their own with a peculiar accent.
nullIn the Nigerian jargon, that is called "see me, see you".
nullThe pea - fants fpeak a jargon unintelligible even to - the French.,
nullMore legal speak from Mr. Cushing, more jargon from the viewer table.
nullBusiness jargon is so non-sensical that it barely qualifies as language.
nullDid he use to talk the extraordinary slang and jargon which is printed in this book?
nullThe natives of this quarter speak a jargon of Cree and Sauteux, which sounds very harshly.
nullThis new lexicon of jargon is actually meaningful, but only to a select few who understand it!
nullThe deficits, the multipliers, all of the jargon is cover for their fear of being proven irrevocably wrong.
nullShakugan no Shana raw without help was because of the jargon, which is explained in slightly more detail here.
nullNever use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or any kind of jargon if you can think of an English equivalent.
nullWhile the jargon is all retro health and safety-education material, the culty fetishism is more J.G. Ballard than CPR.
nullBROOKS: Buried in the dense technical jargon is a simple question: is the $2 billion project a good deal for the state?
nullIt is expressed again in legal jargon, that is to say, with a too obvious display of the aim, and with a very naive eagerness.
nullFor their part, parents say they don't like when teachers spend conferences speaking in jargon, or trying to prove they're good at their jobs.
nullHover over a highlighted word on a page and the reader can get definitions for complicated jargon, meaning they're going to be better informed about the subject.
nullNot "jargon" -- slang. heavy (1) Slang from the HIPPIE and youth culture of the late 1960s and early 1970s for serious, important, or meaningful, e.g. a heavy date.
nullAs mentioned the jargon is a major point of the film, each character speaks so technically, like it is commonplace, and exposition runs rampant, normally a part of the film
nullTheir scientific culture, buried in Latin jargon, is made up partly of antique traditions, partly of fancies; what the ten centuries added to positive science is almost _nil_.
nullHis opposition to Eugenics (to adopt the word introduced by Galton, which Wallace called jargon) sprang from his idealism and his love of the people, as well as from his scientific knowledge.
nullWe particularly like the (repeated) use of the somewhat slang jargon "marketeer" in the filing of a formal application, as it foreshadows the Mickey Mouse nature of the entire debacle quite nicely.
nullPolicemen speaking their minds and deviating from the official jargon is the same as denying christ in the middle ages. you just dont do it. i dont know of anyone who has and has come out of it unscathed.
nullBy dint of striving after a mode of parlance different from the vulgar, they will arrive at a sort of aristocratic jargon, which is hardly less remote from pure language than is the coarse dialect of the people.
nullAnd I think one of the ways he failed is that he's fallen into Washington jargon, which is surprising, because he did have this wonderful -- I'm from Texas -- this wonderful way of talking like a real person, a Texan.
nullThis instant pop culture differs radically from the life styles of the parents and ancestors of the new people, and it expresses itself in a hermetic jargon, which is a badge of revolution as surely as the jeans and the hair-styles.
nullMy objection is not so much to behavioral economics per se, whose devotees have produced insights that are banal, trivial, or wrong (though couched in jargon intended to make them seem more impressive and precise than they really are).
nullI nov;, for the first time, heard the common people sneak intelligible German, for throughout Bavaria, Suabb, and Austria, they speak a jargon, which a man, who has learned the language of a language. master, has the utmost difficulty to understand.
nullIf they contemplate such an event with complacency, let them go on and prosper; they have only to progress in their present course, and their grandchildren bid fair to speak a jargon as novel and peculiar as the most patriotic American linguist can desire.
nullChok-foo took the destruction of his pipe and the rough collaring that followed in good part, protesting, in an extraordinary jargon, which is styled Pidgin-English, that he had only meant to have a "Very littee smokee," not being able, just then, to resist the temptation.
nullHowever odious Williams's politics might have been (he died in 1988), he at least had the wit, when defining "jargon," to note that "it is ... in relation to an opposing intellectual position such as Marxism that some of the most regular dismissive uses of 'jargon' are now found. '"
nullThis was done by substituting one consonant and one vowel for each figure of the ten cyphers used in arithmetic, and by composing words of these letters; which words Mr. Grey makes into hexameter verses, and produces an audible jargon, which is to be committed to memory, and occasionally analysed into numbers when required.
nullStarting with the simply weird, consider the notion that: "The system also hamstrings younger untenured professors, making them fearful of taking intellectual risks and causing them to write in jargon aimed only at those in their narrow subdiscipline: Thus in economics, people have" utility functions "instead of needs and wants."
nullAs it happens, Mr. Burgett, a professor of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at the University of Washington, and Mr. Hendler, who teaches English and American Studies at Fordham University in New York, have foregone providing their own analysis of "jargon," possibly because the book itself amounts to a 288-page definition of the word.
nullI think they basically exist to -- and this is just my opinion, but I think they basically exist as sort of a perk for -- for women who, you know, who have been slogging away in public service, civic service for a long time and this gives them a chance to go to military bases and throw around that military jargon, which is always very sexy to throw around.
nullLet them darken by tedious definitions what is too plain to need any; or let them employ their vocabulary of barbarous terms to propagate an unintelligible jargon, which is supposed to express such abstractions as they cannot make, and according to which, however, they presume often to control the particular and most evident truths of experimental knowledge.
null"Take a glass of wine, Sir Arthur, and drink down that bead-roll of unbaptized jargon, that would choke the devil -- why, that last fellow has the only intelligible name you have repeated -- they are all of the tribe of Macfungus -- mushroom monarchs every one of them; sprung up from the fumes of conceit, folly, and falsehood, fermenting in the brains of some mad Highland seannachie."
Tips for Using jargon in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with jargon if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before jargon in sentences. For example: "the jargon" or "of jargon"
- the
- of
- technical
- and
- a
- legal
- chinook
- medical
- professional
- scientific
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after jargon in sentences. For example: "jargon of" or "jargon ."
- of
- .
- and
- is
- that
- for
- in
- to
- which
- or
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- muskogean
- wawa
- pidgin
- aphasia
- chinook
- acronyms
- tlingit
- slang
- glossary
- lingua
Alternate Definitions
- jargon (noun) - a colorless, yellowish, or smoky variety of the mineral zircon from ceylon
- jargon (noun) - confused, unintelligible talk; irregular, formless speech or language; gabble; gibberish; babble
- jargon (noun) - any phraseology peculiar to a sect, profession, trade, art, or science; professional slang or cant
- jargon (noun) - confused, unintelligible language; gibberish
- jargon (noun) - an artificial idiom or dialect; cant language; slang