Definition of Sanction
sanction (noun) - formal and explicit approval
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How can sanction be used in a sentence?
"What is missing from that is the word sanction '.
nullIn this case, the sanction was a default judgement.
nullTo bushites no sanction is too great for such a crime.
null"A sanction is a form of punishment," UNITA Secretary-General
nullWhether the sanction is historically regarded as a punishment?
nullA unilateral naval blockade without UN sanction is an act of war.
nullDoes she even know what a sanction is or what implications it has?
nullWhat sanction is there to stop the chavs behaving exactly as they wish?
nullThe sanction is the same as for one professed with simple vows in a religious order.
nullHer sanction was a shield, however, from which the criticisms of the world fell back.
nullMagistrate Judge Jeremiah Lynch wrote that his sanction was the most appropriate remedy.
nullIt looks as if the programme had some sort of official sanction from the Chiefs in Hampshire.
nullThey astonished me more than ever; but I could see them; their sanction was their own existence.
nullManifestly the sanction is a matter of choice, and depends upon the age: the age of Crabbe found in
nullThe sanction was the first Mr. Greenberg accepted since he left AIG in 2005 amid an accounting scandal.
nullPalin, unlike the author of the above article, probably knows there's more than just the one definition of the word "sanction".
nullThe arrest of a shadow cabinet minister under anti-terrorism powers can only have taken place with sanction from the highest level.
nullThe phrase 'not an improper sanction' is best understood in the context of an accompanying phrase in the line directly after it occurs.
nullAnd you can't tell for sure whether they will get that message, but the intent of the sanction is to be a more powerful message than before.
nullConsequently bogeyman excuses are co-opted to obtain sanction for this unethical abrogation of a natural right even more fundamental than liberty.
nullSo employers know that they can hire illegals with impunity, and every day that they get by without a sanction is another day they put profit in their pocket.
nullFor the truth is, that the idea of penal sanction, which is the essence of law, enters not only into the conception of injustice, but into that of any kind of wrong.
nullThere was no difficulty, under these circumstances, in getting the so-called sanction of the Church for an inquiry into the crimes of which the Templars were accused.
null"It's the regulatory equivalent of Trident - it is the ultimate sanction, which is designed to strengthen the negotiating position of the FSA rather than ever be used."
null"This sanction is consistent with our honor code for students and its emphasis on education, reflection and ultimately restoration to an honorable place in our community."
nullMR. MCCURRY: It's against the law, but this applies a new sanction, which is the bar on federal contracts for a period up to a year for those who knowingly violate the law.
nullOne retired federal judge I spoke with told me Judge Walton's order is more akin to a criminal sentence than a civil contempt sanction, which is supposed to coerce not punish.
nullIt may be well to note that throughout this discussion the word sanction is used in the strict legal sense, meaning some definite penalty or punishment to be inflicted on a wrong-doer.
nullHence, objectively, the law itself is called sanction inasmuch as it is imposed on the consciences and obedience of subjects; thus ecclesiastical laws are often called sanctiones canonicoe.
nullThe missing ingredient is my choice to consume is based on my voluntarily giving sanction, which is predicated, I believe on the degree of full, open, honest, timely disclosure is available.
nullThe Valerian law had no sanction, that is, no penalty was annexed to its transgression; and during the two centuries of patrician usurpation and tyranny, was frequently and flagrantly violated.
nullTherefore, it will not be as a sanction, that is, as a punishment, but rather as a measure to establish discipline within the administration, to establish the respect due to the norms that the revolution establishes.
nullAn Iranian official responded on Tuesday by calling the sanction threats "a joke" and said the country had no plans to abandon its nuclear activities under the threat of sanctions. required (email will never be displayed)
nullSen. Grassley, Mr. "gonna pull the plug on grandma" himself, authored legislation that carried the exact same language he is now railing against and characterizing as a sanction for "death panels" ...... face it, they don't really care about America.
nullCarlyle's practical Ethics, though too little indulgent to the light and play of life, in which he admitted no [Greek: adiaphora] and only the relaxation of a rare genial laugh, are more satisfactory than his conception of their sanction, which is grim.
nullWhile VeryCD has applied for a license to distribute its content, it has not yet received official sanction from the Chinese government and has been warned by SARFT about allowing the distribution of unauthorized multimedia content throughout the country.
nullI would reserve the ultimate sanction, which is to say, decapitation of Saddam's regime, for the most egregious transgression, either threat of use or use of weapons of mass destruction or any attempt on his part to drag a neighbor such as Israel into a broader war.
nullAnd, of course, if we adopt a Holmesian understanding of law, defined exclusively as a prediction of what courts will do only after public prosecutors, i.e., US attorneys, decide to bring cases in the first place, then the lack of legal sanction translates into authoritarian carte blanche for protected decisionmakers.
null"If you want to send a tanker filled with refined petrol to Iran, and you have proved that you are not carrying any other goods that we deem illegal, Europe has no problem," said a high European official who specializes in sanction policies who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject.
nullIt has been abused over the centuries by Muslim men without appreciating the spirit behind its exceptional sanction, which is clearly contextualised in the historical conditions of the time when a large number of women were widowed and children orphaned as Muslims suffered heavy casualties in defending the nascent Islamic community in Medina.
nullIn more modern language every measure is called a sanction which is intended to further the observation of the law by subjects, whether the reward to whomsoever fulfills it, or the penalty or chastisement inflicted or at least threatened for nonfulfilment, whether it relates to presciptive laws which require something to be done, or to prohibitive laws which require that something be omitted.
Tips for Using sanction in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with sanction if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before sanction in sentences. For example: "the sanction" or "to sanction"
- the
- to
- a
- and
- his
- legal
- not
- pragmatic
- official
- its
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after sanction in sentences. For example: "sanction of" or "sanction ."
- of
- .
- to
- the
- for
- and
- in
- is
- a
- or
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- sanctions
- bourne
- theresa
- sanctioned
- imposed
- succession
- nascar
- violation
- prosecution
- punishment
Alternate Definitions
- sanction (noun) - a mechanism of social control for enforcing a society's standards
- sanction (noun) - the act of final authorization
- sanction (verb) - give authority or permission to
- sanction (verb) - give religious sanction to, such as through on oath
- sanction (noun) - the act of making sacred; the act of rendering authoritative as law; the act of decreeing or ratifying; the act of making binding, as by an oath
- sanction (noun) - the conferring of authority upon an opinion, practice, or sentiment; confirmation or support derived from public approval, from exalted testimony, or from the countenance of a person or body commanding respect
- sanction (noun) - <strong>synonyms</strong> and authorization, countenance, support, warrant
- sanction (noun) - solemn or ceremonious ratification; an official act of a superior by which he ratifies and gives validity to the act of some other person or body; establishment or furtherance of anything by giving authority to it; confirmation; approbation
- sanction (noun) - anything done or said to enforce the will, law, or authority of another