Definition of Lack
lack (noun) - the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable
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How can lack be used in a sentence?
November 25, 2008 at 10:15 pm what you call lack of emotion is actually profesionalism.
nullTonigh Roland blogs about what he called the lack of leadership in the Democratic Party.
nullThat ` s what we call a lack of conscience, remorse and disregard for the rights of others.
nullOur detractors at times accuse us of what they refer to as the lack of confrontation in Parliament.
nullCOOPER: Let's play that John Edwards byte where he criticized them for what he termed lack of leadership.
nullShalit says he's disappointed in what he calls the lack of interest in his fate by the Israeli government.
nullShalit says that he's disappointed in what he calls a lack of interest in his fate by the Israeli government.
nullOn Monday, Omar blamed the court action mainly on what he described as a lack of information and consultation.
nullThey inundated journalists with e - mails on Edwards 'track record in the Senate, or what they called a lack of.
nullDe Lange also commented on what he called a lack of reliable statistics from the department of correctional services.
nullFormer candidate and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani slamming Obama's record or what he called a lack of one.
nullPresident Thabo Mbeki on Monday, expressing concern at what he called the lack of a clear government strategy on Lesotho.
nullWELNA: The panel's top Republican, Indiana's Richard Luger, complained of what he called a lack of clarity on Afghanistan.
nullEarlier this week Tsvangirai, in his weekly message to the people of Zimbabwe, said he despaired of what he called the lack of
nullAll three were eventually cleared by their respective national cycling federations for what they called a lack of clear evidence.
nullThe Democratic Alliance is concerned at what it calls the lack of progress in the metro police chief Robert Mcbride's case, it said.
nullBut the majority of Republicans are expected to oppose her, citing what they describe as her lack of qualifications and other reasons.
null"I voted yes with great reservation," panel member Dr. James K. Stoller said, citing what he called a lack of strength in J&J's studies.
nullI told him with some feeling that if my condition was what he called a lack of memory, I was more than glad to have nothing else to remember.
nullJournalists at the briefing expressed concern over what they called a lack of proper press facilities to allow good coverage of events in the House.
nullAlthough he had to dismiss his childhood ambition to be a professional skier due to what he calls a "lack of talent," Mr. Bamber is a keen triathlete.
nullHe also took to task Republicans, the Tea Party and what he called the lack of shared sacrifice in both the economy and the just-passed debt ceiling bill.
nullWhen Larry Bradford started shopping for a home, he was surprised by what he described as the lack of choices in the Fairfax City neighborhoods he was eyeing.
nullSA Reserve Bank Governor Tito Mboweni earlier in the week expressed concern at what he described as a lack of up-to-date information about the level of employment.
nullSmit expressed concern about what he described as a lack of human rights culture in the Free State, saying this made investigations such as this all the more difficult.
nullCooks outlines the various poll ratings going against Bush, including a 46% "strongly disapprove" for Bush, and what he calls a lack of voter motivation on the GOP side.
nullOne of his complaints about ARC was what he called a lack of funding from New York, though the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey was paying about one-third of its cost.
nullBut in a brief telephone call from Athens after talks with Greek officials, Mr. Dallara expressed concern over what he called the "lack of clear process" to complete negotiations.
nullPalin has taken shots at Obama before, including over his handling of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and what she called his lack of executive experience before assuming the presidency.
nullHe blamed Kahn's departure on what he termed the lack of political will of the African National Congress to implement the crime fighting strategies proposed in last year's crime summit.
nullMarcia Angell, a Harvard Medical School senior lecturer, wrote a book called "Science on Trial" in 1996 criticizing what she called a lack of evidence behind the assertions of implant risks.
nullMonday expressed strong dissatisfaction with what it termed a lack of progress by a steering committee in finding ways to dispose of toxic mercury waste stockpiled at the Thor chemical plant in
nullConservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh on Monday focused on Mr. Obama's message of "re-connecting" with women and minority voters, castigating what he called a lack of effort to connect with white voters.
nullThe pope condemned a widening campaign against Christians in the Middle East in his homily at St. Peter's Basilica, echoing comments last month in which he called a lack of religious freedom a threat to world security.
nullLack of confidence During a debate in the British Parliament Thursday, Finance Minister George Osborne blamed the stock market drops on what he called a lack of confidence in ability of governments to repay their debts.
nullDomscheit-Berg, who went under the pseudonym Daniel Schmitt, told the Associated Press he quit WikiLeaks after falling out with Assange over what he described as the lack of transparency in the group's decision-making process.
nullIn his remarks, President Obama referred again to what he called a lack of political will in Washington and an "insistence on drawing lines in the sand" that he said needs to be changed as the deficit and debt debate moves forward.
nullMembers of the 26,800-member Seattle-area International Machinists and Aerospace Workers voted overwhelming to strike earlier this week, unhappy with proposed pay raises, health-care costs and what it calls a lack of guaranteed job security.
nullDomscheit-Berg, who during his time with WikiLeaks often went under the pseudonym Daniel Schmitt, said he quit the project after falling out with Assange over what he described as the lack of transparency in the group's decision-making process.
nullHONG KONG -- A Chinese investor group is stepping up its battle to buy control of Hurray Holding Co., criticizing the Chinese ringtone provider for what it called a lack of transparency and saying it may revise its offer if a competing bidder emerges.
nullTim Pawlenty, who has lagged behind in national public-opinion polls, came out swinging: He jabbed front-runner Mitt Romney, mocking his wealth, and he criticized surging fellow Minnesotan Michele Bachmann for what he called her lack of experience and successes.
nullBut with the White House changing hands in two weeks and President-elect Barack Obama declining to take a public stand on the conflict, some diplomats and foreign-policy experts are worried about what they describe as a lack of direction from the U.S. on the issue.
null"The question as I presented it to him is I had actually been hearing a lot of buzz in the Pentagon from military leaders that they had been concerned about the south, and again, what they call a lack of capability of the NATO forces in the south in counterinsurgency," said Spiegel in Los Angeles.
nullOne of the hallmarks of Mr. Liu's first year as comptroller has been his office's intense scrutiny of the city's Economic Development Corp. Mr. Liu has voted against the vast majority of the agency's economic-development projects to protest what he called a lack of transparency in how projects get selected.
nullMore photos and interactive graphics Escalating tensions, the Gulf Arab countries brokering negotiations between the Yemeni strongman and the wide-ranging political opposition calling for an end to his 32-year rule suspended their efforts because of what they called the "lack of appropriate conditions" for a peaceful handover of power.
Tips for Using lack in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with lack if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before lack in sentences. For example: "the lack" or "a lack"
- the
- a
- and
- for
- to
- or
- this
- of
- their
- his
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after lack in sentences. For example: "lack of" or "lack the"
- of
- the
- a
- .
- thereof
- in
- any
- an
- is
- or
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- thereof
- transparency
- adequate
- funds
- confidence
- evidence
- funding
- sufficient
- proper
- infrastructure
Alternate Definitions
- lack (noun) - want or deficiency of something requisite or desirable; defect; failure; need
- lack (noun) - want of presence; a state of being away; absence
- lack (noun) - a want; defect; a blemish; especially, a moral defect; a fault in character
- lack (noun) - a fault committed; an offense; a censurable act
- lack (noun) - blame; reproach; rebuke; censure
- lack (noun) - blame; cause of blame; fault; crime; offense
- lack (noun) - deficiency; want; need; destitution; failure
- lack (interjection) - exclamation of regret or surprise
- lack (intransitive verb) - to be wanting; often, impersonally, with of, meaning, to be less than, short, not quite, etc
- lack (intransitive verb) - to be in want
- lack (transitive verb) - to blame; to find fault with
- lack (transitive verb) - to be without or destitute of; to want; to need