Definition of Quietus
quietus (noun) - a final discharge of an account; a final settlement; a quittance
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How can quietus be used in a sentence?
How hath fate given this man his quietus at my hand!
nullOne hopes these pieces will put the final quietus to the
nullThere was that at the back of her mind which refused quietus.
nullShe had lain there stiffening in the quietus of natural death.
nullNam qui superstitione imbutus est, quietus esse nunquam potest.
nullThis weather will put the quietus on the shopping today, I'm sure.
nullNotice has been taken of the fact that a quietus was put on negro preachers in 1831.
nullThe burlesque was completely successful, and sentimental comedy received its quietus.
nullSo, the gag order itself is an attempt to try to just kind of put a quietus on things.
nullThis also puts the quietus to the notion that you can see "design" by looking at things.
nullTo those who were dying in too much pain the Chaplain gave a quietus with a narrow blade.
null"We will let the painful subject drop," acted as a quietus for our boisterous guests .....
nullWhere the Master would give the man an honorable quietus, you seem implacably opposed to it.
nullThat patient merit of the unworthy takes When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin?
nullStole did, leaving the children without their quietus, and a ruckus for the Nanny and her other help.
nullJuly 11, 1771, very promptly put a quietus on the movement by extending its thanks through Richard Henry
nullA proven instability, even a suspected one, might put the quietus on any hope that the Rowan would make Prime.
null"I saw it, too," Old Man Fish said, and that put the quietus on Tully trying to make like Smeds was imagining things.
nullUPDATE (and apology): (March 26) Evan Dyer puts the quietus on this one, and has posted a comment at Wikileaks as well.
nullThen there are those who brim with passion not just for the state-approved quietus, but with fury for those who oppose it.
nullWhen Deegan began praying noisily over his dinner, Jake listened for half a minute and then told the man to put the quietus on it.
nullI feel somewhat that individualism - has received its death blow; it was dying before, but it has received its quietus through the war.
nullQuietism (Lat. quies, quietus, passivity) in the broadest sense is the doctrine which declares that man's highest perfection consists in
nullSickness and sorrows come and go, but a superstitious soul hath no rest; [6481] superstitione imbutus animus nunquam quietus esse potest, no peace, no quietness.
nullIn Oslo, August 31st, the Norwegian central character, Anders, is a drug addict from a similar background who makes his quietus after a day in the national capital.
nullI think you need to come to terms with the fact that a large number of people in the UK see giving drugs smugglers/dealers their quietus is the way to go - pick me on that one.
null"Bearing in mind that you have only had a glimpse of the body, is it possible that Miss Baccus could've met her quietus at the hands of the same person who slaughtered Jo Benton?"
nullIt was not a very effective or coordinated attack; by the time the wretched beast had been given its quietus the light had almost gone - and the jackals were regaining their courage.
nullThis view of the power of the King was a favourite of the Tudors and the Stewarts, but the tragedy of Whitehall and the Revolution of 1688 made for it an eternal quietus in our system.
nullAdd to that the fact that his last novel was a disappointment and he's facing old age and the draining away of his talent, and one can understand why he felt it was time to make his quietus.
nullBut while Beckett was granted his quietus in 1989, there is no closure for his readers and critics, nor would we want it; for if a death wish was central to his writing, no prose was ever livelier.
nullWhile this issue is refusing to find its quietus, Malawi is yet undergoing another ducking and diving diplomatic passage with Taiwan, a Country Mutharika has been fighting for its recognition at the UN.
nullI have looked upon this particular spot with no little concern, for it was near this my two dear friends just noted fell, and where I also received my quietus - as a reward, perhaps, for my daring of the morning.
nullAnd, completely to put the quietus on any last lingering hopes he might have had of her, he was in the thick of his spectacular and intensely bitter fight with the Coastwise Steam Navigation Company, and the Hawaiian,
nullThe "severe" cases showed a group of symptoms of a quite different order, affecting personality either to a ruin of its mechanisms in confusion and incoherence, or to mental quietus involved in euphoria, exaltation, or expansiveness.
nullMr. Clive Newcome burst out into fierce laughter when he saw the cocoa-nut tree; he laughed so loud that baby woke, and his mother-inlaw called him a brute, and the nurse ran to give its accustomed quietus to the little screaming infant.
nullThe last guy in the world you'd think high-culture pooh-bahs would want skulking around, with his smutty puns, his smelly old jester's skull and his bare bodkin, ready to make his quietus in a New York minute if he weren't afraid the next world would be even worse than this one.
nullOne way in which a language lives and grows is by modifying existing meanings and employing them in new contexts, and it is the poets who contribute most to this process.. bqb As an example from Shakespeare we can take the word quietus which at first sight seems not to lend itself to poetry at all.
Tips for Using quietus in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with quietus if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before quietus in sentences. For example: "a quietus" or "his quietus"
- a
- his
- the
- its
- lusius
- final
- their
- of
- and
- my
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after quietus in sentences. For example: "quietus ." or "quietus on"
- .
- on
- to
- make
- upon
- in
- of
- est
- with
- for
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- mof
- proconsul
- domitian
- hadrian
- trajan
- tiberius
- pitchfork
- consul
- var
- mesopotamia
Alternate Definitions
- quietus (noun) - hence a finishing or ending in general; stoppage
- quietus (noun) - a severe blow; a “settler.”
- quietus (noun) - final discharge or acquittance, as from debt or obligation; that which silences claims; (fig.) rest; death