Definition of Undergo
undergo (verb) - pass through
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How can undergo be used in a sentence?
Or better yet Yoo should undergo one of two things:
nullYour Pet does not akin to the idea of undergo stagnant hose.
nullThe judge also ordered West to undergo counseling and alcohol screeening.
nullI think the old left-right, Rep - Dem paradigm is going to undergo fragmentation.
nullAs a result, the roles of women, parents, and families were about to undergo a sea change.
nullHe'll have to go some -- undergo, that is, some sort of extradition to come back to Georgia.
nullAnybody professing to be a teabagger should be arrested and made to undergo psychiatric testing.
nullThis despite the strong character development that people like Rue and Fakir undergo, which is strange.
nullGentiles do not have to undergo circumcision, nor are they obliged to keep Jewish ritual and purity laws
nullIf we're going to undergo root canal, then let's fix the damaged nerve and prevent a recurrence of the problem.
nullFor that to happen, however, societies had to undergo fundamental transformations in their approach to the issue.
nullThe 5,000 men and 2,000 women agreed to undergo verbal and written tests on three occasions over a 10-year period.
nullShe was allegedly made to undergo a two-hour examination of her sex organs, hitched in stirrups as doctors took photographs.
nullLatin undergo an uncounted variation of termination, suggesting so many different ideas in addition to the four primary ones.
null(The president does not have to undergo Basic Military Training to become C-in-C; it comes with the civilian job of President.)
nullThe proposed law, H. R.2324, would require all buyers to undergo a criminal background check before buying a firearm at a gun show.
nullThe circus that has followed Semenya since news broke of the gender verification tests she was forced to undergo last year will be out in full force.
null"They have to undergo a 50-hour course in addiction drugs as well as a further six hour session which concentrates almost solely on diamorphine," he said.
nullLampard is to join up with the rest of the Chelsea squad who are currently on a warm-weather training camp in Mallorca and will undergo further treatment on the calf there.
nullPecuniary success is out of the question; and even if they were to offer me a larger fee for next year, I should probably feel bound to decline it: the misery I have to undergo is too great.
nullThe only pain they have to undergo is to select the gift and wrapping paper, Christmas giftwrap, wholesale gift wrap etc ..... click here-www. condividi - cerca i tuoi siti preferiti -
nullAlthough green products undergo less scrutiny than food or animal treatment, when advertising claims are misleading blatantly false, it can catch the attention of the newly active Federal Trade Commission.
nullSaleh, who formally transferred power to his deputy Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi in November, flew to the United States last month to undergo medical treatment for wounds inflicted during an assassination attempt last year.
nullUnder the new standards, full-size cribs would have to undergo more rigorous testing, have stronger construction and be equipped with stronger mattress supports to prevent malfunctions that have led to infants suffocating.
nullThe Fukushima Daiichi accident has led to the closure of all but three of Japan's 54 reactors to undergo regular maintenance and new stress tests designed to gauge their ability to withstand powerful earthquakes and tsunami.
nullThe general Wall Street consensus is that if the PIIGS undergo more financial and economic pain -- which a number of overseas economic trackers consider a foregone conclusion -- markets around the globe will get slammed again.
nullBut Turkish has a slew of Arabic loan words; and so far I have not able to figure out any systematic behind either the formal or semantic changes that Araic word undergo as they are taken over by Turkish or Ottoman if you prefer.
nullIt won't be all that difficult for the tennis pro - she has years of dietary discipline to fall back upon - it's Mr Mirza's culinary habits, and the changes they might have to undergo, that is causing brows to furrow across the nation.
nullSince the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (FAA) was signed by President Kennedy in the first decade of the Cold War, the American foreign aid system has yet to undergo a major overhaul, despite various attempts and a vastly changed world.
nullShumaker, who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1997, says she has drained her savings and 401K to pay for her medical bills as well as her daughter's, who recently had to undergo a serious surgery that the insurance company refused to cover.
nullSecond, even if diverse congregations were the norm among evangelicals, we do not actually know that attending church with, and even being friends with, African Americans leads evangelicals to undergo a change in their attitudes about racial disparities.
nullFor a second -- I bending down, she stretching up -- our faces were neighbors, and I had time to see her expression undergo several lightning changes -- surprise, incredulity, and a few others not as easy to read -- before she retired, leaving Tibe to me.
nullFrom hour to hour I reproach myself for that excess of faith and trustfulness which has led to such distressing consequences; and almost from minute to minute, I hope that Mr Dombey may explain himself, and relieve the torture I undergo, which is extremely wearing.
nullFor example, a father charged with leaving a child home alone to run to the corner bodega for milk may be ordered to take a drug test or undergo a mental health examination -- even though there is no indication that he has a drug problem or mental illness -- before his children can come home.
nullBesides, a pony-carriage that is intended only to carry a light weight, and to run over smooth turf or a good road, need not be built so strongly as a travelling carriage, which is to convey luggage as well as passengers, and which will be exposed to all the rough treatment it is likely to meet with at inns, as well as the shaking it will probably undergo from the different kinds of roads to be driven over.
Tips for Using undergo in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with undergo if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before undergo in sentences. For example: "to undergo" or "not undergo"
- to
- not
- may
- must
- will
- they
- and
- can
- should
- who
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after undergo in sentences. For example: "undergo a" or "undergo the"
- a
- the
- an
- .
- any
- in
- some
- changes
- this
- further
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- metamorphosis
- meiosis
- mitosis
- reassignment
- apoptosis
- fission
- refit
- surgery
- chemotherapy
- rigorous
Alternate Definitions
- undergo (transitive verb) - to go or move below or under
- undergo (transitive verb) - to be subjected to; to bear up against; to pass through; to endure; to suffer; to sustain
- undergo (transitive verb) - to be the bearer of; to possess
- undergo (transitive verb) - to undertake; to engage in; to hazard
- undergo (transitive verb) - to be subject or amenable to; to underlie