Definition of Nature
nature (noun) - the essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized
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How can nature be used in a sentence?
The geometry found in nature is more than a little inspiring.
nullThe 'harmony' we have in nature is a result of that competition.
nullI don't have to harvest a deer; just being out in nature is a rush in itself.
nullSecond, the use of the term nature in reference to both the divine and the human is confusing.
nullTo discover the nature of Man and the laws of that _nature_, marks the summit of human enterprises.
nullThey speak of the nature of this material earth, as if it was identical with the _nature of things_.
nullThe novelist professed to give an imitation of nature, but it was, as the French say, _la belle nature_.
nullBut you yourself can aid nature the most by realizing that _nature is health and it is normal to be well_.
nullA culture which underestimates the problem of freedom and necessity in nature is bound to depreciate the reality of freedom in man.
nullAll appearances to the contrary, the only watchmaker in nature is the blind forces of physics, albeit deployed in a very special way.
null'It were a strange speech which, spoken, or spoken oft, should cure a man of _a vice_ to which he is _by nature subject_,' -- _subject_ -- by _nature_.
nullI believe one of the findings of cellular automata, some of which are found in nature, is that with certain ones there is no way to predict their output.
nullTo posit one (if it exists) as the source of all we see in nature is quite a hugely different matter than positing the other (if it exists) as that source.
nullIt will be convenient to reduce to two classes the various meanings of the term nature according as it applies to the natures of individual beings or to nature in general.
null{193} "Corresponding to our progressive perception of nature and our immovable conviction of the truth of the evolution theory, our religion can be only a _religion of nature_."
nullNothing can please persons of taste but nature drawn with all her graces and ornament -- _la belle nature_; or, if we copy low life, the strokes must be strong and remarkable, and must convey a lively image to the mind.
nullFrancis Galton coined the phrase "nature versus nurture" to consider the influence of heredity and environment on human development, and the concept can be appropriated to consider the role of critics in supporting the best achievements in the arts.
nullAnd on these grounds he concludes that "as the Divine powers, so the Divine nature, must be essentially different from ours, and, consequently, no common term, except such comprehensive terms as _being, nature_, &c., can be properly used to express both."
nullHerbart has classified the chief kinds and sources of interest as follows: Interest in nature apart from man, and interest in man, society, etc. In _nature_ and natural objects as illustrated in the natural sciences there are three chief kinds of interest.
nullVery few people, I suppose, are so foolish as to believe that man is by nature either a chaste or a constant animal, and indeed in this respect he appears to his disadvantage when compared with certain varieties of birds, which are _by nature_ constant to each other.
nullAgnes, a devoted admirer of nature, was in an ecstasy which she could not conceal, as one beautiful view succeeded another during their sail up the lake; but the other ladies were so much occupied in trying the effect of _art_, that they had no eye for the beauties of _nature_.
null'There is formed in every thing a _double nature_'; -- this author, who is the philosopher of _nature_, tells us on another page, -- 'there is formed in _every thing_ a double nature OF GOOD, the one as everything is a total or substantive in itself, the other as it is a _part_ or
nullIn an individual being, especially if its constitutive elements and its activities are manifold and complex, the term nature is sometimes applied to the collection of distinctive features, original or acquired, by which such an individual is characterized and distinguished from others.
nullThe meaning I take to be this: _Brother, when his fortune is inlarged, will scorn brother_; for this is the general depravity of human nature, which, _besieged as it is by misery_, admonished as it is of want and imperfection, when _elevated by fortune, will despise_ beings of _nature like its own_.
nullIt is taken for granted that the potencies of his nature are well worth realising; that the end of his being -- the ideal type towards which the natural course of his development tends to take him -- is intrinsically good; in fine, that he is _by nature_ a "child of God" rather than a "child of wrath."
null_one grand principle of law pervading nature, or rather constituting the very idea of nature_; -- which forms the vital essence of the whole of inductive science, and the sole assurance of those higher inferences from the inductive study of natural causes which are the vindications of a supreme intelligence and a moral cause.
nullIf this means that the nature of a virtuous act lies in its nature, or its essence lies in its essence, it is certainly true; and even if the author attached different ideas to the terms _essence_ and _nature_, we do not care to search out his meaning; as we may very safely admit his proposition, whatever may be its signification.
null_moral faculty_, which is a constituent part of human nature, and which makes man "a law to himself;" _secondly_, by the _essential nature_ of virtuous and vicious dispositions, as being inherently pleasant or painful; _thirdly_, by the _natural consequences_ of our actions, which indicate a sure connection between moral and physical evil; and,
nullSLOANE, early in life, felt an irresistible impulse which inspired him with the most enlarged views of the productions of nature, and he exulted in their accomplishment; for in his will he has solemnly recorded, that his collections were the fruits of his early devotion, _having had from my youth a strong inclination to the study of plants and all other productions of nature_.
nullThinking it high, I find it always a higher thing than I thought it; while those who think it low, find it, and will find it, always lower than they thought it: the fact being, that it is infinite, and capable of infinite height and infinite fall; but the nature of it -- and here is the faith which I would have you hold with me -- the _nature_ of it is in the nobleness, not in the catastrophe.
nullSymbolic and thus culture; instead, for the schizophrenic, everything that happens takes place on the surface of the Real: "The true difference in nature is not between the Symbolic and the Imaginary, but between the real machinic (machinique) element, which constitutes desiring-production, and the structural whole of the Imaginary and the Symbolic, which merely forms a myth and its variants" (83).
nullA belief of this nature may or may not have a foundation, but it is an intelligible theory, and is not, _in its nature_, incapable of proof; and it rests on facts and arguments of an exactly similar kind to those, which would enable a sufficiently powerful intellect to deduce, from the existence on the earth of cultivated plants and domestic animals, the presence of some intelligent being of a higher nature than themselves.
nullThat it must be based on the science of nature in general, and on the science of human nature in particular, on a science that recognizes the double _nature_ in man, that takes in, its heights as well as its depths, and its depths as well as its heights, that sounds it 'from its lowest note to the top of its key;' but it is one thing to quarrel with the unscientific, _imperfect_ social arts, and it is another to prefer nature in man _without_ arts.
nullMineralogy _-alogy_, not _-ology_ nature _nature_, or _choor_ oleomargarine _g_ is hard, as in _get_ orchid _orkid_ oust _owst_, not _oost_ peculiar _peculyar_ pecuniary _pekun'yari_ perspiration not _prespiratian_ prestige _pres'tij_ or _prestezh'_ pronunciation _pronunzeashun_ or _pronunsheashun_ saucy not _sassy_ schedule _skedyul_ semi not _semi_ theater _the'ater_ not _thea'ter_ turgid _turjid_ usage _uzage_ usurp _uzurp_ vermilion _vermilyun_ wife's not _wives_
Tips for Using nature in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with nature if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before nature in sentences. For example: "the nature" or "of nature"
- the
- of
- in
- human
- by
- and
- its
- very
- to
- his
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after nature in sentences. For example: "nature of" or "nature ."
- of
- .
- and
- is
- to
- in
- as
- that
- has
- or
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- conservancy
- reserve
- reserves
- conservation
- preserve
- trails
- assessed
- wildlife
- endangered
- protected
Alternate Definitions
- nature (noun) - a causal agent creating and controlling things in the universe
- nature (noun) - the natural physical world including plants and animals and landscapes etc.
- nature (noun) - the complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's characteristic actions and reactions
- nature (noun) - a particular type of thing
- nature (noun) - birth; origin; parentage; original stock
- nature (noun) - the metaphysical principle of life; the power of growth; that which causes organisms to develop each in its predeterminate way
- nature (noun) - <em>cel.</em> let us sit and mock the good housewife fortune. … those that she makes fair she scarce mates honest, and those that she makes honest she makes very ill-favouredly
- nature (noun) - . cause; occasion; that which produces anything
- nature (noun) - the primitive aboriginal instincts, qualities, and tendencies common to mankind of all races and in all ages, as unchanged or uninfluenced by civilization; especially, the instinctive or spontaneous sense of justice, benevolence, affection, self-preservation, love of show, etc., common to mankind; naturalness of thought, feeling, or action; humanity
- nature (noun) - the physical or moral constitution of man; physical or moral being; the personality
- nature (noun) - the vital powers of man; vitality; vital force; life; also, natural course of life; lifetime
- nature (noun) - in <em>theology</em>, the natural unregenerate state of the soul; moral character in its original condition, unaffected by grace
- nature (noun) - conscience
- nature (noun) - spontaneity. abandon; felicity; truth; naturalness
- nature (noun) - kindly disposition: a natural disposition such that one does not readily take or give offense; an easy, indulgent spirit
- nature (noun) - in <em>theology</em>, in a state of sin; unregencrated
- nature (noun) - the regular course of human life
- nature (noun) - see <internalxref urlencoded="law">law</internalxref>, 3
- nature (transitive verb) - to endow with natural qualities
- nature (noun) - the existing system of things; the universe of matter, energy, time and space; the physical world; all of creation. contrasted with the world of mankind, with its mental and social phenomena
- nature (noun) - the personified sum and order of causes and effects; the powers which produce existing phenomena, whether in the total or in detail; the agencies which carry on the processes of creation or of being; -- often conceived of as a single and separate entity, embodying the total of all finite agencies and forces as disconnected from a creating or ordering intelligence
- nature (noun) - the established or regular course of things; usual order of events; connection of cause and effect
- nature (noun) - conformity to that which is natural, as distinguished from that which is artificial, or forced, or remote from actual experience
- nature (noun) - the sum of qualities and attributes which make a person or thing what it is, as distinct from others; native character; inherent or essential qualities or attributes; peculiar constitution or quality of being
- nature (noun) - kind, sort; character; quality
- nature (noun) - physical constitution or existence; the vital powers; the natural life
- nature (noun) - natural affection or reverence
- nature (noun) - constitution or quality of mind or character
- nature (noun) - see under <er>good</er> and <er>ill</er>
- nature (noun) - untamed; uncivilized
- nature (noun) - a process of printing from metallic or other plates which have received an impression, as by heavy pressure, of an object such as a leaf, lace, or the like
- nature (noun) - to die