Definition of Quality
quality (noun) - an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; --Shakespeare
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How can quality be used in a sentence?
This is not what I call quality entertainment for the dollar.
nullThere are things that work about it and the quality is the best in the world.
nullIt's not slate, but it's the focus on long term quality which is important here.
nullAt the personal level, this drastically diminishes the long-term quality of life.
nullAmerican auto buyers "learned to expect quality from the Japanese," writes London.
nullPoor people are forced to put immediate needs before the long-term quality of the land.
nullHayate praises the theme park and comments that the Sanzenin quality is incomparable to others.
nullIn sum what we describe as quality of life, flows from the structure and management of the economy.
nullClarity is not talking about a thing or a quality, which is what the English word clarity would imply.
nullThe call quality was good, except for a few times when the connection got scratchy for a second or two.
nullGet to the new wing, where the curators 'choices are on display, and the drop-off in quality is palpable.
nullThe argument that making climate software open source will somehow magically make it higher quality is therefore specious.
null"I think the beauty of this state and preserving what we call quality-of-life investments is an economic driver," he added.
nullWe need a national time-out in the rush to mandate what policy makers term quality care to prevent doing more harm than good.
nullThat Miss Dickinson's memoranda have a certain something which, for want of a more precise name, we term quality, is not to be denied.
nullThe first milk after calving is called biestings, and is so very different in quality from the other milk, that it should not be mixed with it.
nullStemming the cultural disintegration now prevalent in the nation, and reforming immigration, are crucial to the long-term quality of our democracy.
nullDomaske spent two years working on the environmentally friendly material, called Qmilch - a combination of the word quality and the German word for milk.
nullIt does vary in quality though, so be sure to go after the lunch rush as they seem to not put as much cheese on it and the overall quality is much better.
nullSince we call a quality that does not raise the characteristic aesthetic emotion "Beauty," it would be misleading to call by the same name the quality that does.
nullSince Skype and Polycom (in this case the two end points) handle HD Voice, Acoustic Echo Cancellation & Packet loss concealment, the call quality is superb. reply
nullOK, so the use of the term "quality" was a reference to the formatting of the e-books and not the quality of the actual work, but for a moment I wasn't too bothered.
nullThe movies range in quality from a good copy made from a master print to shaky versions filmed in a theater with a moviegoer's head silhouetted in front of the screen.
nullJim Rogers , Eastman's chief executive, said the Kingsport, Tenn., company is paying a "full" price for what he called a quality asset that would boost its international exposure.
nullWhile we know that teacher quality is the most important factor in improving students 'academic performance, many teachers are not adequately schooled in the subjects they are teaching.
nullDeputy Chancellor Kaya Henderson, the woman who will formally become interim chancellor of D.C. public schools, takes the Rhee view that teacher quality is the most important determinant of student success.
nullThis season's scripted finales were a mixed bag, ranging in quality from the intentional hilarity of CBS 'Big Bang Theory (the Penny/Sheldon knocking duet) to the unintentional hilarity of ABC's Life on Mars.
nullI'm very impressed with all of the Clone Wars novels, although I think that the one that lacks the most in quality is Jedi Trial, one that I've been anticipating all year, which was a little of a disapointment.
nullApple has admitted to problems with the metering on its iPhones, and there's some question about whether the drop in displayed signal is merely a metering issue, and whether call quality or the ability to place calls is affected.
nullABOUT KAYA HENDERSON -- Writes Turque: In Henderson, Gray inherits someone in tune with Rhee on the fundamentals of education reform, especially the belief that teacher quality is the most important determinant of student success.
nullPoverty is both a cause and a consequence of land degradation: poor people are forced to put immediate needs before the long-term quality of the land, while degraded farmland and poor yields contribute to food and income insecurity.
nullOne of the findings-we looked at over 2,400 schools within our study, and on average-and we did what we call a quality curve, and 46 percent of the charter schools are doing statistically insignificant differently than their traditional public school peers.
nullNow it is evident that the first two sciences presuppose that which forms the exclusive object of the third, namely, quality; for all quantity in nature is either itself derived, or at least derives its powers from some _quality_, as that of weight, specific cohesion, hardness, &c.
nullWool -- this is, by a specific rate on the grease pound (i. e., unscoured) -- operates to exclude wools of high shrinkage in scouring but fine quality from the American market and thereby lessens the range of wools available to the domestic manufacturer; that the duty on scoured wool Of
nullEconomics is about people - their work, their ownership of productive assets or lack of it, their share of what they produce, what they buy and sell, their accommodation, their recreation, in fact every element which we describe as quality of life, flows from the structure and management of the economy.
nullLegendary for his role in developing such hot models as Chrysler's D.dge Viper and the Ford Explorer, Mr. Lutz came to GM in 2001 and launched a product turnaround that garnered two North American Car of the Year Awards and propelled Buick to the top of the J.D. Power & Associates long-term quality rankings.
nullShe enters the school-room makes a few criticisms, asks a blessing at the table; occasionally a misdemeanor is reported to her, when the offender is cited to the august presence, and duly reprimanded, not according to the quality of the offense, but, in an inverse proportion, to the _quality_ of the offender.
nullWhere I think they're wrong and have been wrong -- and each does it slightly different ways, but I'm generalizing now -- where they're wrong is not to recognize that the word quality is not only an excuse to spend money, it's also meant as a desire on the part of people in news to better fulfill their public trust.
nullThe latter is conceded to depend upon the preponderance or relative energy of some part of the system, anatomically or pathologically; but each of the conditions denominated as temperaments may exist, with widely different manifestations of the peculiar conditions we describe as quality, with a corresponding modification of the character of the subject in each case.
nullThat is part of the frustration of America today -- that there are so many of our fellow Americans who are working harder and harder and harder, and never feeling that they're rewarded, feeling that they're falling further behind, having less time for their children, having less time for their spouses, having less time for the things that we know as the quality of life, and just plowing ahead.
Tips for Using quality in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with quality if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before quality in sentences. For example: "the quality" or "and quality"
- the
- and
- of
- a
- high
- in
- water
- good
- air
- for
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after quality in sentences. For example: "quality of" or "quality ."
- of
- .
- and
- control
- in
- is
- assurance
- that
- to
- management
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- assurance
- quantity
- wines
- iso
- accreditation
- improvement
- healthcare
- standards
- pollution
- certification
Alternate Definitions
- quality (noun) - a degree or grade of excellence or worth
- quality (noun) - a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something
- quality (noun) - high social status
- quality (adjective) - of high social status
- quality (noun) - that from which anything can be said to be such or such; a character expressible by an adjective admitting degrees of comparison, but not explicitly relative nor quantitative: thus, blueness, hardness, agility, and mirthfulness are <em>qualities.</em>
- quality (noun) - one of those characters of a person or thing which make it good or bad; a moral disposition or habit
- quality (noun) - a title, or designation of rank, profession, or the like
- quality (noun) - rank; profession; occupation; function; character sustained
- quality (noun) - persons of the same calling or fraternity
- quality (noun) - character in respect to dryness or moisture, heat or cold, these being the elemental qualities from which it was supposed other properties, especially those of drugs and the temperaments, were compounded
- quality (noun) - cause; occasion: an incorrect use
- quality (noun) - in <em>logic</em>: the character of a proposition as affirmative or negative
- quality (noun) - the character of apprehension as clear and distinct or obscure and confused
- quality (noun) - in the <em>fine arts</em>, especially <em>painting</em>, often used to designate body, richness, and depth of color, or similar attributes of style in modelling or of relief in architectural detail
- quality (noun) - in <em>psychophysics</em>, one of the constituent attributes of the elementary mental process, sensation, or affection; that attribute which individualizes the element and from which it receives its name
- quality (noun) - the condition of being of such and such a sort as distinguished from others; nature or character relatively considered, as of goods; character; sort; rank
- quality (noun) - special or temporary character; profession; occupation; assumed or asserted rank, part, or position
- quality (noun) - that which makes, or helps to make, anything such as it is; anything belonging to a subject, or predicable of it; distinguishing property, characteristic, or attribute; peculiar power, capacity, or virtue; distinctive trait
- quality (noun) - an acquired trait; accomplishment; acquisition
- quality (noun) - superior birth or station; high rank; elevated character
- quality (noun) - a kind of worsted tape used in scotland for binding carpets, and the like
- quality (noun) - those of high rank or station, as distinguished from <contr>the masses</contr>, or common people; the nobility; the gentry