Definition of Nationalism
nationalism (noun) - the doctrine that your national culture and interests are superior to any other
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How can nationalism be used in a sentence?
Something more than nationalism is at work in Asia.
nullYeah, when people protest, nationalism is the only explanation.
nullThe word nationalism appears to have been replaced by regionalism.
nullThe pride of a national group or nation is what we call nationalism.
nullAll this you call nationalism, and there is something in the accusation.
nullBut nationalism is a slippery opponent, even, surprisingly enough, in Canada.
nullTherefore, the notion of nationalism seems very fragile in contemporary society.
nullYou use the word nationalism, which may be considered to be excessive patriotism.
nullTo be fair, rum-amok nationalism is only really a problem in a few Southern states.
nullThat can be an ugly word here, just as "nationalism" is an ugly word in some usages.
nullLabelling its popularity as a symptom of a "dangerous" increase in English nationalism.
nullFor me, nationalism is the Koran-burning, the Arizona immigration law, and the Iraq War.
nullIt advised the United States to support Latin American nationalism or face the growth of Communism.
nullTied to the idea of nationalism, political romanticism would not be without influence on the theater of
nullAbove all, Russian nationalism translates into a desire to restore traditional dominance over the other republics.
nullRAPOPORT: That's absolutely right and I think a lot of these same issues -- economic nationalism, which is immigration.
nullThe IRA was never able to dominate its 'internal enemies' within Irish nationalism, such as the SDLP or the Irish government.
nullThere is a wide offer of interesting sociological and political science work on nationalism, which is beginning to be summarized in:
nullThe party for the last two decades especially has tried to stimulate Chinese nationalism and induce the attitude that nationalism is us.
nullOf course, it forgot to mention the one country above all others where so-called nationalism and protectionism is a national religion - the US.
nullFor me 'nationalism' is the democratic right to self-determination, and that includes the right to choose union AND the right to choose separation.
nullThus Canada eagerly aligns itself against Latin American nationalism, the most powerful force on the continent, as its first real engagement in the region.
nullIt's amusing how virulent nationalism is assumed without argument to be the appropriate moral stance by just about everyone in the debate (and in these comments).
nullThere is another aspect of nationalism, which is psychologically distinct from patriotism as love of country, because primitively it is based upon a different motive.
nullPeter Rutland, a professor of government at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut, says that in the US, the word "nationalism" often has negative connotations.
nullConfusion and difference of views are likely to arise from a failure to distinguish in the idea of nationalism as a whole, between two very different emotions and purposes.
nullI fear you have sadly underestimated the surge in English nationalism if you think it is "indifference" and that we are only reacting to Alex salmond, the latest decoloniser.
nullWhether the postbellum unity and morale for resistance can properly be called nationalism or not, it came closer to approximating that goal than what the Confederacy achieved.
nullThe Nixon administration sought to protect the economic and commercial interests of the United States during a period of heightened Latin American nationalism and expropriations,
nullYou really expect people to believe that what nationalists do, the history of nationalism, is irrelevant but what some basement IT guy insists * must* be true is the only appropriate definition?
nullThe Irish have a valid excuse - the IRA threaten, beat and are willing to shoot anyone who opposes their ethnocidal neo-Marxist multi-culti version of 'nationalism' - but the American leaders have none.
nullThus the only sincere answer to Irish nationalism is English nationalism, which is a reality; and not English imperialism, which is a reactionary fiction, or English internationalism, which is a revolutionary one.
nullThe mention of Chinese debt-holders seems designed to resonate with people's sense of economic nationalism, which is probably running higher amid the very deep sense of worry that people have about the credit crisis. print share
nullIt is the object of what is called nationalism including patriotism, the ideal of loyalty to nation or state as the common fatherland which exists to assure the well-being of the people, and the safety of which is approved by God.
nullThe TNA appears to be the most favorite candidate to fill this vacuum because of their political base in Tamil nationalism but they are unable to do so without demonstrating how they have come out of the violent and totalitarian cohabitation with the LTTE.
nullColumnist Jonathan Alter says that boycotting the Olympics would send a necessary message, but NEWSWEEK International editor Fareed Zakaria says boycotting would be the wrong approach when this is really a question of Chinese nationalism, which is very little understood in the West.
nullAt the same time, the administration should not push for any new round of UNSC-approved sanctions against Iran because, aside from serious doubts about the legality of such sanctions (which I have explained in another article), the hardliners will use them to incite Iranian nationalism, which is very fierce.
nullEthnic nationalism is always problematic, but Zionism is founded on a specifically 19th century Germanic nationalism compounded by colonialism defended now in the 21st century. 3/4 of a million people who had nothing to do with the recent crimes of Europe were thrown off their land and they and their descendants are refugees in camps and in a diaspora in the region and beyond.
Tips for Using nationalism in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with nationalism if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before nationalism in sentences. For example: "of nationalism" or "and nationalism"
- of
- and
- arab
- economic
- cultural
- black
- indian
- to
- the
- african
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after nationalism in sentences. For example: "nationalism ." or "nationalism and"
- .
- and
- in
- is
- was
- of
- as
- that
- has
- which
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- internationalism
- patriotism
- zionism
- nationalistic
- ideology
- imperialism
- fascism
- socialism
- nationalist
- antisemitism
Alternate Definitions
- nationalism (noun) - the aspiration for national independence felt by people under foreign domination
- nationalism (noun) - the doctrine that nations should act independently (rather than collectively) to attain their goals
- nationalism (noun) - the conduct of all business by the public for the benefit of the public; the substitution of public for private control of all business
- nationalism (noun) - national spirit or aspirations; devotion to the nation; desire for national unity, independence, or prosperity
- nationalism (noun) - specifically, in ireland, the political program of the party that agitates for more or less complete separation from great britain
- nationalism (noun) - an idiom or a phrase peculiar to a mation; a national trait or peculiarity
- nationalism (noun) - the state of being national; national attachment; nationality
- nationalism (noun) - an idiom, trait, or character peculiar to any nation
- nationalism (noun) - national independence; the principles of the nationalists
- nationalism (noun) - a devotion to one's country; patriotism
- nationalism (noun) - the policy of advocating the independence of one's country
- nationalism (noun) - the policy of advocating the interests of one's own country exclusively, regardless of effects of a country's actions on other countries