Definition of Quarry
quarry (verb) - extract (something such as stones) from or as if from a quarry
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How can quarry be used in a sentence?
Hunting, no matter the quarry is what you make it.
nullThe quarry was a desolate, forbidding place anyway.
nullUp there in the quarry is a car loaded with granite.
nullTwo finishing concerns located at the quarry are the J.
nullWhen I go hunting, harvesting my quarry is just a bonus.
nullBut sometimes the best way to find this quarry is by using your ears.
nullHis quarry was a squat, ugly shape, dark against the distant star-clouds.
nullThe survey has further shown that the quarry is a localized, limited quarry.
nullYou may want to use what is called quarry tile; it is made of a very thick stone.
nullThe quarry was the frigate _Belvidera_, the most offensive of the British blockading force.
nullThe company wants to operate a quarry, which is opposed by the township and nearby businesses.
nullThe quarry was a broad-faced young man who'd wedged himself into a corner of the recovery room.
nullHis quarry is a shadowy, elusive figure, and even his supposed colleagues seem out to destroy him.
nullJim's foot was bothering him a little, and his attitude toward the quarry was a rather negative one.
nullIf the distance from the tile-making unit to the sand quarry is short, smaller quantities may be delivered.
nullThe quarry is about a mile away, and the stone costs a lot less than concrete while providing good strength.
nullYou mention you intend to start hunting, but you didn't say whether your quarry is small game or medium game.
nullTheir quarry is a three-sided, foot square orange and white nylon box that usually dangles from a bush or a tree.
nullIMHO, anyone who cannot get within 300 yds. of their chosen quarry is not a hunter, he is an optimistic artilaryman!
nullIf the quarry is a big-horn, a man needs especially to be sound in wind and limbs, and to be both hardy and resolute.
nullThat was the crucial instant, and down went Gray on top of her as though she were a foot-ball, and the quarry was his.
nullThe base of the quarry is the only flat part of the site and this is used for car access and the entrance to the house.
nullTheir quarry is a U.N. aide worker named Marion Dupuis who has suddenly disappeared from her assignment in war-torn Africa.
nullAn evolutionary arms race between predatory garter snakes and their newt quarry is turning out to be something of an illusion.
nullBack when I was an adolescent collector of antique phonograph records with limited pocket capital, my quarry was the black shellac 78.
nullJohn Carter and Graham Pollard were steadily brave, for their quarry was a man of crushing authority and of hushing connections: Thomas J.
nullOur quarry is the de jure question: what is this rationality or rational justification Christian belief is alleged by its detractors not to have?
nullA quarry is a quarry is a quarry, but it's odd to see in Beer Town U.S.A., of all places, paintings that depict German and British women picking hops.
null_Tremolite_ is quite abundant on a large mass of limestone in the extreme upper quarry, which is a short distance east of the main one, over a small hill.
nullWhether your quarry is the grey ghost (coyote), prairie dogs, upland game, waterfowl or big game, services and lodging are available throughout the region.
nullTheir quarry are the Fido's and Snowball's that I mentioned earlier since they long ago lost use of their natural defense mechanisms and they become easy pickings.
nullThis absurd habit is doubtless the chief reason why there are so few hounds worth their salt in the more serious kinds of hunting, where the quarry is the jaguar or big peccary.
null_ Mingling with the larger bones in the quarry are the more or less perfect remains of swamp turtles, of dwarf crocodiles, of the entirely different group of plated dinosaurs, or
nullLondon, but a tangle of contradictory evidence emerges, forcing Clayton to question whether his quarry is a disaffected former military operative-or something far more complicated.
nullAs they approached the village the gates were thrown open to admit them, and then, as the people saw the victim of the chase, a savage cry rose to the heavens, for the quarry was a man.
nullAll Cadfael could see of the quarry was a thin arm and a fist hardly bigger than a child's, that reached out of the chaos to grip the edge of the altar-cloth with life-and-death desperation.
nullThe resources of his Latinised vocabulary enable him to rise by successive gyrations to a point of vantage above his prey, and then the downward rush that strikes the quarry is a Saxon monosyllable.
nullWhenever possible, the horsemen kept close enough to take an immediate hand in the fight, if the quarry was a full-grown wolf, and thus save the dogs from the terrible punishment they were otherwise certain to receive.
nullJackson McQuigg, the History Center's vice president of properties, called the 3-acre quarry, which is believed to have produced gravel and stone for some of Atlanta's earliest roads, "one of our biggest assets and liabilities."
nullThe walls of the quarry are a hundred feet in depth, and at the bottom are now acres upon acres of the most delightful gardens, whose luxuriance is attributable to the fact that they are shielded from the winds while the sun reaches them nearly all the day.
nullThe inter-agency task force links Horn to illicit activities in Yemen, Nice and London, but a tangle of contradictory evidence emerges, forcing Clayton to question whether his quarry is a disaffected former military operative - or something far more complicated.
nullThe task force links Horn to a prison break in Yemen, a bombing in Nice and a raid in London, but a tangle of contradictory evidence emerges, forcing Clayton to question whether his quarry is a disaffected former military operative or something far more complicated.
nullThis road branches into two at the limestone kilns, about a mile from the railroad track, and the left hand branch is taken, which leads more directly to the quarry, which is on the right hand, about a mile further on, and quite conspicuous by the loose rock lying in front of the quarry.
Tips for Using quarry in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with quarry if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before quarry in sentences. For example: "the quarry" or "a quarry"
- the
- a
- his
- their
- stone
- and
- of
- this
- to
- old
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after quarry in sentences. For example: "quarry ." or "quarry and"
- .
- and
- in
- of
- is
- was
- at
- to
- for
- on
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- quarries
- quarried
- slate
- incline
- hectare
- disused
- tramway
- workings
- limestone
- notified
Alternate Definitions
- quarry (noun) - a beast of the chase when pursued or slain; any creature hunted by men or by beasts or birds of prey, especially after it has been killed
- quarry (noun) - hunted or slaughtered game, or any object of eager pursuit
- quarry (noun) - a place, cavern, or pit where stones are dug from the earth, or separated, as by blasting with gunpowder, from a large mass of rock
- quarry (noun) - a square or lozenge
- quarry (noun) - a small square or lozenge-shaped pane of glass: same as <internalxref urlencoded="quarrel">quarrel</internalxref>, 1
- quarry (noun) - a bolt or arrow with a square head: same as <internalxref urlencoded="quarrel">quarrel</internalxref>, 2
- quarry (noun) - a part of the entrails of the beast taken, given to the hounds
- quarry (noun) - a heap of game killed
- quarry (noun) - the object of the chase; the animal hunted for; game; especially, the game hunted with hawks
- quarry (adjective) - quadrate; square
- quarry (noun) - same as 1st <xref urlencoded="quarrel">quarrel</xref>
- quarry (intransitive verb) - to secure prey; to prey, as a vulture or harpy
- quarry (noun) - a place, cavern, or pit where stone is taken from the rock or ledge, or dug from the earth, for building or other purposes; a stone pit. see 5th <xref urlencoded="mine">mine</xref> (a)