Definition of Sabotage
sabotage (noun) - a deliberate act of destruction or disruption in which equipment is damaged
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How can sabotage be used in a sentence?
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Newt Gingrich urges Iran 'sabotage'
nullThe usage of the word sabotage is unfortunate and misguided.
nullEditor: 'Bush loyalists' may undermine, then 'sabotage' Obama
nullNah, self-sabotage is part and parcel with becoming a Democrat.
nullIf workers consider that sabotage is necessary, that in itself makes sabotage moral.
nullThe Sudanese ambassador in Lebanon condemned a call to boycott Lebanese products as "sabotage".
nullNote that it would be impossible to distinguish this sabotage from the average COIN presentation.
nullNewt Gingrich urges Iran 'sabotage' by Abbas Sadeghian, Ph.D. on Friday, Jul 10, 2009 at 8: 54: 48 AM
nullS. O'BRIEN: Intentional sabotage, that is the verdict after the poisoning of hundreds of police officers in Iraq.
nullMr. Anwar said Mr. Abdullah's refusal to recall parliament would amount to "sabotage" of Malaysia's democratic process.
null"The word sabotage has been used to described the attitudes and behaviour of some long-serving public servants," she said.
nullIn this video, I refer to the ManifestPositivity. org Glossary term "sabotage," exploring its yin/yang relationship with progress.
nullThe sabotage is a testament to growing local resentment at the way land is being sold off to big foreign investors with deep pockets.
nullMax: She goes nuts about "sabotage" (sure) and how it's a travesty, then throws Andrew under a bus and is like "Hey, it's a competition"
null(C) knowingly engages in sabotage or international terrorism, or activities that are in preparation therefor, for or on behalf of a foreign power.
nullThey say the allegations against him amount to participating in a battle with enemy soldiers, which, in contrast to targeting civilians or sabotage, is not a war crime.
nullThe term enemy combatant has been used for decades to define members of a military who engage in activities such as sabotage and espionage that occur outside normal combat.
nullThen point and laugh. posted 2 weeks ago by Rowdie (guest) skip it! that crap is called sabotage in normal talking: D posted 2 weeks ago by austi (guest) not much on the rebadge thing.
nullThen point and laugh. posted 4 months ago by Rowdie (guest) skip it! that crap is called sabotage in normal talking: D posted 4 months ago by austi (guest) not much on the rebadge thing.
nullThe Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) has proposed that cable theft be classified as sabotage and only approved recycling businesses be allowed to deal in reclaimed copper and other metals derived from cables.
nullHe said that it was possible for staff to "sabotage" equipment and that the movement of staff in and around the furnaces of the ferromanganese smelters could distort results of testing for manganese dust.
nullThe word sabotage is storied to be from the French word for wooden shoe, sabot, to recall how French workers threw their shoes into newfangled machinery to foil the efforts of industrial revolution bosses.
nullThe headline asks if sabotage is happening - with no proof (that I can see) to even hint that such a thing has happened and/or that NASA is investigating actual events as suspected sabotage at this attempt.
nullLike other top state police officers, including state DGP Bhupinder Singh, ADG CID Raj Kanojia on Sunday hinted that the sabotage was the handiwork of Maoists or their local militia group active in the area.
nullThe CIA's Car Bomb University (the 1980s) "The CIA officers that Yousef worked with closely impressed upon him one rule: never use the terms sabotage or assassination when speaking with visiting congressmen."
nullThe same old cries began again -- carrying on, doing one's bit, seeing it through, fighting to a finish, enemy atrocities (only now they were called sabotage), starving them out, gallant volunteers, the indomitable
nullOrwell names no names (thus damning all), but a paragraph later suggests some suspects, lashing the New Statesman and Nation and the News Chronicle for colluding in the "intellectual sabotage from the Left" of English morale.
nullThat kind of sabotage would harm the company's efforts to sell its electricity in Texas 'power market for that day, but it wouldn't threaten plant safety, or cause an outage, says control system cyber security expert Joe Weiss.
nullOn a bitterly cold day a few years ago I visited the 9.18 Museum in Shenyang, built on the spot where Japanese soldiers, preparing for a military occupation of Manchuria, blew up part of the South Manchurian Railway line in 1931 -- an act of "sabotage" they blamed on the Chinese.
nullOn Sunday, the New York Times reported that George Bush specifically denied Israeli requests for assistance in bombing Iran's nuclear sites, instead advising the Israelis that covert activities were underway by the U.S. to "sabotage" Iran's efforts in gaining proficiency in nuclear technology.
nullGiven that few native U.S. citizens (and I don't mean American Indian, but Americans who don't also hold Iranian citizenship) roam about Iran, let alone its nuclear sites, at will, one supposes that Iranians working for the U.S. government, either directly or indirectly, were a part of that "sabotage" team.
nullWhat is more visibly true on looking into the workings of these coalitions in detail is that they are enabled to maintain prices at a profitable, indeed at a strikingly profitable, level by such a control of the output as would be called sabotage if it were put in practice by interested workmen with a view to maintain wages.
nullIn his essay here, Luers defends his actions: "when faced with the degree our own government has colluded to cover up global warming, dismantle the endangered species act, give industry loopholes around the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, and in general put corporate interests before the interests of its own people, the use of extreme direct action, such as sabotage or arson, against government and corporate institutions or their agents is justified."
Tips for Using sabotage in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with sabotage if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before sabotage in sentences. For example: "to sabotage" or "of sabotage"
- to
- of
- and
- the
- or
- for
- in
- economic
- against
- can
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after sabotage in sentences. For example: "sabotage ." or "sabotage the"
- .
- the
- and
- of
- in
- or
- by
- against
- was
- is
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- subversion
- espionage
- guerrilla
- terrorism
- diversion
- assassination
- warfare
- resistance
- chances
- propaganda
Alternate Definitions
- sabotage (verb) - destroy property or hinder normal operations
- sabotage (noun) - scamped work
- sabotage (noun) - malicious waste or destruction of an employer's property or injury to his interests by workmen during labor troubles
- sabotage (noun) - any surreptitious destruction of property or obstruction of activity by persons not known to be hostile; -- in war, such actions carried out behind enemy lines by agents or local sympathisers of the hostile power