Definition of Unflinching
unflinching (adjective) - not flinching or shrinking; unyielding
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How can unflinching be used in a sentence?
He shook his head in resignation at Zedd's unflinching gaze.
nullAn "unflinching" documentary following the troubled movie star
nullDr. Carrini looked Detective Cole right in the eye, unflinching.
nullHe speaks French in a soft voice, and his analysis is unflinching.
nullAnd also this kind of unflinching, sometimes devastating honesty, you know.
nullHaley's portrait of their marriage is unflinching, unsentimental and moving.
nullHer voice had an unflinching anger in it, one that could not be contradicted.
nullGrant, as clear-eyed, unromantic and unflinching an account of war as there is.
nullBut perhaps his unflinching concentration was the most impressive part of his game.
nullIt's Ben's relentless and unflinching pursuit of all things funny that's truly impressive.
nullReading Harvey's ordeal, in all its unflinching detail, helped me somehow in a moment of need.
nullThe phone broke and spread its pieces across the floor, right at the feet of an unflinching Reya.
nullSanctuary focuses on the small details of the everyday lives of these folks in unflinching detail.
nullDemocratic legislators cannot be credibly described as unflinching ideologues who refuse to cut a deal.
nullActon and Perkovich are unflinching in their intellectual honesty about the difficulty of ever achieving abolition.
null"The Hurt Locker" - Kathryn Bigelow's unflinching sign of the times boasts a breakthrough performance by Jeremy Renner.
nullIn 1979, the rise of Margaret Thatcher and her unflinching conservatism foretold the rise of Ronald Reagan a year later.
nullElegant, witty and tall, with fine-boned features and unflinching blue eyes, he was in some ways an ideal Hamlet or Richard II.
nullPost is more then complicit with this kind of unflinching support for the murder of as many as 100,000 people based upon false evidence.
nullI was flabbergasted at seeing this man, who had supposedly been so rich and powerful, remove his mask and become an unflinching critic of himself.
nullHe was, after all, revered for being both "unflinching," and "tender" as a-riter -- and Sklenicka's biography is exactly that: un-inching -- and tender.
nullShe read through it, unflinching, even when she encountered concepts as foreign to a well-bred young lady of this century as a fork was to an African Pigmy.
nullIn the face of attack by African troops and a Bofors gun or a showdown with the African leader of the revolt, he proves his mettle in unflinching, steely style.
nullAs far as Slaughter is concerned, that is her ultimate riposte to those who think she should show more decorum when detailing every violation in unflinching detail.
nullAmerica's unflinching backing for Israel creates opportunities for the Iranians and creates powerful incentives for Hamas and Hezbollah to welcome practical help from Tehran.
nullThis kind of unflinching frankness was the most piquant form of joke to the company at the Rainbow, and Ben Winthrop's insult was felt by everybody to have capped Mr. Macey's epigram.
nullAnd with the moral authority of his background, his kind of unflinching backing in the Iraq War, not just of the surge, but at the beginning when he -- McCain diagnosed the problem in the war.
nullAccording to Janine, whose unflinching social anthropological work I have respected for years, three out of four people doing the work of the federal government today are actually private contractors.
nullThe true honor and dignity of service does not come from a piece of paper, a pension or paycheck, a rank or status; only an unflinching commitment to improve the lives of others can determine the nature of one's service.
nullThrough Steinbeck's unflinching portrayal, we see the Joad family sputtering on dust clouds, chased from their homes by bank reps, fleeced by con men, and beaten down as they search for work in the Promised Land of California.
nullSex and the City 2 deserves to be hailed for its boldness and unflinching courage to stand up for women, while not shirking the song of how fabulous women are even when we are no longer the same 20-something fab femmes who once took the world by storm.
nullHe spoke of how Gladstone would have differed significantly with the views of the 19th century Liberal MP and founder of the National Secular Society, Charles Bradlaugh but yet remained "unflinching" in his support of some of Bradlaugh's political aims.
nullHis steady, unflinching determination to gain time for the wagons to get beyond the point of danger was characteristic of the man, and this was the third occasion on which he had exhibited a high order of capacity and sound judgment since coming under my command.
nullThe documents are described as battlefield reports compiled by various military units that provide an unflinching view of combat operations between 2004 and 2009, including U.S. frustration over reports that Pakistan secretly aided insurgents fighting U.S. and Afghan forces.
nullBut it is also worth noting that there are few who would make the claim to, or would be acknowledged by others as having achieved the level of, the kind of mastery that would warrant the unflinching devotion, respect and subservience that is directed at many of the Asian teachers.
nullWith unflinching honesty, the pint-sized poet and divinity scholar from Texas processes and reprocesses what unfolds around her in the old quarter of Damascus and inside a stark desert monastery, while dissecting the failings of her intimate relationships with her lovers and with God.
nullThere's a deep honesty to the story, a kind of unflinching and completely believable way the film unfolds and the relationships become wrapped around each other that moves it beyond the area of just some abstract or academic treatise on suspicion and doubt and turns it into a living, breathing, dangerous thing.
nullCrivelli's painting may well be a masterpiece, but, as with so many of his depictions of Christ, it is unclear what purposes of piety or devotion are served by his unflinching, almost gruesome, renderings of a sallow corpse that is propped up by two ugly putti and whose arms are marked by anemic traceries of arteries and veins.
Tips for Using unflinching in a Sentence
You may have an easier time writing sentences with unflinching if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.
Frequent Predecessors
Words that often come before unflinching in sentences. For example: "and unflinching" or "the unflinching"
- and
- the
- an
- with
- his
- of
- their
- most
- was
- her
Frequent Successors
Words that often come after unflinching in sentences. For example: "unflinching courage" or "unflinching in"
- courage
- in
- .
- and
- determination
- loyalty
- faith
- devotion
- support
- gaze
Associated Words
Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence.
- consummate
- honesty
- devotion
- courage
- uphold
- terrific
- gaze
- loyalty
- brutality
- realism
Alternate Definitions