Definition of Sage
sage (noun) - a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics who is renowned for profound wisdom
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How can sage be used in a sentence?
And for my family sage is a must in breakfast sausage.
nullFor, it must be granted, the sage is a little intolerant.
nullAnd, just a word of sage counsel for your next movie role.
nullAt squash planting time, the sage is about four inches high
nullWhen it starts to shimmer, stir in sage, rosemary and garlic.
nullThe oldest known Chinese sage is Lao-Tze, the founder of Taoism.
null"The sage will be your Sanskrit tutor," my parent announced confidently.
nullAmong the mountains the sage is the chief material of the traveller's fire.
nullThe sage is the man who knows how, at a given moment, to effect his own arrest.
nullThe apathy or passionlessness of the sage is another of his most salient features.
nullToo bad sage is missing in my garden, but you gave me an idea for another dish, thanks!
nullThe sage was the puppet of an artful old woman, who was the puppet of more artful priests.
nullThese are to be found in the so-called sage-knife, and the modern (French) pattern of drawing-knife.
nullI agree with Chris from MeleCotte in Atlanta, who says she likes the word sage as well as the herb sage.
nullHe's called the sage of South Central, long a popular figure in the Los Angeles area, now being heard nationally.
nullI think it is a better fit in sage brush, bitter brush, and other lighter brushy areas as well as marshes/wetlands.
nullThis loss of flavor is particularly noticeable with sage, which is one of the easiest herbs to spoil by bad management.
nullTheir course through the sage was a series of eccentric loops as each circled repeatedly downwind to catch the other's scent.
nullMoving north, we went over a mass of open-rolling sandhills with triodia, and that other abominable plant I call the sage-bush.
nullA bird that feeds on this plant, the so-called sage cock or cock of the plains (Tetrao Uriphasianus), has precisely the same taste.
nullThe sage is subtle, overshadowed by the roast and hops; the hot peppers reach a crescendo way back in the throat, singeing the uvula.
nullThe inexorability of the sage was a mere consequence of his calm reasonableness, which would lead him to take the right view from the first.
nullThe ravioli ricotta e spinaci al burro e salvia (ravioli in sage butter) is the best I have ever had in my life - how do they make it so light?
nullThe proposal calls for hiring people to tag sage grouse in areas where wind farms may be built, to help determine where turbines could be located.
nullThis turkey breast, flavored with the traditional rosemary and sage, is also dusted with chili powder and served with a side of collard greens as a nod to Africa.
nullLAst year went Lope hunting and ranged what I thought was l50 yds in sage brush, turned out to be 325, but the 200 yds zero on a 25-06 held on back line dd th job.
nullFreudenthal, a Democrat, delivered a stern warning to wind-turbine developers, telling them to make sure their projects don't harm a small bird called the sage grouse.
nullUnder the sage are the shallow forms of the jackrabbits, and in the dry banks of washes, and among the strewn fragments of black rock, lairs of bobcat, fox, and coyote.
nullThis shrub is the _artemisia_ -- a species of wild sage or wormwood, -- and the plains upon which it grows are called by the hunters, who cross them, the _sage prairies_.
nullThese are covered with pine and cedar, and the more open plains with bushes of wild sage, which is the characteristic plant in all the elevated plains of the Rocky Mountains.
nullThe sage is a logician not from academic inclination but because life in accordance with nature and reason requires understanding events and the consequences which follow from them.
nullMy sage is the conductor of my windmill, which dexterously catches the wind, and receives my corn, deposits it in the hopper, and grinds it equally, for the nourishment of myself and family.
nullThe name sage, meaning wisdom, appears to have had a different origin, but as the plant was reputed to strengthen the memory, there seems to be ground for believing that those who ate the plant would be wise.
nullWhile condemning every attempt of a people to establish its own liberties, Alexander still believed that in some countries sovereigns would do well to make their subjects a grant of what he called sage and liberal institutions.
nullIt was a good deal of fun, too, sneaking about afoot through the low brush, making believe that the sage was a jungle, the tiny pellets express bullets, the rabbits magnified -- I am sorry for the fellow who cannot have fun sometimes
nullHer doom had fallen upon her, but, instead of finding life no longer worth living she found it doubly significant, full of sweetness as the western breeze, beautiful and unknown as the sage-slope stretching its purple sunset shadows before her.
nullSo we exchanged fancies while the train rolled over a track remarkable for its smoothness and leading ever onward across the vast, empty plains bare save for the low shrubs called sage-brush, and rising here and there into long swells and abrupt sandstone pinnacles.
nullThis would account for the many analogies and resemblances to Masonry that we find in the moral teachings, the symbols, and the peculiar organization of the school of Pythagoras -- resemblances so extraordinary as to have justified, or at least excused, the rituals for calling the sage of Samos "our ancient brother."
nullIn the first place the feet sink in the loose and sandy soil, in the second it is densely covered with the hideous porcupine; to avoid the constant prickings from this the walker is compelled to raise his feet to an unnatural height; and another hideous vegetation, which I call sage-bush, obstructs even more, although it does not pain so much as the irritans.
Tips for Using sage in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with sage if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before sage in sentences. For example: "the sage" or "russell sage"
- the
- russell
- a
- and
- of
- le
- great
- by
- with
- this
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after sage in sentences. For example: "sage ." or "sage publications"
- .
- publications
- foundation
- and
- of
- is
- advice
- in
- who
- was
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- salvia
- abstracted
- thyme
- chaparral
- grouse
- afs
- scrub
- sages
- gautama
- sagebrush
Alternate Definitions
- sage (noun) - aromatic fresh or dried grey-green leaves used widely as seasoning for meats and fowl and game etc
- sage (noun) - any of various plants of the genus Salvia; a cosmopolitan herb
- sage (adjective) - having wisdom that comes with age and experience
- sage (adjective) - of the grey-green color of sage leaves
- sage (noun) - a name of certain plants of other genera. see the phrases below
- sage (noun) - in california, <em>trichostema lanatum</em>, a labiate plant
- sage (noun) - see <internalxref urlencoded="kochia">kochia</internalxref>
- sage (noun) - in southern california, another whitish plant of the same order, <em>audibertia polystachya</em>, a shrub from 3 to 10 feet high, useful in bee-pastures. it is one of the plants called <internalxref urlencoded="greasewood">greasewood</internalxref>
- sage (noun) - in jamaica, species of <em>lantana.</em>
- sage (noun) - at the cape of good hope, a large composite shrub, <em>tarchonanthus camphoratus</em>, having a strong balsamic odor. also called <internalxref urlencoded="african%20fleabane">african fleabane</internalxref>
- sage (noun) - a wise man; a man of gravity and wisdom; particularly, a man venerable for years, and known as a man of sound judgment and prudence; a grave philosopher
- sage (noun) - a blue-flowered species of salvia (<spn>s. pratensis</spn>) growing in meadows in europe
- sage (noun) - a species of willow (<spn>salix tristis</spn>) forming a low bush with nearly sessile grayish green leaves
- sage (adjective) - having nice discernment and powers of judging; prudent; grave; sagacious
- sage (adjective) - proceeding from wisdom; well judged; shrewd; well adapted to the purpose
- sage (adjective) - grave; serious; solemn
- sage (noun) - a wise man; a man of gravity and wisdom; especially, a man venerable for years, and of sound judgment and prudence; a grave philosopher