Definition of Ramification
ramification (noun) - an arrangement of branching parts
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How can ramification be used in a sentence?
Dor Considered the ramification of that, and felt warm all over.
nullThe ramification of overheated economy is the peril named inflation.
nullThe ramification of changing the composition of the court is enormous.
nullBEHAR: You know when he hits that ball, the ramification is it goes in the hole.
nullSecond, and more important, its ethical ramification for Weber is deeply ambivalent.
nullJim, price of wheat in a nutshell, what is the ramification of wheat going up this much?
nullCapital flight and low foreign investment are precipitate and ramification of insecurity.
nullAnd at least for now, the ramification is that they will never get to read the entire book.
nullCapital flight and low foreign investment are the precipitates and ramification of the insecurity.
nullSo, you know, that's an unfortunate ramification as a result of this incredible earthquake in Haiti.
nullCOOPER: If -- if there was some sort of a hoax, Lisa, I mean, are -- what is the ramification of that?
nullThe ramification will be capital flight and restriction of flow of capital for wealth creation in Nigeria.
nullJust another ramification of his antiwar stance that I've not heard addressed but expect to signify in the GE.
null"If that actually occurs, that has a potentially great ramification for life at the higher end of the food web."
nullBut as of today, there has been one political ramification of note -- Sarah Palin is done as a presidential candidate.
nullThe context of language at any point in history is of primary importance when trying to understand the ramification of a word.
nullHe supports the ONE campaign which called attention to poverty in Africa and the detrimental ramification of African foreign debt.
nullBut I ` ll tell you my beef with men -- my beef with men who continually cheat but expect sometimes there ` s going to be a ramification.
nullAnd I think any actor will tell you, anybody in the public eye, that the tabloids are the worst kind of ramification of being a celebrity.
nullAll the citizens especially the public servants and leadership must be made to shun corruption when they fully comprehend the ramification.
nullUnfortunately, I fear the ramification of this escalation will have two distinct effects on his domestic agenda, specifically health care reform.
nullThe ramification of this December gathering on Nigerian polity will be difficult to be quantified but its awareness on the polity cannot be overemphasized.
nullWith a little bit of rubdown, even the current debate on logical paradoxes may be viewed as a ramification and formal specification of the Kant-Hegel dialectics.
nullIf a small positive ball be throwing off brushes with ramifications ten inches long, how can the ball affect that part of a ramification which is five inches from it?
nullOne additional ramification, as Caroline pointed out, is that this little snafu has made the books involved rather scarce, even if you want to pay a more reasonable price.
nullAnd now, according to a recent ruling by the South African Equality Court, these words also legally constitute hate speech and discrimination, and will not be tolerated without legal ramification.
nullNigeria's financial and economic community is quick to point out that the fate of Nigeria's currency Naira - the gyrations, floundering and nose-diving is the ramification of global economic meltdown.
nullFracking ramification reports are terrifying, to say the least - after drinking water near fracking well sites, livers/hearts/respiratory systems fail, rare forms of cancer mysteriously grow, and cows drop dead.
nullI also realize that the word ramification is a big "funny" sounding word, with a particularly exciting appeal, for some reason, but I use it only in the most heterosexual concerned Christian American appeal kind of way.
null"The decision to release Office of Legal Counsel Memos re. torture has had one other ramification so far and it is this: Govt. officials who knew about torture but who were sworn to secrecy are now free to talk about it."
null"Here's the bottom line: what we're seeing out of this governor of New Jersey is just go to the money, cut whoever you have to cut, there is no ramification for any of this because he's a cold-hearted fat slob anyway," Schultz said.
null"The ramification of the U.S. Trustee's interpretation of its power is really staggering, and it doesn't relate simply to Countrywide," Countrywide lawyer Richard Connop said at a recent hearing in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Pittsburgh.
nullI've already put forward proposals for infrastructure, which I think can have a huge long-term ramification -- putting people back to work right now, doing the work that America needs done, laying the foundation for long-term competitiveness.
nullBut I guess my own negative emotions and fatigue are a predictable ramification of the work I'm engaged in -- and obviously, it's far worse for those with bigger platforms and/or those who are bearing the brunt of racism and the economic class war.
nullA ramification of this decision may be found in a decision of 2004, in which she ruled that the state is not obligated to fund any non-compulsory activities elected by pupils, such as daily prayer in state schools not affiliated with the religious stream.
nullThe Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports on the potential ramification of a December runoff election in the Georgia Senate race, which will be required if neither GOP Sen. Saxby Chambliss nor Dem challenger Jim Martin can get 50% + 1 of the vote on November 4.
nullHe also proves some new or less-known results (reflection theorem, structure of the abelian closure of a number field) and lays emphasis on the invariant T_p, of abelian p-ramification, which is related to important Galois cohomology properties and p-adic conjectures.
null"They don't want to have to go to Michael Mukasey and ask him, ask Hans van Spakovsky's voting rights section to make a decision on pre-clearance that could have an enormous ramification for the presidential nomination for the other party," one of Obama's lawyers said.
nullBut I guess my own negative emotions and fatigue is a predictable ramification of the work I'm engaged in - and obviously, it's far worse for those with bigger platforms and/or those who are bearing the brunt of racism and the economic class war. for my part, I won't back down.
null"Not getting Chicago the Olympics was a significant loss for Obama," says Ortz. One ramification, as he sees it, will be to fire up the Administration's political enemies and make it much tougher for the President to achieve anything of a concrete legislative nature in Washington.
Tips for Using ramification in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with ramification if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before ramification in sentences. For example: "the ramification" or "a ramification"
- the
- a
- of
- and
- every
- its
- another
- one
- important
- further
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after ramification in sentences. For example: "ramification of" or "ramification ."
- of
- .
- and
- is
- in
- for
- problem
- that
- to
- on
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- ramified
- discriminant
- riemann
- locus
- indices
- euler
- algebraic
- valuation
- integers
- finite
Alternate Definitions
- ramification (noun) - the act or process of ramifying, or the state of being ramified; a branching out; division into branches, or into divergent lines, courses, or parts, as of trees or plants, blood-vessels, a mountain-chain, a topic or subject, etc
- ramification (noun) - in <em>botany</em>, the branching, or the manner of branching, of stems and roots
- ramification (noun) - the production of figures resembling branches
- ramification (noun) - the process of branching, or the development of branches or offshoots from a stem; also, the mode of their arrangement
- ramification (noun) - a small branch or offshoot proceeding from a main stock or channel
- ramification (noun) - a division into principal and subordinate classes, heads, or departments; also, one of the subordinate parts
- ramification (noun) - the production of branchlike figures
![A sentence using ramification](/img/sentence-using-ramification.png)