Definition of Radiant
radiant (noun) - in <em>optics</em>, a luminous point or object from which light radiates to the eye, or to a mirror or lens; a point considered as the focus of a pencil of rays
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How can radiant be used in a sentence?
Perseids the radiant is the constellation Perseus.
nullIt is commonly called radiant heat; invisible radiant heat.
nullHey, I have a solution, and is known as radiant floor heating.
nullYou burn with a kind of radiant heat that both soothes and excites.
nullThese people say that light is a part of the kind of energy called radiant energy.
nullThe higher this point, called the radiant, the more meteors appear all over the sky.
null"Well, no wonder Uncle Darcy looked so happy," she thought, recalling his radiant face.
nullThe radiant is the point in the general direction that the meteors seem to be coming from.
nullHewson opened the note, and read it with an expression which can only be described as a radiant frown.
nullShe could see it in her face, in the expression of radiant pleasure that glowed like firelight in her eyes.
null'' 'i s any form of energy that is released in the form of subatomic particles or waves (also known as radiant energy).
nullThe centre, called the radiant point, of these November meteors is situated in Leo; that of the August meteors in Perseus.
nullRadiation is any form of energy that is released in the form of subatomic particles or waves (also known as radiant energy).
nullThus, home heating is primarily about radiation and convection, known as radiant heating and forced air heating, respectively.
nullDr. Osterman accidentally gets locked inside an intrinsic field test chamber where he is bathed in radiant light then vaporized.
nullThe attraction of the so called radiant matter, regarded as a stream of metallic particles by the magnet, will not appear surprising.
nullThis energy source was discovered by Nicola Tesla, which he called radiant energy, and observed that this energy behaved much like a gas.
nullThe radiant is the place in the sky where the paths of shower members, if extended backward, would intersect when plotted on a star chart.
nullThe oven, which the team also refers to as a radiant fryer, works by emitting wavelengths of radiant energy to precisely cook food products.
nullMazarin did much the same with Richelieu himself, assuming, with admirable Italian suppleness, an expression radiant with joy and tenderness.
nullThe place where the meteors will appear to be streaming from -- known as the radiant point -- is located below the star on the left side of the "w."
nullShe quickly slipped the notes into her muff and recalled her radiant master from the ethereal spheres to which he soared, by laying her hand upon his shoulder.
nullMeteors can appear anywhere in the night sky, but during specific meteor shower events, they will tend to cluster around a single point in the sky called the radiant.
nullThe Perseids may appear anywhere in the sky, but they will seem to originate from a point called the radiant in the constellation Perseus, which gives the meteors their name.
nullThis is one way in which they try to objectify the psyche: as a kind of radiant, pseudo-materiality, imprisoned within objects and organisms, expressive of inner freedom or potency.
nullFour years older than he, she had the Julian look: golden hair, eyes with blue in them, high cheekbones, a lovely mouth, and an expression of radiant calmness that drew people to her.
nullGREEN TEA WASH is enriched with the most prized ceremonial green tea, potent anti-oxidants, licorice to soothe and essential amino acids to cleanse, this gentle wash leaves skin radiant and harmonious.
nullI saw how in the valley where I lived, where naught had hindered, their presence had drawn forth in luxuriance all dim and hidden beauty, a rarer and pure atmosphere recalled the radiant life of men in the golden dawn of the earth.
nullImagine my concern upon seeing this in handouts from the Opera about Pieczonka:The Los Angeles Times praised Adrianne Pieczonka's role debut as Tosca with Los Angeles Opera in 2008 as "radiant," noting that "she sang with effortless purity and impeccable taste."
nullCardinal de la Vallette instantly seized the sleeve of the King's mantle, and kissed it with all the ardor of a lover, and the young Mazarin did much the same with Richelieu himself, assuming, with admirable Italian suppleness, an expression radiant with joy and tenderness.
nullIt's no accident that the film's bringer of death is repeatedly referred to as radiant and beautiful, fitting adjectives for Madsen, who glides around the set with a halo of bright gold hair curled tightly around her face, the stage lights reflecting off her pure white coat.
nullWhat we call radiant heat is simply transverse wave-motion, propagated with enormous velocity through an ocean of subtle ethereal matter which bathes the atoms of all visible or palpable bodies and fills the whole of space, extending beyond the remotest star which the telescope can reach.
nullInsulation, by reducing the amount of Eco-consultants are greening up the US by evaluating people's homes and lifestyles and offering advice on how to reduce their environmental impact George Bryson and Alina Sanchez flunked the test on Web for energy-efficient home products and found many companies selling something called a radiant barrier.
nullIt is not to be presumed that any one whose opinion is worth the asking still thinks it possible that the old view may be the true one because the evidence is demonstrable against it, yet while the undulatory theory prevails there are not a few persons well instructed otherwise who still write and speak as though light has some sort of independent existence as distinguished from so-called radiant heat; in other words, that the heat and light we receive from the sun are specifically different.
Tips for Using radiant in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with radiant if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before radiant in sentences. For example: "the radiant" or "a radiant"
- the
- a
- of
- and
- was
- her
- with
- more
- his
- is
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after radiant in sentences. For example: "radiant energy" or "radiant heat"
- energy
- heat
- with
- .
- and
- in
- smile
- flux
- light
- as
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- irradiance
- emissivity
- radiance
- radish
- flux
- luminous
- maldives
- heating
- meteor
- convective
Alternate Definitions
- radiant (noun) - in <em>geometry</em>, a ray conceived as revolving about its starting-point
- radiant (noun) - a substance that emits rays, specifically n-rays
- radiant (noun) - the luminous point or object from which light emanates; also, a body radiating light brightly
- radiant (noun) - a straight line proceeding from a given point, or fixed pole, about which it is conceived to revolve
- radiant (noun) - the point in the heavens at which the apparent paths of shooting stars meet, when traced backward, or whence they appear to radiate
- radiant (adjective) - emitting or proceeding as from a center; resembling rays; radiating; radiate
- radiant (adjective) - especially, emitting or darting rays of light or heat; issuing in beams or rays; beaming with brightness; emitting a vivid light or splendor
- radiant (adjective) - beaming with vivacity and happiness
- radiant (adjective) - giving off rays; -- said of a bearing
- radiant (adjective) - having a raylike appearance, as the large marginal flowers of certain umbelliferous plants; -- said also of the cluster which has such marginal flowers
- radiant (adjective) - emitted or transmitted by radiation
- radiant (adjective) - heat proceeding in right lines, or directly from the heated body, after the manner of light, in distinction from heat <ex>conducted</ex> or carried by intervening media
- radiant (adjective) - see <er>radiant</er>, n., 3