Definition of Objective
objective (noun) - the lens or system of lenses in a telescope or microscope that is nearest the object being viewed
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How can objective be used in a sentence?
"The diversification of revenue is the long-term objective," he said.
nullIt is another matter whether this was a wise long-term objective or not.
nullOur main objective is not to prevent multinationals from getting minerals.
nullThe main objective is to find real facts, and to distinguish rumors from truth.
nullIn 2005, the Iranian President stated his long-term objective in very clear terms.
nullObviously the main objective is to make money, but there are many ways to make money.
nullWith a public agency, the main objective is safety, with no one obligated to investors.
nullAnd so we have to take a short term objective and that's the recovery bill is there for.
nullTheir main objective is to bring him down no matter if the American people suffer for it.
nullA key short-term objective remains the reduction of poverty with the help of international donors.
nullThe main objective is to tell a good story that will keep the audience captivated throughout the movie.
nullMr. Trichet added the central bank will achieve its medium-term objective, to keep inflation below but near 2%.
nullAssociated Press MasterCard expects revenue growth this year to fall short of its long-term objective of 12% to 15%.
nullThe short-term objective, which is urgently needed, is nothing else but the minimization of recession's consequences.
nullSMITH: Well, as I say, our overall objective, our long-term objective, is for the Japanese to cease whaling altogether.
nullThey are counting on corporations, whose main objective is usually profit not environmental good, to be the ones to do it.
nullIn our specific case, the long term objective of experimentum mundi, the New, already dawns on the crimson horizon of Planet Earth.
nullThe main objective is for the fellow to view numerous biopsy specimens daily and to see multiple normal biopsies with the pathologists.
nullWhile thermochemical production of hydrogen is a long-term objective, it will require dedicated nuclear plants running at high temperatures.
nullThe main objective is for the fellow to gain an appreciation of the dynamic nature of the studies that is lost on review of the static images.
nullEven as they reacted with surprise and strongly condemned this move, the US and Israel had reached one of their long term objective in Palestine.
nullTherefore, the long-term objective of the G20 Summit is to set the base for the needed reforms in the existing international economic institutions.
nullEven the long-term objective of al-Qaeda is not a state but a restored caliphate, a type of social organization that precedes the state by centuries.
nullKauffmann reports a case of what he calls objective tinnitus aurium, in which the noise originating in the patient's ears was distinctly audible by others.
nullWe have a clear long term objective in the area, and it does not include their continued existence on our land or the provision of so called human rights to them. stanley Jerusalem
nullOur main objective is to take you to the major conferences and events around the world, interview entrepreneurs and investors, visit exciting startups and give you a first look at the hottest technology.
nullConsistent with this ambitious long-term objective, we will undertake robust aggregate and individual mid-term reductions, taking into account that baselines may vary and that efforts need to be comparable.
nullThe card-payments processor repeated a warning that based on revenue growth this year, it isn't likely the company will achieve its long-term objective of an average increase in net revenue of 12% to 15% through 2011.
nullThe outer or objective process, however, shows in animals strongly controlled by instinct, as insects for instance, a preponderance of the ganglion -- _i. e., subjective_ nervous system over the _objective_ or cerebral system.
nullAnd one has to assume the long-term objective is at some point to get out of there and leave, you know, having said, well, we've gotten Al Qaeda out of Afghanistan and now there's a stable government, and they can deal with it.
nullI believe that the science of the actual content of things, the foundation of all appearances, the laws of the universe, in short, everything which you call objective truth, is the property peculiar to the atoms, of which the world formerly existed.
nullWhat the vocal anti-war people want is self-destructive; they want their jollies off about speaking about ending the war; but they forget there is a long term objective here, which is to gain the Presidency; and that, like it or not, is the disciplined route Hillary Clinton is taking.
nullWhat is needed on the part of bloggers is a proportional degree of discernment for how claims live out in the world, how speech acts participate in constructing that stratagem of subjectivities we call objective reality, or on rare occasion how what we say actually glances at touching that form "Truth."
nullBut when by the use of the term objective mystery I have indicated that general and universal something, not itself, by which the soul is confronted, that something which, like a white screen, or a thick mass of darkness, waits the moving lamp of the soul to give it light and colour, it becomes clear that the name itself does not cover any actual reality other than the actual reality of all the bodies in the world joined together by the universal ether.
nullIt may well be that some would say that the decision about India changes the approach that nation states would take to that Review Conference, only time will tell, but certainly a constructive dialogue approach is the best way forward and Australia does not shy away from our long - term objective, which is the same as India shares, which is the abolition of all nuclear weapons and of course our short-term objective of enhanced non-proliferation and disarmament.
Tips for Using objective in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with objective if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before objective in sentences. For example: "the objective" or "an objective"
- the
- an
- of
- and
- this
- main
- primary
- its
- more
- their
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after objective in sentences. For example: "objective of" or "objective ."
- of
- .
- is
- and
- was
- function
- in
- reality
- to
- world
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- subjective
- lens
- objectives
- capturing
- criteria
- facts
- function
- sustainable
- capture
- promote
Alternate Definitions
- objective (adjective) - undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena
- objective (adjective) - serving as or indicating the object of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposes
- objective (adjective) - emphasizing or expressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings, insertion of fictional matter, or interpretation
- objective (adjective) - belonging to immediate experience of actual things or events
- objective (adjective) - of or pertaining to an object
- objective (adjective) - unbiased; unprejudiced; fair; uninfluenced by personal feelings or personal interests; considering only the facts of a situation unrelated to the observer; -- of judgments, opinions, evaluations, conclusions, reasoning processes
- objective (adjective) - a line drawn on the geometrical plane which is represented or sought to be represented
- objective (adjective) - any plane in the horizontal plane that is represented
- objective (adjective) - the point or result to which the operations of an army are directed. by extension, the point or purpose to which anything, as a journey or an argument, is directed