Definition of Malefactor
malefactor (noun) - one who does evil or injury to another: opposed to <em>benefactor.</em>
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How can malefactor be used in a sentence?
The "malefactor" who had been there was Father Madeleine.
nullYet once again it has glanced aside and spared the malefactor. '
nullIf a malefactor is beyond the grasp of justice, he simply kills him.
nullFind a malefactor of great wealth who actually wants the Democrats to win.
nullA debtor is liable to process, so are we; a malefactor is a debtor to the law, so are we.
nullWhy when a fiction writer does this is he/she more likely to be considered some kind of malefactor?
nullAt the trial it was discovered that the malefactor was a baptized Jew, by the name of Wadetsky Minsk.
nullUnfortunately for them a malevolent force or malefactor locks them in, first terrorising them and then worse.
nullThe malefactor slinks off to the snack bar, spending his last $5 on a cinnamon latte, but Anctil isn't letting him go.
nullNow the business of a judge with a malefactor is to convict him of his crimes, and then to pass sentence upon him for them.
nullMost nations abuse animals, but China, which I enormously admire in many other ways, unfortunately remains a major malefactor.
nullThe conspiratorial is self-explanatory: The fix is in, "friends of Angelo" have intervened to save the great subprime malefactor from justice.
nullPlus, sleeping in the house with you makes your home the dog's territory, so when the malefactor comes creeping around, the dog sounds the alarm.
nullIt didn't matter what kind of famous either, the person could be a public servant or, in Bob Herbert's term, a malefactor of great wealth, or both.
nullHe saw himself as the shepherd dog does; until he had rounded him up the malefactor was his private responsibility, to be protected as well as cornered.
nullWith the bold move of denial, loopholes are typically replaced by lies, and the malefactor brazenly challenges us to drop our suspicions and just move on.
nullSpitzer complains that the New York Federal Reserve Bank was a significant malefactor in the causes of the Great Recession but has emerged virtually unscathed.
null| Reply | Permalink getalife, have you read the Fox News expose of Clinton's campaign manager Williams 'seven year relationship to the ninth largest sub-prime malefactor?
nullMore than anything, Barack Obama wants us to know that Mitt Romney is what the president's new role model, Theodore Roosevelt, would have called a "malefactor of great wealth."
nullWhen people clamor for justice in Israel but ignore massacres in Syria, Libya, starvation in North Korea, on and on -- are they interested in criticizing only if the malefactor is a Jew?
null'Here is all the town bizzing with a fine piece of work,' she writes, 'and what would make the thing more noted (if it were only known) the malefactor is a PROTEGEE of his lordship my papa.
nullNonetheless, it still took us a quarter hour to reach our Zip car, parked at a garage around the corner, because there were so many malefactor boxes along our route, the majority of them empty.
nullDead in law, as a condemned malefactor is called a dead man because he is under a sentence of death; so sinners by the guilt of sin are under the sentence of the law and condemned already, John iii.
nullThis forgiving spirit on the part of the malefactor was a little more than the states could bear, disposed as they felt, from policy, to be indulgent, and to smooth over the crime as gently as possible.
nullBut history has a way of offering teachable moments - another economic downturn, a "flash crash" like the one Wall Street experienced a few weeks ago, or the conviction of a malefactor like Bernie Madoff.
nullI'm glad that he's on our side and out in front on this one, but I'd like to see him on our side a little more often, rather than voting for DoJ malefactor Hans von Spakovsky for the Federal Election Commission.
nullSinners are dead in state, being destitute of the principles, and powers of spiritual life; and cut off from God, the fountain of life: and they are dead in law, as a condemned malefactor is said to be a dead man.
nullRight now, he sees Ben Bernanke's Federal Reserve as a prime malefactor behind the characteristic economic folly of our age though China is a big offender too: suppressing the proper functioning of the price system.
nullTo owe his life to a malefactor, to accept that debt and to repay it; to be, in spite of himself, on a level with a fugitive from justice, and to repay his service with another service; to allow it to be said to him,
nullIt helped, of course, that both SEC and Justice Department investigations, which many had expected to expose the ultimate subprime malefactor, recently evaporated overnight, apparently clearing Mr. Cassano of wrongdoing.
nullIn this instance the malefactor was a woman, not a man, and her name was Grizel Cochrane, member of (or at least sprung from) a noble family, which later produced one of the most famous seamen in the annals of naval history.
nullThis simple monarch knew that if a malefactor were the terror of the mountain hamlets, his subjects would expect him personally to take arms and pursue the ruffian; and if he refused to do so, would very probably experiment with another king.
nullAs it is with solid, undeniable attribution, I'm going to name the heavy-hitting malefactor contributors: the Roman Catholic Church via its Knights of Columbus arm, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons), and Erik Prince's mother, of Blackwater ignominy.
nullThere was another "malefactor" to be dealt with, but the traveller had seen enough, and he leaves, reflecting that it represented to him "the intolerable sufferings which our Blessed Saviour must needs undergo when His body was hanging with all its weight upon the nailes of the
nullThat she shall be exposed to shame: Thy lewdness and thy whoredoms shall be discovered (v. 29), as, when a malefactor is punished, all his crimes are ripped up, and repeated to his disgrace; what was secret then comes to light, and what was done long since is then called to mind.
nullBorkman a prominent example of the ninteenth century type of criminous speculator, in whom the vastness of view and the splendidly altruistic audacity present themselves as elements which render it exceedingly difficult to say how far the malefactor is morally responsible for his crime.
nullCo-exec producer of Band of Brothers was Steven Spielberg, and just as his star-spangled work was heaved overboard by neocons and cultural conservatives after he offended their hawkish sensibilities with Munich, Hanks too is now being tarred as a cultural malefactor for his participation in The Da Vinci Code.
nullTo the invincible band of genuine and primitive martyrs, they added myriads of imaginary heroes, who had never existed, except in the fancy of crafty or credulous legendaries; and there is reason to suspect, that Tours might not be the only diocese in which the bones of a malefactor were adored, instead of those of a saint.
nullNothing remains for a man condemned, and presently to leave the world, but these two things; 1st, To take leave of his friends, a thing not denied to the vilest malefactor, which is sufficiently apparent in that it hath not been denied to themselves: yet no entreaties from him or his royal consort could prevail with these murderers to let her take the last farewell and commands of her dying husband.
Tips for Using malefactor in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with malefactor if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before malefactor in sentences. For example: "a malefactor" or "the malefactor"
- a
- the
- common
- this
- condemned
- penitent
- dying
- any
- notorious
- and
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after malefactor in sentences. For example: "malefactor ." or "malefactor was"
- .
- was
- to
- who
- and
- in
- is
- of
- on
- or
Alternate Definitions
- malefactor (noun) - a heinous evil-doer; a law-breaker; a criminal or felon
- malefactor (noun) - <strong>synonyms</strong> evil-doer, culprit, felon, convict
- malefactor (noun) - an evil doer; one who commits a crime; one subject to public prosecution and punishment; a criminal
- malefactor (noun) - one who does wrong by injuring another, although not a criminal. opposite of benefactor