Definition of Palpable
palpable (adjective) - capable of being perceived; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt
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How can palpable be used in a sentence?
"palpable" Obama effect on international goodwill.
null"Abilio's sense of legacy is palpable," says Davis.
nullBut Can When It Comes To Their 'palpable' Chemistry ...
nullAnd then we are treated to this kind of palpable nonsense?
nullMofokeng recalls the palpable confusion and fear that ensued.
nullThere, racial and cultural tensions are "palpable," Robinson said.
nullThe word "palpable" has been used in English since the 14th century.
nullA sense of disbelief was palpable afterward from Rome to Johannesburg.
nullThe rightward shift of the court under Chief Justice Roberts is palpable.
nullThe support from back home is "palpable" even from so far away, Thompson said.
nullThe guilt was palpable and it lay between him and his wife like a sleeping animal.
nullConsternation over the incident in the upper reaches of India's government is palpable.
nullCOX: Let me ask you, Jonathan, because you are in Baghdad and the danger there is palpable.
nullThe tension between them is palpable, if the definition of "palpable" is: You can see it on TV.
nullMilitary progress since late summer, Gates said, is "palpable" and "has exceeded my expectations."
null"It's our equivalent of war but it's nowhere near that same kind of palpable threat for most of us.
nullSeeing the fields rimmed by trees or the homey, rundown tavern really makes the earth and the rain palpable to the reader.
nullLarge and lavishly illustrated, it makes palpable the kind of visual echoes and deep retinal memories from which inspiration comes.
nullBut there is a kind of palpable sense that the government here is trying to experiment with some kind of economic opening -- Soledad.
nullDaman said on air that rage in the crowd was 'palpable' following Mubarak's announcement -- they want him to step down immediately, not in several months.
nullSo palpable is this fact that we have commonly accepted it, and taken it for granted that this relation must be a continuous source of trouble to humanity.
nullIn fact, there are many things HvB says that I frankly don't consciously understand, and yet, the overall effect is nevertheless a kind of palpable transmission.
nullWe had made our case on the constitutional questions, we had rallied the business and the religious communities, and we had given everyone a palpable sense of the injustice.
nullIt consists of two pieces of almost equal length, both of which embody the kind of palpable resonances and Zen-like pulsing that have come to be classified as minimalist classical music.
nullThough that kind of palpable tension is merely part of what the band specializes in, Bell explained that their concentrated marathon weeklong recording session was a tense experience of its own.
null"We've got to trade or fade," Baucus said in a speech at George Washington University, adding that he felt the "palpable" absence of a comprehensive U.S. trade policy 10 months after Obama took office.
nullIn a report released earlier this month, the Asian Development Bank said the risk of spiraling inflation in the region is "palpable," and noted that official figures tend to underestimate the phenomenon.
null"The feeling of negativity in the market is palpable, which is why one needs to respect the possibility of a counter-trend rally of decent size in the near term that is fueled by short-covering activity."
nullTV personality Julie Snyder, who has been lobbying for fertility treatments to be publicly funded, attended the news conference Tuesday and recalled the palpable suffering she could feel in fertility centre waiting rooms.
nullThe young girl is shielding her eyes; her vulnerability, fear, and sense of humiliation is palpable which is not unlike the emotions felt by today's trafficked women during an inspection of their naked bodies prior to being sold.
nullInasmuch as "palpable" means "able to be touched or felt," I was a little concerned that Gilbert was able to literally touch or feel his teammates' relief as he hugged them, as it implies that his victory may have raised a little more than some eyebrows.
nullDuring the past year, Mainse continues, a renewed sense of excitement was "palpable" as it became clear council intended to rectify the problems, using the museum and VAGA Gallery as the core of a revitalized Village focused on a cultural, art and artisan base.
nullThe taste of brass was in her mouth, a storm was brewing in her heart, and she tried to move away from him, as if she might free herself from a kind of palpable magnetism that seemed to have gripped her, to suffuse her with a frightening lassitude which increased the closer she was to Senjin.,
nullBeing conversant with it in my master's family, it was an easy matter for me to coin a palpable lie -- so, whenever I was asked where I was going, and what my business was, (as was often the case) my invariable answer was, that I was looking for a stray horse which had broken from my master's fields.
nullA familiar aura of sweetness and loss reminiscent of Salinger is palpable from the first pages of the book, when we meet Jane's older brother Henry, who, by introducing his "mature" girlfriend to the family has indelibly altered the paradigm of familial relationships with which young Jane is accustomed.
nullQuenched, inhuman, his fingers upon her unrevealed nudity were the fingers of silence upon silence, the body of mysterious night upon the body of mysterious night, the night masculine and feminine, never to be seen with the eye, or known with the mind, only known as a palpable revelation of living otherness.
nullThey sipped their tea, and talked a little about who had been at church and who had not been, and the room was filled with that atmosphere of dulness which seems to prevail in such households upon a summer Sunday evening; a kind of palpable emptiness which sets a man speculating how many years he may have to live, and how many such Sundays he may have to spend.
nullTestimony into the origins of UK involvement into the 2003 Iraq War began yesterday with four senior diplomats and advisers testifying that Saddam Hussein posed a "palpable" threat and there was a sense that there was a "clear impression" from intelligence sources that Saddam had a "continuing intention" to acquire weapons of mass destruction -- some of which he had already used in the past.
Tips for Using palpable in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with palpable if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before palpable in sentences. For example: "a palpable" or "and palpable"
- a
- and
- the
- is
- was
- more
- so
- most
- be
- of
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after palpable in sentences. For example: "palpable ." or "palpable and"
- .
- and
- in
- to
- mass
- as
- that
- sense
- or
- evidence
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- purpura
- testis
- rectal
- overriding
- dread
- lump
- biopsy
- visceral
- lymph
- abdominal
Alternate Definitions
- palpable (adjective) - can be felt by palpation
- palpable (adjective) - capable of being touched and felt; perceptible by the touch
- palpable (adjective) - easily perceptible; plain; distinct; obvious; readily perceived and detected; gross