Definition of Machination
machination (noun) - the act of machinating, or of contriving a scheme for executing some purpose, particularly a forbidden or an evil purpose; underhand plotting or contrivance
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How can machination be used in a sentence?
I knew there was some machination at work here ...
nullThey do not want to get caught up in a machination of U.S.
nullTake, for example, the machination of the body that is pornography.
nullNo more corporate machination because of the complexity of the tax code.
nullAnd they should expect more of this kind of machination from the Republicans.
nullKING: Senator Dole, what is the biggest surprise to you in this whole machination?
nullUp until the sword rose, I was sure Ned would get out in a Batman/Bond-esque machination.
nullShe'd never drop a hint that might draw his attention toward a different machination of hers.
nullThe view that "Our Budget, Our Economy" was a right-wing machination is simply not based in reality.
nullIf there was ever a hotbed of machination and deception, it is a sherry-reception given by a Noted Professor.
nullThe Japanese might have been impressed if such talent for vicious machination had been invested in war-fighting.
nullThere is a national banking conspiracy in this country and I will no longer be a spoke the wheel of its machination.
nullHe writes that during his last two years as prime minister, "Gordon [Brown] was in a perpetual state of machination."
nullThey also have promised for years that global warming is the machination of crazy scientists out of touch with reality.
nullKING: So, you are saying, Senator, that this is a deliberate machination on their part to throw or slow down the progress of this.
nullHillary's apparently conciliatory remarks yesterday -- "think this through" before you vote GOP -- was just more Clinton machination.
nullWe managed skyrocketing rents and demanding high pressure jobs but it was worth it because we were the machination of the world economy.
nullA new generation of statesmen and stateswomen could trump the political expediency and machination of those desperately clinging to power.
nullThey did not know how or why, but most of the elves were convinced that it had been penetrated by an evil machination of the Knights of Neraka.
nullAnd to excuse and exclude oneself as a "comedian" while excoriating "media" for perpetuating this mad political machination is, well, rather dense.
nullIt's time for political bigwigs to release the "stop VaR" sign and order their financial mandarins to relinquish the deleterious machination once and for all.
nullYet it is either a generous kindness or an Orwellian machination to call Limbaugh and Company COLUMNISTS or POLITICAL COMMENTATORS when they are pure propagandists.
nullPlease explain to Alan Blinder that it is not the breach of an arbitrary government machination like the "debt ceiling" that will serve as the trigger for a default.
nullHe felt horribly young, shallow, and naive; these people had drunk machination with their first milk, and he had no idea how to deal with situa'tions they wouldn't even hesitate over.
nullBecause in that final moment he had to make a decision in order to keep his sanity, he'd decided that his parents were innocent, as captive of Amplitur machination as he and his brother.
nullIn "Bowling with Columbine," where with great skill (if lacking subtlety and finesse), he exposed the machination of the gun merchants and their protectors the heavy-handed gun lobbyists.
nullOur silence about any other particular government law, regulation, ordinance, directive, edict, control, regulatory agency, activity, or machination should not be construed to imply approval.
nullCats do this not as some devious Garfieldian machination (the comic strip, not the president), but rather as a means for sharpening, or upkeep, driven by an irresistible evolutionary compulsion.
nullThose who said in the comments, that Americans will not regard a law of this magnitude as legitimate if passed by the slimy, underhanded machination of deeming it to have been passed, are correct.
nullSince Adm Allen ordered BP to set the "capping stack" on July 8th, they have gone through one machination to another to avoid actually producing the well to the surface so the volume could be measured.
nullShe said, across this mountainous land Kyrgyz people "without pressure, without dictates, without any kind of run-around or machination, voted for those parties which they consider to be the strongest."
nullOne is from NSB's far left (the idea that behind all this, and what we should focus on, is American and Israeli machination) and one is from the far right of NSB (the idea that such uprisings will likely produce only chaos).
nullIt was perhaps at some increment on the bell curve of hysteria generated from the ever present threat of Global Warming, or the economic devastation of 2011 which saw the entire machination of capitalism fall like the towers.
nullSince the brothers began this fight, my kingdom has been overrun with their skirmishes; its waters and mines are used up, and my people are taken from their beds to stand and be killed in front of the next, grand, horrible machination.
nullThis machination of the self in terms of identity needs to be recognized as a regime of subjectification of recent origin, Nikolas Rose, Inventing Our Selves: Psychology, Power, and Personhood Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996, 39.
nullIt operates in a way that there is this big machine that Chancellor Palpatine later the Emperor gets control of and though there are people using the democracy as best they can, Padme and Bail Organa, there is this whole other machination of greed going on.
nullI would add that the American attempt to prevent, by force or by machination, the political and diplomatic convergence of Arab states in a manner similar to say, the European Community, has caused immense ill will and compromised long-term Western security in the region.
nullYou see, it is not the machination of OPEC of which Exxon and its peers are the primary beneficiaries, nor the speculation of oil traders and bank holding companies, nor the possibility that the producers, with their enormous cash reserves, might be gaming the price of oil on the exchanges.
nullIt is no less than insulting to insinuate that Carl Landauer, Lewis Feuer, Sidney Hook, Boris Nicolaievsky, Max Shachtman, Max Nomad, Hans Gerth, Daniel Bell, and all the rest of us were gullible pawns in a Goldwaterish machination to sell a right-wing (and Communist) "doctrine" on Stalin and Mao.
nullIt was Galen who had discovered fragments of four-billion-year-old genetic code contained within the DNA of dozens of humanoid species throughout the quadrant, and his research eventually had revealed this commonality to be a deliberate machination, left by an ancient and now-extinct humanoid civilization.
nullDoing the math more vividly brings to light the horror that unfolded in Rwanda: during the genocide, some 10,000 Rwandans were murdered each day and not by the high-tech machination of the gas chambers but mainly, by the unforgiving thrust of the machete and other traditional weapons indiscriminately penetrating body and limb.
null"Those who may endeavor to separate us, are probably excited by the fear that I might have influence on the executive councils; but when they shall know that I consider my office as constitutionally confined to legislative functions, and that I could not take any part whatever in executive consultations, even were it proposed, their fears may perhaps subside, & their object be found not worth a machination."
nullThat the marshal and the Highest were involved in some sort of machination was all too clear, but Dainyl had yet to figure out why and for what purpose, because neither would have hazarded their positions for anything trivial, and it made no sense for either to scheme to become Duarch, because the Duarch had to be loyalty-imprinted, and neither the marshal nor the Highest would want to lose that much personal freedom.
Tips for Using machination in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with machination if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before machination in sentences. For example: "the machination" or "a machination"
- the
- a
- political
- and
- of
- secret
- or
- this
- evil
- some
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after machination in sentences. For example: "machination of" or "machination ."
- of
- .
- and
- to
- or
- in
- against
- that
- is
- by
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- shockwave
- transformer
- hunter
- compound
- prime
- technology
- base
- organization
- head
Alternate Definitions
- machination (noun) - that which is planned or contrived; a plot; an artful design formed with deliberation; especially, a hostile or treacherous scheme
- machination (noun) - the act of machinating
- machination (noun) - that which is devised; a device; a hostile or treacherous scheme; an artful design or plot