Definition of Knoll
knoll (noun) - a small natural hill
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How can knoll be used in a sentence?
At the foot of the knoll was a ditch of black mud.
nullJust over the brow of the knoll was a large pine stump.
nullClick to read. where is a grassy knoll when you need one.
nullThe monument sits on a knoll near the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
nullThe lower or "knoll" mounds were used as the sepulchres of the dead.
nullTo the knoll which is the eastern boundary-mark of the village of Pateera!
nullThen, finally, Freese's 11th-inning bomb to the grassy knoll in dead center.
nullThe buildings on the knoll were a gray-black stain with flickers of light here and there.
nullSo are you advocating that someone should shoot the President, with your grassy knoll comment?
nullMcIntosh Counties, the house itself being on a kind of knoll that became an island at high water.
nullThe knoll was the old Aramaic Golgotha-in Latin, Calvaria; anglicized, Calvary; translated, The Skull.
null"At the side of the knoll is the _bonde's_ house, a good eight-mile walk from the outskirts of Bosekop.
nullHe thinks posting things like where is sickle cell and Fords theater and a grassy knoll are over our heads.
nullLove the vintage farah slacks and penny loafers our shooter from the grassy knoll is wearing on front cover.
null"It is a queer sort of place," said he; "a kind of knoll, with four or five prodigious great rocks around it.
nullApril 21st, 2010 at 1: 46 pm glamourdammerung says: sir. b.vonludwig says: where is a grassy knoll when you need one.
nullBut either grassy knoll nut or just so calculating in his sense, well, there's some audience out there and I'll chase it.
nullHey genius, You should call up limpasses show tomorrow and talk about President Obama and Fords theater, sickle cell, and the grassy knoll.
nullWe do not know if the foam-thrower who targeted Rupert Murdoch was acting alone, or if there was a second pie man on the committee room knoll.
nullOf the 720 acres within the city limits, 270 acres lie at a considerable height above the river and constitute what are known as the knoll or uplands of Hoboken.
nulla great pleasure to her, and when she came to a rising ground, a kind of knoll where the view of the country was vast and superb, she paused again and took in great deep breaths.
nullThis piece which I own, consisting of nearly 20 acres on top of a knoll, is just 15 minutes from the nearest town yet has unobstructed views extending at least 30 miles in every direction.
nullProbably Miss Lambart and Sir Maurice enjoyed the life at the knoll even more than the children, for the felicity of lovers is the highest felicity, and the knoll is the ideal place for them.
nullFrom your balcony or living room or, hell, from your outdoor shower, you look down on prime knoll-top homes, sited among the oak and manzanita to marinate in their sadly more limited valley views.
nullNow, this was admittedly a self-selected audience: people who wished to stand on a shadow-less grassy knoll on a lovely summer Sunday watching large men in shorts crash into each other at great distance.
nullHugo was firing vaguely, like a man in a dream, and thinking that maybe up there on the knoll were the two Browns he had met on the road and perhaps their comrades were as fond of them as he was of Eugene.
nullOn the reverse slope of another knoll was the farmhouse, marked X on his map as the regimental headquarters, where he was to watch for the signal to fall back from his first stand in delaying the enemy's advance.
nullIMUS: Like, uh, I guess leading the charge is my friend, by the way, Lou Dobbs, who appears on this program on a regular basis, and I like -- love Lou, known him for years, but it makes him look like a grassy knoll nut.
null-- [MS. erased.] [338] [There are numerous instances of the use of "knoll" as an alternative form of the verb "to knell;" but Byron seems, in this passage, to be the authority for "knoll" as a substantive.] [339] [For Rousseau's description of Vevey, see _Julie; ou, La Nouvelle
nullI accordingly wended my way toward it as best I could, forcing a passage for myself through the grass and scrub, with a most unpleasant conviction that I might at any moment place my hand or foot upon a venomous snake or reptile of some sort; and finally, after about twenty minutes of most unpleasant scrambling, found myself alongside the "knoll," which, as I had more than half suspected, now proved to be nothing less than a rough earthwork, mounting four thirty-two pounders.
Tips for Using knoll in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with knoll if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before knoll in sentences. For example: "the knoll" or "a knoll"
- the
- a
- grassy
- little
- oak
- small
- rocky
- green
- and
- indian
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after knoll in sentences. For example: "knoll ." or "knoll and"
- .
- and
- in
- of
- on
- to
- where
- overlooking
- at
- that
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- hafer
- nunatak
- depository
- shetland
- topographic
- grassy
- cairn
- overlooking
- napa
- antarctica
Alternate Definitions
- knoll (noun) - the top or crown of a hill; more generally, a small, gently rounded hill or mount
- knoll (noun) - a turnip
- knoll (intransitive verb) - to sound, as a bell; to knell
- knoll (noun) - a little round hill; a mound; a small elevation of earth; the top or crown of a hill
- knoll (noun) - the tolling of a bell; a knell
- knoll (transitive verb) - to ring, as a bell; to strike a knell upon; to toll; to proclaim, or summon, by ringing
![A sentence using knoll](/img/sentence-using-knoll.png)