Definition of Radiate
radiate (verb) - send out rays or waves
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How can radiate be used in a sentence?
The stove began to radiate heat, warming the room.
nullThey'd radiate a light that even spirits found too divine.
nullFive lines of railroad radiate from the capital of Virginia.
nullOur love has to start with ourselves and radiate out to others.
nullAnd you may actually radiate more inner beauty than you realize.
nullThen it must be an animal, no matter what, for animals do not radiate.
nullThis was a decision that appeared to radiate from the top of the campaign.
null120 AN ISLAND GARDEN petals radiate from the centre within, above the larger ones.
nullFurthermore, it's the only metallic object around here and the engines still radiate a little.
nullIf we don't make life-generating choices, we cannot expect to radiate life-generating qualities.
nullThey shift their weight as they walk and different visions of elegance radiate through their skin.
nullHappily, in English the word shampoo can still radiate a Hindi blend of sacred health and pleasure.
nullSlight ridges radiate from the shield to each point of the star, giving the star a beveled appearance.
nullIt can radiate into the top of the head, the shoulders and the eye gets really, really swollen as well.
null"I think what he's done most effectively as archbishop is radiate this natural joy at being a Catholic."
nullChalky dirt roads radiate out from the highways, leading to villages of stilt houses or across rice fields.
nullRather, they radiate a clarity and generosity that are timeless but may offer special comfort in difficult times.
nullThe sulphur of the alchemists of old, out of which everything was to radiate, is destined to experience a renaissance.
nullBut despite, or perhaps because of the gentle glow of happiness they radiate, their home is a magnet for unhappy souls.
nullThe kitchen is also the center of a greater community, the hub from which many connections radiate to the world at large.
nullOnce he figured that out, he suggested it himself, and felt an almost tangible sense of relief radiate from the Elven man.
nullIf Ralston let down the shield and opened his mind to radiate, then his pain would simply pour out, overwhelming everything rational.
nullIt's a valuable lesson for you both to learn: to feel your best, to radiate inner and outer beauty, you need time to appreciate yourself.
nullLying there, however, they collect solar heat because they're dark, and re-radiate it to melt away their surroundings, till they sink beneath.
nullThrough Tonight: Although the cool flow of air from the north ceases, clear skies and calm winds allow the sun's daytime energy to radiate back into space.
nullBut then there are regional delegates and local delegates, and those kind of radiate out into the neighborhoods of Baghdad, and radiate out into the rest of the country.
nullThe casino is called Rippling Waters because, like a stone tossed into the Des Moines River, its success is anticipated to radiate out and touch every corner of the community.
nullIn the simplest terms, the economic ripple effect will radiate concentrically into a decline in consumer spending, increased foreclosures, a lag in the house market and so forth.
nullFrom a dark spot at its centre, a series of V-shaped red-brown lines radiate outward and it is these, with their fancied resemblance to the compass rose, which gives the jellyfish its name.
nullDU is unable to penetrate the skin, but once there is inhalation or ingestion of the radiological DU dust, its toxicity has the ability to radiate the lungs and gut (multiplying in the cells).
nullOne moment he could radiate vulnerability, another he could stride with unexpected though clunky audacity into a bold-for-him future, dreaming impossible dreams, and then generating them in someone else.
nullSherrod was a crazy racist radical who had "burrowed" her way into the Obama administration to radiate "reverse-racism" throughout the land from her obscure position at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
nullYet, everywhere we turn, our culture demands that we do both: consume toxic amounts of toxic substances that pass for food and medicine -- and, at the same time, radiate extreme youth, beauty, joy and health.
nullSince any kind of nationwide modernization movement would necessarily need to radiate from the center outward, this notion of a victory in the south prevented the Qing government from finding the consensus it needed to act.
nullThis relief, however, is just what nature has provided for in this thick coat of blood vessels in our skin; it enables us to throw great quantities of blood out to the surface where it can get rid of, or, as the scientists say, "radiate," its heat.
nullPhotography writes with light, and in homage to the Greek sun-god Muybridge called himself Helios; the emblem on the business card attached wings to his camera and made it radiate beams, as if the sun were housed in the dark interior of his "Flying Studio".
nullDevelopment 134: 2549-2560. de Jong DM, Hislop NR, Hayward DC, Reece-Hoyes JS, Pontynen PC, et al. (2006) Components of both major axial patterning systems of the Bilateria are differentially expressed along the primary axis of a 'radiate' animal, the anthozoan cnidarian Acropora millepora.
Tips for Using radiate in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with radiate if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before radiate in sentences. For example: "to radiate" or "which radiate"
- to
- which
- and
- may
- that
- not
- will
- they
- can
- would
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after radiate in sentences. For example: "radiate from" or "radiate to"
- from
- to
- in
- .
- out
- the
- a
- heat
- into
- energy
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- patera
- outwards
- spokes
- outward
- synchrotron
- hawking
- electromagnetic
- dipole
- radiating
- infrared
Alternate Definitions
- radiate (verb) - send out real or metaphoric rays
- radiate (verb) - extend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center
- radiate (verb) - cause to be seen by emitting light as if in rays
- radiate (verb) - issue or emerge in rays or waves
- radiate (adjective) - having rays or ray-like parts as in the flower heads of daisies
- radiate (noun) - a ray-like projection; a ray
- radiate (noun) - a member of the <em>radiata</em>, in any sense
- radiate (intransitive verb) - to emit rays; to be radiant; to shine
- radiate (intransitive verb) - to proceed in direct lines from a point or surface; to issue in rays, as light or heat
- radiate (transitive verb) - to emit or send out in direct lines from a point or points
- radiate (noun) - one of the radiata
- radiate (adjective) - having in a capitulum large ray florets which are unlike the disk florets, as in the aster, daisy, etc
- radiate (adjective) - belonging to the radiata