Definition of Malady

malady (noun) - any unwholesome or desperate condition

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How can malady be used in a sentence?

  1. His malady was a flux, which he had taken in the army.

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  2. All those illusions which accompany the malady were his.

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  3. The etiology of this malady was a function of its exclusivity.

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  4. Thus, we are told (wit being previously described as a malady),

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  5. The very nature of her malady is to make her entertain false hopes.

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  6. "I am happy to see that the malady is not catching, Miss Constance."

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  7. Their malady is strifes about words and questions (Tit 3: 9; 1Ti 6: 4).

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  8. "the goddess Neuralgia," as he called his malady, kept him chiefly at home.

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  9. I know that the real reason for his malady is his lack of co-operation and I want him to see it too.

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  10. The doctors called my malady all manner of abstruse things, but my own private diagnosis was boredom.

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  11. A dose of it won't hurt nobody, an 'if his malady is the sort I cal'late, I'm treatin' him like the Good

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  12. The equally renowned author and my fellow Chicagoan, Studs Terkel, calls our malady a "national Alzheimer's disease."

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  13. Every year, about 100 to 150 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with the malady, which is also known as Hansen's disease.

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  14. It is a symptom of a deeper malady, which is that we, as a people, are reluctant to really take reponsibility for our actions.

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  15. The time for the stammerer or stutterer to begin treatment for his malady is the day he discovers his stammering or stuttering.

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  16. Emma bewailed to her that the most, grievous burden of her malady was her fatal tendency to brood sickly upon human complications!

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  17. Until now, the latest information on chronic wasting disease suggested that the malady is passed only via direct contact between deer.

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  18. It is a real malady, which is most distressing to those who are subject to it, but which, luckily, does not do any harm when once the race is begun.

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  19. They scarified almost every part of their bodies as a remedial measure; medicines, administered on the supposition that their malady was the effect of

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  20. The Queen had a malady, which is not described in her Memoirs, but which we suppose to have been a cancer, which she was most anxious to hide from all the world.

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  21. Such a malady is the worst under which generals or philosophers can labour; and Marion needed no second glance to perceive the misfortune of Gates in this respect.

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  22. 'My physicians try to make me hope, that much of my malady is the effect of cold, and that some degree at least of recovery is to be expected from vernal breezes and summer suns [808].

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  23. The root of contemporary (as distinguished from "modern") malady is the implication of the masses (in a sense, all of us -- no matter how personally blameless) in the "sexual revolution".

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  24. What started the malady was the sleeping cabin -- such an abomination of closeness, stuffiness, and all the odours under the sun I never smelt -- it was literally enough to knock one down.

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  25. But if the malady is a serious one this cure fails, a sure proof that the spirit is one of the most dreaded class and must therefore be heroically fought by means of the _chintok_, as follows.

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  26. It is affirmed that the mestizoes who are employed in the salt-works are more tawny, and have a yellower skin, when they have suffered several successive years from those fevers, which are called the malady of the coast.

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  27. Thomas Friedman at the New York Times, a Pulitzer Prize winner from the year 2002, echoed a similar sentiment of a sudden disaster in the year 2008, referring to a meltdown and a breakdown, as if this were a short-term malady:

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  28. The health of the chief began to decline; his malady was a mental one, and admitted of no cure but a return to those vassals who had been so faithful and so much attached to him, and to friends with whose misfortunes he seems to have blamed himself.

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  29. The old usher, who has dressed me up I don't know how many times in his hired gowns, saw that I was downcast, and thought I must be suffering from examination fever, a peculiar malady, which is like what a young soldier feels the first time he is under fire.

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  30. Boulduc, apothecary of the King, and extremely attached to Madame de Saint-Simon and to me, whispered in my ear that M. le Duc de Berry would not recover, and that, with some little difference, his malady was the same as that of which the Dauphin and Dauphine died.

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  31. And the disease is not extinct in these modern days, nor will it ever be so long as men shall yearn for the unattainable; and the prosy bachelors who trail their ill-fated lives from their chambers to their clubs know of, and they call their malady -- the woman of thirty.

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  32. The English gentleman, in the utmost surprise, assured him, So far from it, that he was a particular admirer of her performance; that his malady was his real misfortune, and if he apprehended any return of it, he would rather quit his seat than disoblige either the actress or the audience.

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  33. _ -- It is known that a very curious and fatal disease called pellagra is prevalent to a considerable degree at the present time in the United States, and it is not going too far to say that all of those best capable of judging are of the opinion that the malady is the result of eating just such corn as we know kills horses.

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  34. And when her imagination became occasionally darkened by that gloom which she termed her malady, nothing could be more impressive than the tone of deep and touching piety which mingled with and elevated her melancholy into a cheerful solemnity of spirit, that swayed by its pensive dignity the habits and affections of her whole family.

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  35. By far the most terrible feature in the malady was the dejection which ensued when any one felt himself sickening, for the despair into which they instantly fell took away their power of resistance, and left them a much easier prey to the disorder; besides which, there was the awful spectacle of men dying like sheep, through having caught the infection in nursing each other.

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  36. We keep in touch, I always inquire about him, he is a devotee of Khwajah Gharib Nawaz the Holy Saint of Ajmer if you call his malady a disease than the first person to infect him with the poison was his uncle who gagged him and sodomized him when his family was away..he has not forgotten that and weeps each time he talks of this persecution ..this assault on his body and soul.

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  37. Which decision was so pernicious that it not only did not end the war as the general public had persuaded itself it would, but removed those who were managing it with prudence, and there followed so great disorders that in addition to Pisa, Arezzo, and many other places were lost: so that the people perceiving their error, [and] that the cause of the malady was the fever and not the doctor, re-established the

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  38. Descriptions of the malady from the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries relate the horror of its effects: the terrible sores and swellings, often extending into the mouth and throat, and leaving the body covered with scabs that turned from red to black; severe fever; pain in the bones so intense that patients "screamed day and night without respite, envying the dead themselves"; and, often early death.

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Tips for Using malady in a Sentence

You may have an easier time writing sentences with malady if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.

Frequent Predecessors

Words that often come before malady in sentences. For example: "the malady" or "a malady"

  • the
  • a
  • this
  • his
  • her
  • that
  • same
  • fatal
  • my
  • mental

Frequent Successors

Words that often come after malady in sentences. For example: "malady ." or "malady of"

  • .
  • of
  • is
  • which
  • was
  • that
  • in
  • and
  • to
  • has

Associated Words

Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.

  • afflicted
  • melancholy
  • misery
  • remedy
  • sickness
  • madness
  • poison
  • affects
  • fever
  • illness

Alternate Definitions

  • malady (noun) - a physical disorder or disease; sickness or distemper of any kind; especially, a chronic, deep-seated, or dangerous disease
  • malady (noun) - hence, moral or mental disorder; any disordered state or condition: as, social <em>maladies.</em>
  • malady (noun) - <strong>synonyms</strong> <em>infirmity, distemper</em>, etc. (see <internalxref urlencoded="disease">disease</internalxref>); complaint, ailment
  • malady (noun) - any disease of the human body; a distemper, disorder, or indisposition, proceeding from impaired, defective, or morbid organic functions; especially, a lingering or deep-seated disorder
  • malady (noun) - a moral or mental defect or disorder
A sentence using malady