Definition of Uncouth
uncouth (adjective) - unknown
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How can uncouth be used in a sentence?
How "uncouth", hey? sometimes I even get a hotdog.
nullThere were groups of rangers in every kind of uncouth garb.
nullBuild on facts, not some silly argument about who's "uncouth".
nullThe landscape artist John Constable dismissed Turner as 'uncouth'
nullThe thought did occur that I might look like an uncouth barbarian.
nullBut a person to-day is not justified in using "uncouth" for "unknown."
nullI'm sure you're dying to know what I did to deserve such uncouth treatment.
nullPerhaps he thinks I'm frivolous and "uncouth," -- as Nora sometimes says I am.
nullAlex Knepper may have a penchant for the occasional uncouth sexual joke, but David Swindle
nullI am told that Mel Gibson comes across as abusive, drunk, obscenely uncouth and threatening.
null"uncouth", but just don't like people reading my emails while sitting next to me on the plane.
nullHe described the present leaders as "uncouth", adding: "Albert Luthuli must be turning in his grave."
null"Every kind of uncouth roughness [toutes les rudesses sauvages] inspired him with aversion," says Liszt.
nullWell, you said you wanted to appear uncouth, and part of being uncouth is being like a rube, or 'stupid'.
nullIt may be spiritually 'uncouth' in some circles to admit feelings or needs, but it's hard to heal in these environments.
nullHe was, of course, in Chinese eyes no more than a barbarian, an uncouth and vulgar interloper to whom no attention should properly be paid.
nullUntil the uncouth, foul-mouthed Commodore (Cornelius) Vanderbilt died, no member of the Vanderbilt family was accepted into the Four Hundred.
nullCharacters who used ethnic slurs were fairly clearly being signaled as uncouth, unpleasant, generally not the sort of person you wanted to be.
nullI shall refrain from taking issue with your amateurish use of repetition as well as your uncouth use of numerals at the beginning of your sign.
nullCHEVY CHASE: To Kodiak, ageing men did come In search desperate for their youthTrouble they found and bubble permsNot to mention humour uncouth.
nullAnd for most of the 19th century, America was the immature, uncouth cousin that required huge infusions of European capital to build its railroads.
nullThey say it signals the triumph of the tea party and other allegedly uncouth sorts, which is said to be bad for bipartisanship and other Beltway bromides.
nullInfidels must not be allowed to coin uncouth meanings for words, different from the known usage of the English tongue, for which Webster is undeniable authority.
nullIn high circles in South Alabama showing up early or at the precise time invited is a faux pas of immense miscalculation and considered a sign of uncouth upbringing.
nullThey seemed to imagine him to be a kind of uncouth monster, possibly the slave of this radiant being which had come so strangely from somewhere beyond the cloud-veil.
nullFor example, in alt.punk, I knew I wanted to instill the grime and gore of a Misfits song into Otis, so I engineered him into an uncouth musician interested in horror film makeup.
nullI am not without regard for the Merriam-Webster dictionary, but my advice to those who do not want to be regarded as anything from uneducated to uncouth is to stick with the unadorned
nullAlex Knepper may have a penchant for the occasional uncouth sexual joke, but Swindle's assertion that he represents a danger to children is entirely unwarranted -- and potentially libelous.
nullMayawati, Jayalalithaa and Banerjee have suffered even physical assaults by uncouth rivals, a remarkable pattern that reveals how high the odds are stacked against women politicians in India.
nullAkebono, the behemoth from Samoa, provided the perfect foil for Takanohana, an "uncouth" (that was the image portrayed) wrestler who kept things exciting and made for tournament drama time after time.
nullFlorence was the one exception on the Atwater side: she was far, far from thinking or speaking of Noble Dill in that way, although, until she looked up "uncouth" in Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, she had not found suitable means to describe him.
nullThis picture, mamma says, was an excellent likeness of him when he was twenty-eight years old; and the biographers who are so prone to describe him in his younger days as having been "uncouth" and "awkward," would be, I think, much startled if they could see it.
nullAnd that latter saying is true, though it must be remembered that Hallam wrote in the period when no English was recognized by literary people except that of the upper level, when they did not know that these so-called uncouth phrases were to return to common use.
nullPossibly some of us have been doing independent research into the state of health care financing and US policy since the first Bush was in office, and have been able to draw our own conclusions about Moore's information not based on his appearance or "uncouth" behavior?
nullIn another instance, Young continued: You see some classes of the human family that are black, uncouth, uncomely, disagreeable and low in their habits, wild, and seemingly deprived of nearly all the blessings of the intelligence that is generally bestowed upon mankind...
null"uncouth" orders, Brauchitsch saw Guderian at 2nd Army head - quarters at Gomel and told him that it was necessary to contract the front of the Panzer advance because of the need to keep as many divisions as possible fresh for the attack on Moscow, scheduled for early October.
nullPink Upham is anybody to be considered seriously! "she exclaimed, as she recalled his uncouth laugh, his barbaric taste in dress, his provincial little habits and mannerisms, which in the parlance of the Warwick Hall girls, would have stamped him" dead common "according to their standards.
nullThe appearance of our troop was suited to the country; stretching along in a line of upward of half a mile in length, winding among brakes and bushes, and up and down in the defiles of the hills, the men in every kind of uncouth garb, with long rifles on their shoulders, and mounted on horses of every color.
nullHe, being every day alarmed at the prospect of a successor, addressed himself to the task of conciliating Valens, who was of a rustic and rather simple character, by tickling him with all kinds of disguised flattery and caresses, calling his uncouth language and rude expressions "flowers of Ciceronian eloquence."
null"greatness of soul itself, if it be isolated from the duties of social life, is but a kind of uncouth churlishness", -- so it is each citizen's duty to leave his philosophic seclusion of a cloister, and take his place in public life, if the times demand it, "though he be able to number the stars and measure out the world".
nullHowever, if deep in his chest there are buried some strong emotions, if he is holding back because he believes it is uncouth to voice one's feeling; if he keeps these feelings under the hood because he long ago learned not to fall prey to them -- then the time has come for some quick lessons by one of his many method-acting friends.
Tips for Using uncouth in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with uncouth if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before uncouth in sentences. For example: "and uncouth" or "the uncouth"
- and
- the
- an
- of
- his
- their
- most
- this
- as
- so
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after uncouth in sentences. For example: "uncouth and" or "uncouth ."
- and
- .
- in
- appearance
- manners
- as
- figure
- to
- or
- but
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- manners
- vulgar
- habits
- behaviour
- behavior
- violent
- kind
- bad
- harry
- unknown
Alternate Definitions
- uncouth (adjective) - uncommon; rare; exquisite; elegant
- uncouth (adjective) - unfamiliar; strange; hence, mysterious; dreadful; also, odd; awkward; boorish